Doctor Feng became anxious, his face suddenly changed and continued to plead: "Young Master Xiao! Ever since I entered the mountain, I haven't seen any secrets, so I promised His Highness that I wouldn't reveal anything that I saw in the mountain. I can swear that I beg Young Master Xiao to believe me. "

"Dr. Feng is in such a hurry to leave, is there something else?" King Rui raised an eyebrow and asked.

Doctor Feng was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head and said, "This little one has been ordered by the Emperor to go to the palace of the Revolving Moon Kingdom to meet the Emperor. If I can't return and report, the Emperor will surely punish me!"

Xue Feng could not bear to listen any longer and angrily spoke again: "You old thing who don't know what's good for you. Brother Xiao has already let you go like this, and you still want to leave the mountain? Is our Mighty Heaven Alliance so unworthy of you staying? "

Doctor Feng was stunned and quickly kowtowed. "No, that is not what I meant. It's just that my life is difficult!"

King Rui stopped Snow Wind from speaking and said in a good-natured tone, "Doctor Feng, don't worry. You're very safe here. No one can enter here. Even the Emperor can't do anything to you."

It would be strange if Doctor Feng could be at ease. However, he knew that it was useless for him to continue begging, so he could only resign himself to fate.

"Snow Wind, take Doctor Feng to rest." After King Rui said this, Snow Wind immediately nodded and led Doctor Feng away. Only Rui Wang and Lin Mufan were left in the room. Staring at the peaceful sleeping face in front of them, Rui Wang sighed helplessly. She only hoped that Doctor Feng's medicine could really cure her mental state, so that she wouldn't have to be harmed by others in the future.

Inside the palace, Long Zhaofeng looked at the imperial reports in his hands and helplessly looked up at Princess Changxin. He said unhappily, "Changxin, is this why you're so anxious to find me?"

"What's wrong? Isn't that urgent enough? " Changxin was puzzled. She stretched out her head to take a look at the imperial report. She suspected that he might not have understood what was going on. How could he be as calm as water?

Long Zhaojie glanced at the imperial report and said unhappily, "Is that what you mean? or did your royal father mean it? "

"Brother Ze Zheng, how could it be my idea if a woman doesn't participate in politics? I just wrote a letter to tell my royal father that he had a hard time and that he was thinking too much and sent this paper over, so it has nothing to do with me. "

"Then did you see the contents of the paper?" Long Zhaosu asked Liu Gonggong to present the paper to her.

Princess Changxin didn't accept. "I've seen it. Imperial Father said that if Prince Rui doesn't return home and live a good life, he'll be angry. That's what he means, isn't it?"

Long Ze sneered as he raised his eyebrows at her. With a displeased tone, he said, "Since you know this, why didn't you persuade your royal father to think more for the people of the world and instead threatened me with a paper clip?"

Princess Changxin hurriedly tried to defend herself, "Big brother Zhizu, you're thinking too much. I'm just warning you, don't make my Imperial Father angry. If we don't get along like this in the future, our marriage will be in vain."

"You are the one who started this, and instead came to warn me?" Are you here to demonstrate to me? Chang Xin, do you have a brain or not? Our marriage is between two countries. Yet you repeatedly instigated it. Don't you feel that what you're doing is very immature and irrational? " Long Zhaozu reprimanded him angrily.

Princess Changxin was finally angered by him and did not continue to be polite with him. She angrily shouted, "Yes! I am immature and irrational, but I was forced by you all. You stinking men only care about your Lin Mu Chen. Since when did you care about my life? I was married to King Rui and became the envied Princess Rui, but when did King Rui ever think of me as his wife? I was left alone at home every day, and there was no sign of me at night. If I mention it to you when I feel wronged, you will only kick me out. I can only wail to royal father, what's wrong with this? Other than royal father, who else can I cry to? "

"…" Long Ze was speechless. He could only sit behind the imperial desk and listen to her rage. It didn't matter if he was the Emperor or not, when he spoke, he was not polite at all, not giving the Emperor any face at all.

"All of you are only concerned with yourself, you are all too selfish! What qualifications do you people have to ask me to consider the bigger picture and the lives and losses of all the people in the world? "I'll take care of all of you, will any of you feel sorry for me …" Princess Changxin's tears rolled down her face. She felt wronged and even more angry.

What she said wasn't completely unreasonable. Long Zhaofeng pondered over the past few days' lack of attention to her. Guilt welled up in his heart. After a long while, he sighed helplessly, "Chang Xin …" "I've done my best, but I can't control King Rui. You know, he's never put me in his eyes."

"Then why did you want to betroth me to him? Why did she promise to discipline him? You are all bullying me, deceiving me. I will make you pay for this! I'll make you regret it! "

"Changxin, why aren't you willing to speak with kindness? Since when did I treat you badly? Do you think that we don't know that you and Meifei were together to frame Mu Chen? "I can't bear to punish you for your crimes, precisely because …"

"Because if you punish me for my crimes, then no one can marry your Revolving Moon Kingdom!" Princess Changxin interrupted him and glared at him. "You think I don't know what your mind is? You're not really worried about me. You're the same as the Rui King, your heart is filled with that Lin Mu Chen! All of you have been driven mad by her! "

"Enough!" Long Zhaosu gave a low growl, "Let's call it a day, Zhang Xin. You've already committed a crime. If you don't restrain yourself, we'll punish you!"

Who knew that not only was Princess Changxin not afraid, she even took a few steps forward and continued to shout loudly, "Great! It would be best if you could discipline me. I don't have the face to continue living anyway! "

Long Ze really didn't break anything. Of course, he couldn't do anything to her, but was he going to let her behave atrociously here? After another helpless sigh, his tone suddenly eased up. He looked at her and said, "Changxin, you can stay in the mansion. I'll try my best to capture Prince Rui as soon as possible. That should be fine, right?"

Princess Changxin gave a mournful sneer and said, "We've only caught him with an empty body and nothing more. Our hearts have long been with another woman. What do I need such a husband for?" I'd rather not! "

"Then what do you want?" Long Zhaoyang asked in a good mood.

Princess Changxin turned her face away and said expressionlessly, "This princess wants to divorce her husband, and then return to her homeland!"

"Changxin, are you joking? If you give me a few more days, I'll definitely make King Rui willingly return to your side. If he's still the same at that time, can't you divorce him later? "

"Alright, you're the one who said that!" Princess Changxin reluctantly agreed. Actually, she still couldn't bear to part with Prince Rui. She just felt that it was too disgraceful of her to leave behind any words even though she'd been left behind like this. She just wanted to find a reason to stay!

"Yes, I did." Long Ze nodded his head and smiled, "Zhang Xin, in the future, you can't be rash and ignorant. After you divorce your husband and return home, who would dare to ask for you? Do you want to die alone? "

"Even if one ends up old, isn't it better to be left out for the rest of one's life?" Princess Changxin gave a low laugh. No one knew that she was still a girl, right? When everyone saw that she had put on her hair, did they think that she had really leveled up to become a young married woman? There was no woman that had just gotten married that was more miserable and laughable than her!

The air in the mountains was always especially good, including the Poison King's Valley. However, Lin Mufan stayed at the corner of the bed, unwilling to come out. No matter who tried to coax him, it was useless.

Prince Rui helplessly looked at her and coaxed her in a good-natured manner, "Mu Chen be good and quickly eat the medicine. Only then will you be alright." As he spoke, he reached out his hand to take her hand. Lin Mofan shook off his hand and frowned as he said impatiently, "I already said that I don't want to eat anymore. I want to go back to the palace to see BOOS and the emperor! I don't want to stay here anymore! "

"When you recover and have the ability to protect yourself, I'll send you back to the palace, okay?"

"The Boss and the Emperor will protect me. Send me back." Lin Mofan was willful to the end. He completely ignored the fact that the Rui Wang was about to say something like this. He only had one thought in his mind, he wanted to return to the palace!

Rui Wang bitterly smiled and muttered, "Mu Chen, could it be that you aren't even willing to stay by my side for one more day?" Isn't it better to live here? Why do we have to go back to him? "

Lin Mofan finally had a slight wavering in his heart. He stared at Lin Ming with an innocent expression and said, "This place is very good. I've only missed the Emperor and the Boss. I haven't seen them for many days."

"But you don't care that the emperor wants to take your life?" Aren't you afraid of death? "

"I won't!" Lin Mofan hastily waved his hand and shook his head. "The Emperor won't take my life. The Emperor dotes on me the most. Moreover, I didn't poison him, so he will definitely believe me."

"However, he believed that it was you who poisoned him. If he didn't kill you, he would die, would he?"

"Then let him kill me." Lin Mu Fan said without hesitation. Rui Wang was stunned as he sized her up with a serious expression. Was this really what she had said? She was actually willing to sacrifice her life to let him live? Had her feelings for him really reached such a depth? Grief flowed through his heart. She had completely changed. She was no longer the same Lin Mu Chen from before!

"Young Master Xiao!" There was a sudden call from a man outside the door, pulling King Rui from his grief. He gently eased the expression on his face and calmly asked, "Mo Cang, what's the matter?"

Mo Cang looked at the direction of the cabinet and spoke in a low voice, "Young Master Xiao, it's best if you return to the Prince Rui's mansion. It's said that Princess Changxin has gone berserk and wants to instigate a war between the two countries, and the Emperor allowed her to capture you within a few days to calm Princess Changxin's emotions."

"It's my fault." He had to admit that he understood and felt responsible for Princess Changxin's outburst. But so what if he went back? Could he really change himself?

"Young Master Xiao, you should hurry back to stabilize Princess Changxin." Mo Cang urged.

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