Linglie's eyes are bright, and the eyes staring at the medicine doctor are meaningful.

And the medicine doctor smiled vaguely at Ling lie, took the medicine box and went upstairs.

This time, linglie is not calm.

It's amazing to admire this boy!

In the yard, I admire Qiao Yekang all the time, and the gentle evening breeze stirs up the young man's uneasy mind.

When Qiao Yekang was sent to the car, he fell in love with him and said: "Uncle Qiao, when you go back, you remember to ask me what year your grandfather was saved by a medicine doctor when he was in an isolated island."

Qiao Yekang '. But in the presence of his majesty, the doctor dare not lie. After verification, I will tell the third highness. "

"Well." Adore helped Qiao Yekang close the door and watched him go.

Turning around, he didn't enter the room, but looked at the bright stars and murmured: "when he was a child? On the cliffs? "

He stood alone in the yard and looked up at the sky. He was stunned. There was the fragrance of wild roses in the air. Unlike the fragrance of crape myrtle in the dormitory, the lonely figure of the youth stood between the heaven and the earth. Thousands of stars covered him alone. Looking from the direction of the door, he seemed to be left behind and independent.

Linglie stood at the door, quietly looking at her children. Her proud eyes were like souvenirs created by herself.

Step forward, he came to admire the side, hands holding the head of the admiration, bow, a gentle kiss on this fell on the forehead of the youth.

Everyone was shocked, and then they all responded with a chuckle.

The adoring cheek is still in linglie's hand, he is wringing his brow, looking at the door standing mother and brothers, and his little wife, can't help but say: "father! I'm seventeen! "

"Hahaha!" Linglie looked at him funny: "my wife is not jealous, what's your hurry!"

The arm is directly on the admiring shoulder, with a good look of brothers. Linglie passes by and beckons to his wife and children. Everyone rushes in.

Linglie holds them all in her arms, and her gentle kisses fall on their forehead one by one.

In the air, there was a gentle and elegant voice: "my mother and I have four children. No matter what happens in the future, the four of you are brothers and sisters. They are sisters that we must rely on closely, take care of each other, be prosperous and lose each other! In the future, you will have your own families and raise your own children with your spouse. You will build another family, but no matter how different your environment is, you should remember your source: you are created by your mother and me, two people. You are the flesh of our hearts. You are the extension of life that we have survived through many difficulties Continue! In this life, you are not allowed to bend your brows and stoop for anyone. You are not allowed to compromise for anyone. You should live with dignity, stand and temper! "

When the children heard the words, they answered: "yes!"

"I know that I was born, and my mother suffered a lot. Since she was pregnant, it was not easy. Later, I lost it and was found. I also know that it's not easy for my brothers to be born. My mother almost lost four lives in India. It's very difficult to give birth to my brothers one by one. "

Linglie let go of the children and held his baby alone. Under the moonlight, he did not avoid the children's eyes, kissed her forehead and said again and again: "so, this is a woman who goes deep into my bone marrow, my blood and my soul. No matter who you are, you must learn to respect your mother! I will not forgive those who dare to hurt your mother! "

"I see!" The children all spoke out.

Tilt blue ashamed to sour nose, feel very sorry.

Before, because he didn't respect Mu Tianxing, he yelled at Mu Tianxing, smashed his cell phone, and was shut down by his father at home. Actually, looking back, it's too cheap for him.

But mu Yize and his wife came and let him out of the room. Until just now, Qinglan didn't think it was necessary to forbid his feet. In that moment, brothers and parents were holding each other together, listening to the father's words, listening to his sister's words, Qinglan suddenly understood that he was really wrong.

Bella and Ji Xuehao, with Ji Qingchen and his wife standing at the gate of the villa, quietly watching the family of six, which seems to have their own halo, is the luminous body at night, which can not be ignored.

Adore beckons to Bella, and Bella runs up to her.

Leaning feather looked at Ji Xuehao, but Ji Xuehao shrugged and waved to her, which means that he will not go back tonight, and he will stay here with his parents and sister.

"After father and mother, you can go back. I'll accompany you to think about it here."

Mu Tianxing looks at Qingrong, Xuehao and Qingyu.

"If you want to stay, please stay," she said suddenly

, as like as two peas, tattle and prate are not the same as the boys. Coupled with the cultivation of the Ji family, admiring the stars is trustworthy.

Even so, she will give her daughter a grand reason: "the father and the mother will often come to see you. When you want to go back, go back.". Also, you stay to help your mother take care of the eldest brother, and tell him to take care of his own body, not too hard. "

It's very hard to take care of a patient closely. Mu Tianxing looks at her face. The child has lost a lot of weight. As a mother, she is naturally distressed.

Qingyu didn't expect that this would be said from her mother's mouth. She looked at Mu Tianxing in surprise: "thank you, mother!"

As soon as she turned around, she spread her feet happily and rushed to jixuehao: "jixuehao, catch me!"

When Ji Xuehao stretched out her arms to Liyu nervously, and put her small body firmly in her arms, it seemed that the flowers of the whole world were blooming.

In a moment, linglie and his wife led some children back to the bedroom.

They all went into the room they thought about and watched the lights in the room being turned off. The firefly in the glass bottle was bright and bright, just like the stars in the sky.

Ji Qingchen turns on the light, and the prosperity reappears. He looks at his daughter tenderly: "hungry or not? There's everything in the kitchen downstairs. Do you want to taste your mother's skill? "

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