His Love Is As Deep As The Sea

Chapter 36 - Most Gorgeous Man in Ocean City

Chapter 36: Most Gorgeous Man in Ocean City

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Freya pursed her lips before turning to leave Gideon’s office.

‘When she got back to the sales department, everyone was working hard. The atmosphere felt more intense than when the fight was going on.
Freya did not take it to heart and simply took her seat. Carol handed her some cream for the swelling on her face.

Freya took the medication and thanked Carol.

She cautiously applied the medication to her face.

After applying the medication, she picked up her teacup to take a sip. Her phone happened to vibrate, so she picked it up to take a look.
It was a text message from Ashley.

(Mr. Anderson said you are very adorable and asked good questions.]

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Freya nearly spat out the tea from her mouth when she saw the message.

Ashley must have said something to Kieran behind her back.

Freya sent Ashley an emoji of her rolling her eyes and said: [You will buy me dinner tonight to make up for it. Also, I have a gift for you.]
Ashley quickly replied to Freya: [Sure thing. See you at 7:00 p.m at the seafood restaurant.]

After replying to Ashley, Freya threw herself into work.

‘When Freya knocked off at 6:00 p.m, she loitered around the company until 6:30 p.m before she took a taxi to the restaurant.
Ashley was sitting in their usual spot smiling as she looked at her phone when Freya arrived.

Freya walked over softly. When she got to Ashley, she suddenly said, “Who are you chatting with?”

Ashley quickly put away her phone. She smiled at Freya. “Mr. Anderson asked if I had had dinner yet, so I replied to him.”

Freya rolled her eyes. “Judging from the smile on your face, it seems you have fallen head over heels in love in just a day.”

Ashley hogged the food as she smiled and said, “Isn’t that a little too fast?”

Freya leaned her elbow against the table with her hand under her chin. “I have already helped you to ask the embarrassing questions. You just had to sit back and enjoy the results. The world is so unfair.”
Ashley glanced at her. “Stop getting emotional. Your husband is the most gorgeous man in Ocean City. You are the real winner here.”

Freya laughed coldly. “Him? I should thank my lucky stars if he does not try to torture me.”

Ashley smiled. “Freya, your husband looks so unapproachable and sexy but I am sure he is very good in bed, right?”

“Ashley Taylor! Aren’t you the top socialite in town? I am an impoverished girl who grew up in the countryside, but even I couldn’t bring myself to ask such questions. How could you ask so blatantly?”
Ashley shrugged. “Socialite or not, Iam a woman.”

Freya had no words to describe her shock.

She shrank her neck and shook her head powerlessly before throwing the question to the back of her head.

Ashley chuckled. “Aren’t you going to tell me?”

Freya rolled her eyes. “Can you just shut up?”

She veered her eyes and took off her jacket before handing it to Ashley. “Give me your jacket. This is for you.”

“What’s this?”

Freya pointed at her sleeve. “See that? That is Jerry’s personal autograph. I only have one. You are the only person I have given it to.”
Ashley looked at Freya in disbelief. “How did you manage to get Jerry’s autograph? Did you get autograph this yourself?”

Freya snorted in contempt. Then, her phone suddenly rang.

‘When she answered the phone, she gestured for Ashley to stay quiet.

Gideon’s cold angry voice came from over the phone as he asked, “Where have you gone?”

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