"That's good!" Long Zhaoting nodded his head, and another mouthful of blood sprayed out from his mouth onto the ground.

"Your majesty!" Ke Meng was alarmed, but he could only helplessly watch helplessly.

Long Zhaofeng took a deep breath and felt that his limbs and bones had lost all of their strength. In the end, he could only softly slump onto the bed. This poison had already reached the end of its life so it wouldn't be able to take it anymore. At this moment, he suddenly wanted to see Mu Fei. If they didn't see it now, who knew when they would see it again!

Ke Meng suddenly kneeled down and pleaded, "Your majesty, you tell this subject what to do …?" Was he supposed to just watch him die? He is the Emperor!

Long Zhaosu did not respond to his words, he had already fainted. Kneeling dumbfoundedly in front of Long Ze's bed, for a moment, Ke Meng didn't know what to do. His heart fiercely slid over to his side as he tried to find an antidote for the Emperor. Even if the Emperor were to wake up, his head wouldn't be able to protect it!

Just as she made up her mind, she heard the servant girl's voice at the door. "Esteemed Mufei, the emperor has already retired to bed. He just ordered that no one is allowed to disturb him, so please go back inside, Esteemed Mufei!"

Ke Meng was alarmed. He didn't expect that Mu Fei would suddenly come to the Emperor's Qing He Palace, but it just so happened to be the case. He quickly stood up and opened a window to speak to the outside. "The emperor has ordered for esteemed wangfei to enter the palace."

The door opened and closed. Lin Mofan had always known where Long Zhaofeng slept, so after a moment of hesitation, he entered. The first thing that entered her eyes was the fresh blood on the floor, and then the bloodless dragon's body on the bed.

Lin Mu Fan did not shout out in fright. Instead, he stood blankly by the door, watching everything with a calm expression. Seeing this, Ke Meng did not feel that it was an exception. Lin Mu Fan had personally seen Long Ze's illness countless times, so he should have already gotten used to it. Hence, it was normal for him to not have any reactions.

"Esteemed Mufei, perhaps the emperor will never wake up again." "Yes," said Camon, standing behind her.

"Why?" Lin Mu Fan turned his head to look at him with a curious expression.

"Because the emperor has been poisoned. After being infected by Your Highness' blood poison, if you don't hurry and prepare the antidote, you'll die." Ke Meng walked in front of her and said with a serious expression, "Empress, this subject isn't trying to scare you. If you don't save the emperor, the emperor will really die. You'll never see him again."

"He clearly said that he would help me take back the Boss, but he didn't take it. I don't want to save him, even if it means death!" Lin Mu Fan turned his face away, no longer looking at the dragon marrows on the bed.

"The emperor has no choice but to do so. Is the Empress really so cold-blooded and heartless?" ColMeng's voice turned cold.

Lin Mu Fan took two steps back in fear as he stared at him and asked, "What are you trying to do? I don't want to die, I don't want to save the emperor! "

"Since esteemed wangfei doesn't want to save him, then forget it." He looked at Long Zhaofeng on the bed and wondered if he should wait a little longer before deciding whether he should prepare the antidote the next day. He prayed that the emperor could still get up early as per usual!

The next morning, the officials of the imperial court and the civil and military officials gathered on the throne early as usual. However, the emperor was already seated on his throne by this time, so he couldn't wait for the emperor to arrive early today.

After the time it took for an incense stick to burn, there was still no sign of Long Zhaofeng. Anyway, when Eunuch Liu came out to announce that the Emperor was sick, the morning assembly was cancelled and everyone was dismissed.

His Highness's voice suddenly filled with discussion. Lin Xiangguo deliberately lowered his voice, and then used a voice that everyone could hear to say: "I heard that the Emperor was infected with the blood poison. I don't know if this is true or false."

When everyone heard this, they were stunned, and one of the ministers said in shock, "What?" Blood poison? That was a very serious poison, who would dare prepare poison for the emperor? Who did Lin Xiangguo hear that from? Did you hear wrongly …! "

Lin Xiangguo saw that everyone's reaction was so huge, and it suited his intentions. He immediately changed his words and said: "Ai, this might have been spread around by others, how could it be possible? Great Elder is right, who dares to poison His Majesty? "

"But if His Majesty wasn't poisoned, why didn't we go to court earlier today? "This is really strange …"

"That's right, the emperor has never been lazy." Everyone's discussion became even more intense as they retreated towards the entrance of the throne room, each heading home.

Long Zhaoting didn't wake up as usual. Ke Meng's medicine had already been changed once, and when they heard that the emperor was sick, the empress dowager and the empress dowager came to visit him. Ke Meng naturally could not stop them, so he had to let them all see it.

The Eastern Palace Empress Dowager looked through the curtain at the pale-faced Dragon Boat, wondering to herself, was he really infected by the blood poison? If that were the case, then even the Heavens were helping their Lin Family. Things had gotten out of hand.

As soon as the empress dowager came in, she held Longze's hand and began to cry. She was more distressed than anyone else because she was worried about the emperor's illness. Seeing that Long Zhaofeng was unconscious, he naturally cried bitterly in worry and continued to ask what kind of illness had befallen the imperial physicians.

Rumors had it that His Majesty was already infected with the blood poison, but the imperial physicians were just unable to determine the root of the illness. They could only tell from everyone else that the emperor had been infected with the blood poison and needed to find its antidote.

The empress dowager wailed, "How could the emperor be infected with the blood poison? Who exactly gave this to the Emperor? Eunuch Liu, you've been taking care of the emperor's daily life. Don't you know? "

Upon hearing that the empress dowager was pursuing the matter, Eunuch Liu immediately kneeled down. "This servant deserves to die. The emperor didn't mention this to his servant, but this servant has never felt anything unusual about the emperor, so …" This servant deserves to die! "

"Esteemed empress dowager, don't be sad. The imperial physicians are already thinking of a solution. The emperor will be fine." Imperial Concubine Rong stepped forward to help the empress dowager out of her bed, while the other imperial concubines stepped forward to help her up. They nodded in agreement and consoled her, "That's right, that's right. The empress is right. Your majesty has blessings and blessings, everything will be fine!"

After being infected with the blood poison, even the blessing of Hongtian would be useless! Everyone was well aware of this. It was only to comfort the empress dowager that she said such words. The empress dowager herself also knew that without the antidote, everything would be for naught!

All the concubines were crying until their eyes were swollen and watery. Only Lin Mofan stood quietly in a corner and watched. He hadn't said a word since he entered, just a single tear. On the surface, he looked like a normal person with a calm heart. The empress dowager of the Western Palace was naturally unhappy when she saw this. It was a waste for the emperor to spoil her like this. At such a crucial moment, when everyone was crying for the emperor, she acted as if nothing had happened!

However, the empress dowager wasn't in the mood to pursue this matter right now. She turned to Eunuch Liu and asked anxiously, "Eunuch Liu, are the antidotes really that hard to find? Has anyone been sent to look for it? "

"He's already sent someone to investigate whose blood poison the Emperor was infected with." Eunuch Liu hurriedly said, "As for the blood poison, it is said that it can only be cured by the heart blood of the person who poisoned it. That is, a life for a life!"

The empress dowager of the Western Palace roared angrily, "You dare to poison the emperor? It's only right that you exterminate his entire family. "If you continue your investigation, you must find out who poisoned him!"

"Yes, Esteemed Empress Dowager. This servant will send more people over right away." After speaking, Eunuch Liu kowtowed and quickly left!

"Hey, why is big sister Mu Fei's face so pale?" A nobleman level beauty suddenly asked with concern. Everyone turned to look at Lin Mufan and saw that her face was pale, just like the dragon lake on the bed.

"That's right, little sister Mu Fei, what's wrong with you?" Are you not feeling well? " Hua Fei also walked up with concern. She stretched out her hand to touch her forehead and said, "If you don't feel well, you should go back first. There's no use waiting here."

Lin Mu Fan suddenly choked with sobs. He pointed at Long Zhaofeng on the bed and asked, "Is the Emperor dead? Since the Emperor is dead, no one will be playing with Mu Chen anymore. Mu Chen doesn't want to play alone … "

"Shut up!" Imperial Concubine Rong suddenly interrupted her, slapping her fiercely in the face with two palms as she scolded, "Your majesty the Emperor is blessed. How can you leave so easily? Shut your crow's beak!"

Lin Mu Fan was beaten to the point that he fell backwards, accidentally knocking against the cabinet behind him. Fortunately, Zhu'er was able to quickly support him. However, Lin Mufan still started to cry from the impact, as if he was a child.

The Eastern Palace Empress Dowager was naturally unhappy with the way Imperial Concubine Rong was assaulting her. She immediately scolded, "Esteemed Empress Dowager, Mu Chen is a first rank Imperial Concubine. He's only one rank lower than you. Besides, she is mentally ill and it is understandable for her to say something wrong. Yet, you dared to hit her? Besides, with me here, it's not up to you to teach a person as a mere empress, Senior Du! "Give me two slaps back to the empress!"

As soon as Imperial Concubine Rong heard that the Eastern Palace Empress Dowager wanted to clap her hands, she was so frightened that she immediately retreated to the side of the empress dowager. On the other hand, Du mama wasn't afraid of anything at all.

"Wait!" The Western Palace stopped her, saying, "Right now, His Majesty is unconscious. Are you all still interested in making trouble here? Those who do not wish to stay here, return to me! "

"Senior Du, it really is time for us to return to the palace for a nap. Quickly finish this matter and don't waste my time." The East Palace.

"Yes, Majesty." "En!" Senior Servant Du replied. When Rong Fei wasn't expecting this, she quickly flung her palms to the left and right of her face. Her strength was much stronger than when she'd used the concubine to hit Lin Mufan. Du mama was the Eastern Palace Empress Dowager's personal female slave. She possessed martial arts, so it was natural that she would hurt more than most people.

Consort Rong screamed as she dangerously supported a servant girl at the side. Her two cheeks were completely red and swollen from shame.

"I have already warned you. If you dare touch a single hair on Mu Chen's head again, I will return it back double." Mu Chen, let's go. " After Donggong Taiqing said this, he pulled Lin Mofan's hand and walked out of Qing He Palace.

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