Everyone was well aware that Mu Fei had evil intentions when she entered the palace, but Long Zhaofeng still doted on her as usual. He loved her and considered her the most important person in his life.

"Are you saying that Mu Chen is already dead?" Long Ze asked dumbly, his face filled with hatred as he stared at the empress dowager. Following the empress dowager's nod, he pulled away the quilt from his body and threw it under the bed like a madman. He even ignored the beauties surrounding the bed, only wanting to get off the bed in excitement and leave this place.

"Zerg! Zayu, what are you doing?! " The empress dowager's heart burned with anxiety as she cried out in alarm. She and consort Rong held onto his body with all their might. Unfortunately, because Long Zhaofeng was too agitated, his strength was astonishingly powerful, and he couldn't support it at all.

With a 'bang', Long Zhaofeng fell heavily on the ground. He had fainted and had quietened down.

"Your Majesty …" The cabinet began to rattle again, filled with the screams of terrified beauties. And Long Zhaoting, as if he had never woken up, once again closed his eyes and went into a coma.

It was early summer, and the temperature was stifling hot, but the dungeon was still as cold as winter. Lin Mu Fan, who was covered in wounds, was curled up in the dark dungeon as he stared in the direction of the wall.

The wounds on her body were bloody and shocking. The pain was that she had become numb. Without even a moan, the twenty whips landed on her body, piercing her heart and successfully beating her flesh until it bled profusely.

However, she was not in the mood to worry about the wounds on her body. Her mind was preoccupied with the matter of the blood poison. The Emperor was poisoned by the blood poison and thought that he would die for sure, but who would have thought that someone would send him an antidote at the right time. And the person who delivered the antidote? Wherever he was now, wherever he was, he must have died.

If she had been sent to jail in the past, King Rui would have rushed in to save her. However, it had already been a few days, and he still hadn't appeared. There wasn't even the slightest movement. King Rui hadn't come. The Emperor hadn't come either. Just who was living in this world right now? She never understood.

Since his wounds were not treated at all, they were becoming more and more severe. Lin Mofan struggled to move his body and finally felt a bone-piercing pain. But she still didn't even make a sound, just continued to curl up in the corner.

She had suffered a lot here, and Long Zhaijing actually thought she was dead, sitting on the bed in a daze. Apart from being in a daze or losing their temper, the imperial concubines were so frightened that they no longer dared to come to the Qing-He Palace.

Long Zhaosu forbade anyone to enter the Qing-He Palace, and almost sealed himself in the room, like a furious lion, throwing a tantrum whenever he saw someone, as if the whole world owed him something.

Ke Meng paced around the entrance for a long time before daring to push open the door and enter. He cautiously stood in front of the Emperor and said, "Your majesty, please eat something first. It's not like we can't get this hungry."

Long Zhaosu heard his voice, raised his eyebrows and stared at him coldly: "Why are you still here? Do you really need us to personally order the extermination of your clan and to dismember your body into ten thousand pieces? "

If Mu Fei died, then she would definitely be related to Ke Meng. He was very clear on this point, so he hated him!

Ke Meng naturally knew that Long Zhaofeng wanted nothing more than to immediately destroy himself, but he didn't dare to ruin the Empress Dowager's plans, so he didn't tell him the truth about Mu Fei's situation in the dungeon. And today, seeing that Long Zhaofeng had been on hunger strike for two days already, he still couldn't think of a way to proceed. He was at a loss as to whether he should tell him that Mu Fei was actually still alive!

"Your Majesty …" He opened his mouth, but just as he was about to speak, Longze shouted in annoyance, "Get out! Bring everything out, and don't come in and bother us in the future. Scram! "

Since Mu Fei was already dead, how could he eat with a heart aching to the point where he almost couldn't breathe? He had never felt such heartache after losing something since he was young. Only this time!

Ke Meng didn't go out and asked hesitantly, "Does Your Majesty miss Mu Fei very much? If the Emperor really misses her, this subject will brazenly bring you to Mu Fei after you've finished your meal, okay? That is the real Mu Fei! "

"What did you say?" Mu Fei isn't dead? " Longze jumped up from his chair and glared at him. "Impossible!"

"Your majesty, nothing is impossible." Ke Meng placed the food back in front of him and said, "Perhaps the emperor made a mistake. The poison wasn't administered by esteemed empress Mu Feixue, because she's still in good condition."

"Where's Mu Fei?" Long Zhaoting found it hard to conceal the surprise in his heart as he asked anxiously.

Ke Meng said, "Your Majesty, don't worry. Mu Fei is fine. Your Majesty need not worry."

When Long Zhaoting heard that Mu Fei was doing very well, he finally relaxed and looked at her with a guarded expression. It was as though he was afraid that she was lying to cheer him up, so he asked, "If Mu Fei isn't dead, then who cured my poison?" The poison was poisoned by Mu Fan. He wasn't mistaken, it definitely wasn't!

"That's a bit of a mystery." Ke Meng said solemnly, "On that day, just as the empress dowager was about to make the decision to capture Mu Fei and bring her to Poison King's Valley to concoct ingredients, someone at the palace suddenly brought in an antidote. They even said explicitly that it was for the emperor to treat the blood poison."

"Who sent it?" Long Zhaixuan stared at him in astonishment, his face full of astonishment.

"This official does not know, and no one knows either, because the person did not say so clearly." Ke Meng said truthfully.

"The poison was obviously administered by Mu Fei. Is there any other way to cure the blood poison?" Long Zhaofeng mumbled in a low voice, then looked at him and said coldly: "Ke Meng, are you deceiving me? "Mu Fei …"

"Your majesty, this servant doesn't dare to lie to your majesty!" Ke Meng immediately knelt down and said in a hurry.

"Enough!" Tell me where Mu Fei is right now! " For the time being, Long Zhaofeng didn't have the mood to investigate where the antidote came from. He only wanted to see if Mu Fei was really alright and if she was still alive.

Ke Meng hesitated before carefully replying, "To reply your majesty, Esteemed Empress Dowager Mu made a mistake while the emperor was ill. Empress Dowager Xi was furious and sent the esteemed empress to the dungeon, where she's currently staying."

Ke Meng's words were light and evasive. He didn't speak out what wrongdoings Consort Mu had committed to avoid provoking conflict between the emperor and the empress dowager. They had frequently gotten into conflicts during this period of time.

Long Ze didn't pursue the matter any further. When Ke Meng's voice fell, he immediately walked out from behind the royal table and walked towards the entrance of the hall. He never expected that Lin Mofan would be sent to the underground prison. He really did not expect this!

Ke Meng watched him leave with a burning heart as he helplessly sighed. For a moment, he didn't know whether or not he should really go to the Ministry of Justice to receive his punishment, to accompany Jun Wu Yi like a tiger!

Long Ze rushed to the dungeon, and was immediately forced back a step by the damp and gloomy atmosphere inside the dungeon. After calming down, he continued walking inside. Eunuch Liu followed closely behind, pinched his nose and used the flywhisk to catch the mosquitoes beside him.

"Your majesty, your body hasn't completely recovered yet. Just have this servant go in and bring the Empress out."

"No need." Long Zhaozu said without turning around. When the prison guards saw that the Emperor had personally come to the dungeon, they all became flustered and greeted him. Then, they looked curiously at his back as they walked in.

Inside the dungeon was not only damp but also dark. Long Zhaogu was led to one of the cells by a prison guard. Standing outside the door, he saw a white figure tightly curling in the corner, motionless.

"Your majesty, Esteemed Empress Mu has been sleeping this entire time and hasn't eaten anything." The guard said carefully.

A trace of heartache hit Long Zhaofeng's heart, his eyes stared fixedly at the tiny white dress as he walked in quietly. He saw at close range the streaks of black blood on the white dress were mixed and complicated.

Then he bent down and lifted her out of the corner and pulled her over his pale little face. That haggard little face didn't have any trace of life as it deeply pierced his sight. After a long time, he gently called out, "Mu Chen …"

Immersed in extreme pain, Lin Mu Fan felt himself being gently embraced into a warm embrace. This hug was very familiar, very warm, very familiar … And the whisper in his ear.

"Mu Chen, wake up. I've come to see you." Long Zhaozu caressed her small face and called out anxiously.

Lin Mu Fan opened his eyes with much difficulty. The first thing he saw was Long Ze's handsome and anxious face. He was extremely anxious … Was it really revealed to her? Would he really still care about her?

A sad and cold smile appeared on his face as he looked at the handsome face above his face and said with great difficulty, "Your Majesty …" Congratulations, you are finally alright, finally … "No more poison."

Long Zhaofeng was slightly startled by the cold look on her face. This familiar yet strange feeling was something that he had once been afraid of. Was she really congratulating him? Why does he look so cold?

"Mu Chen, what's wrong?" Longtou tightened his grip a little and stared at her.

Lin Mu Fan chuckled. The moment his smile disappeared from her mouth, the moment Long Zhao didn't react at all. She was originally weak, but she suddenly struggled out of Long Zhaobao's embrace and fell heavily to the ground. The pain made her want to faint, but she didn't make a sound.

"Mu Chen!" Her appearance scared the hell out of Longze and he screamed as he rushed forward to pick her up again.

Lin Mu Fan used his hands to cover his arms as he laid down on the dirty straw to lightly inhale. His weak shoulders moved up and down as he breathed heavily. He then raised his eyebrows and looked at Long Zhaofeng, and said with an extremely cold voice, "Your Majesty … "Your majesty, you've just recovered from your illness. It's best that you don't touch Mu Chen's dirty body. Please, Your Majesty, leave …"

"Mu Chen, what are you talking about?" I will never find you dirty. " Long Ze stretched out his arms and forcibly pulled her from his embrace. Lowering his head, he deeply kissed her lips, tasting the taste that belonged to her!

Lin Mufan put on an extremely disgusted expression and struggled with all his might, but no matter how much she struggled, it was useless. In the end, he had no choice but to bite down on it and bite onto its lips!

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