"That Rui Wang is too much. He left so many beauties behind and insisted on fighting with the emperor for a woman, and he even caused such a disaster. I really don't know what he's thinking." An old man shook his head and sighed, as if he hated being disappointed, as if a portrait of his own son was taped to the wall.

An aunt added, "That's right. Don't you guys think he's sick? That Mu Fei is already a woman of the emperor. With such improper conduct, any clean woman on the streets would be cleaner than her."

"Yeah, yeah, sigh …" "The thoughts of these nobles are very strange, I don't understand them …"

As Long Zhaoting listened to these rumors, he stole a glance at Lin Mufan and saw that she was only staring blankly at the Rui Wang's portrait. Ru Yue coughed lightly as she said, "Mu Chen, let's go."

He was worried that Lin Mu Fan would feel uncomfortable because of what they had said, so he wanted to pull her away from this troublesome place. However, when one looked around, the entire street was covered with portraits of Rui Wang. As long as there were portraits of him, they would definitely be surrounded by a group of gossiping aunties, discussing and pointing to him.

It seemed that he had come to the wrong place this time. Long Zhaofeng secretly regretted it in his heart.

Lin Mofan did not pay any attention to the chatters around him as he stared blankly at the portraits. The Rui Wang in the portrait was still graceful, gentle and refined, causing people to suddenly think of him sitting on the zither with his hands dancing between the strings. That kind of handsome and charming appearance was simply painted out.

"Mu Chen, what are you looking at?" Are you still thinking about him? " Long Zhaozhu said with a sour tone.

Lin Mu Fan smiled without turning his head and said indifferently: "Don't tell me you don't miss him? I really did. "

"Do you know where he is?" Long Zhaofeng lowered his head towards her and asked, before adding seriously, "If you know, please tell me right away. I must catch it and bring it back within the short term."

"Do we capture him to please Princess Changxin?" Lin Mufan stared at him and mocked him mockingly.

"Prince Rui is truly irresponsible for leaving like this. He's Princess Changxin's husband, so he just abandoned her like that. Where does he put my face?" "Where is the peace between the Revolving Moon and the Cloud Kingdom placed?" What Long Zhaoting hated most was hearing her speak up for King Rui, no matter when.

From his point of view, Lin Mufan was the one who cared about Prince Rui. That was why he was always worried about him.

"You can't catch him …" Lin Mu Fan suddenly smiled sadly. His gaze passed through his shoulders and landed on the Rui King's portrait once again. He was gone, so no one could find him, not even her!

She spoke very softly, but Longtou heard her and stared down at her. "Why do you say that?"

Lin Mu Fan didn't answer him. She didn't know why Rui Wang didn't want Long Zhaoting to know that he was the one who gave the antidote, but since Rui Wang didn't want others to know about it, she naturally didn't say anything.

"Mu Chen, tell me where King Rui is." Long Zhaofan practically said those words in an commanding tone. The more he squeezed her arm, the more painful it was. Lin Mu Fan gritted his teeth and shook his head, "I don't know."

"You can't not know." Long Ze didn't believe it.

Lin Mu Fan suddenly raised his head, and stared at him as he asked: "How do you plan on dealing with him? Put him on death row? Or should she hand him over to Princess Changxin? Continue forcing him to curry favor with that headstrong princess? "

"Do you think we should forgive King Rui for committing so many unforgivable crimes? "Mu Chen, I have already forgiven him many times due to the love he had shown me. Don't we have to be magnanimous?" Long Zhaoting took a light breath.

Lin Mu Fan sneered, "Your majesty, this is just an excuse on the surface. In fact, the Emperor had long listed him as a judge and wanted to eliminate him, right? The Emperor thinks that he will only harm you, that he will only harm you … "

"Long Ze was slightly surprised. He never thought that she would actually say such words. So, she actually understands them all!" Rui Wang is a rare talent. If he can't subdue him, then he'll just be destroyed. Otherwise, he'll become a disaster sooner or later. "

This was his true intention! Lin Mu Fan closed his eyes in grief. Perhaps it was because his position was too high that he had to be cautious and imitate his surroundings. However, his guard was too tight. King Rui never had the thought of harming him or seizing his throne. He was even willing to sacrifice his own life for him, and in the end, what he got in return was the lofty Emperor wanting to destroy him!

"Let go. Don't waste any more time. King Rui will not do anything that would harm the imperial family." Lin Mu Fan let out a helpless and bitter laugh. Once again, he looked at that familiar face on the wall. He was great, pitiful. He silently gave his life for people who were not worth it and disappeared from this world without any rewards.

"How do you know he won't do it? He hates me so much. " Long Ze gave a sad smile.

"He doesn't hate the Emperor. He has never hated him." Lin Mu Fan muttered to himself as he turned around and walked in the direction of the horse carriage. Finally, after making a trip out of the imperial palace, he was able to see the outside world. As she had imagined, King Rui had become an image of the dragon, but no one knew that he had left for good.

Naturally, Long Zhaofeng didn't take her words in. Instead, he felt that she was always depressed because of what Prince Rui had said. After all these things, her heart was still set on another man!

At night, Lin Mufan tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep. His mind was constantly thinking about the fact that Rui Wang had died. These few days, all she could think about was this matter. She couldn't believe that a person as vicious as Rui Wang would suddenly disappear without a trace in front of her eyes.

As she thought about it, she suddenly thought of the Boss. She hadn't seen him for several days. It wasn't that she didn't miss him, but even if she wanted to cut off her intestines, the empress dowager wouldn't allow her to see the Boss once.

His brain had been tormented by these matters until the first light of day, when he finally fell into a shallow sleep. After sleeping for a short while, she was no longer able to sleep. The pain of longing was like a steel knife that stabbed into her heart.

Ru Yue sat up from the bed and casually washed herself before heading to the Western Palace. Xiao Lu and Zhu'er frantically grabbed her hand and asked, "Empress, where are you going this early in the morning?"

"I want to see the little prince. Don't worry, he'll be fine." Lin Mu Fan smiled at the two before turning around and leaving quickly. Green and Pearl looked at each other and chased after him.

If it was before, they would have desperately refused to let her go because at that time, Mu Fei had gone insane. But right now, Mu Fei had her own thoughts and methods. Seeing her resolute expression, she knew it was useless for them to stop her. Thus, she could only follow her towards the Western Palace.

Lin Mufan knew that it would be a waste for him to go. The empress dowager and empress had always held a great grudge against him and would never allow her to see the little prince. However, she still stubbornly insisted on going, even if there was only a sliver of hope!

When they arrived at the Western Palace, it was as she expected. When the guard at the door saw it was Lin Mufan, he immediately blocked her path and said respectfully, "Esteemed Empress Dowager, the empress dowager ordered that no one is allowed to disturb the little prince's rest."

Lin Mu Fan glanced at the yard. It was just like every time she came here; she was playing around the yard with the Boss in her arms as if she expected her to come. She would occasionally look in his direction with a pleased look.

Just as Lin Mu Fan was about to argue with the guards, Rong Fei suddenly walked out and hugged the Boss. However, the embroidered block covered his small body, causing Lin Mofan to be unable to even look at him.

"Little sister Mu Fei, do you want to see the little prince?" Rao Fei smiled as she walked in front of her and gently caressed the BOSS in her embrace as she asked, her tone filled with ridicule.

Lin Mu Fan raised his head to look at her with a complacent expression, then suddenly parted at the corner with an expectant look on his face. "Think, can the Empress allow Mu Chen to hug the Boss? Mu Chen really wants to hug him. "

Unlike the situation at Yun He Palace, her face once again showed that foolish expression, full of foolishness. Consort Rong couldn't help but cover her mouth and laugh. After laughing, she said with a troubled expression, "But the little prince had a high fever last night and is currently covered with red rashes. You can't hug him."

"Is the Boss sick?" "The Boss, he …" When Lin Mu Fan heard that the Boss was sick, he immediately shouted anxiously.

"Little sister Mu Fei, don't worry. It's hard for children to get sick. They shouldn't die." Consort Rong continued stroking the Boss in her arms and faintly smiled, "But you can't carry the little prince. You can look at him, as long as you listen to him!"

"I'll listen to you …" I will be very obedient! " Lin Mofan hastily nodded his head and stared at the little BOSS in Rong Fei's arms. Unfortunately, he couldn't see anything, not even a strand of hair on the BOSS!

"Are you really willing to listen to me?" Rong Fei Xie sized her up without restraint, but after seeing Lin Mu Fan nod his head, she nodded her head and said: "Let's give it a try with two palms and see if you're really obedient."

Lin Mu Fan raised his head and stared at her with a stunned expression. Tears filled his eyes as he became motionless for a moment. Consort Rong saw that she was stunned and gave a cold smile. "I thought you really wanted to see the little prince, but it turns out you're lying."

After saying that, consort Rong made as if to leave. Lin Mu Fan hastily pulled on the hem of her phoenix robe as he anxiously said in his heart, "I …" "I really want to see you. Esteemed Empress, I really want to see the little prince …" "Really …"

Consort Rong forcefully pulled back the corner of her skirt from her palm and glared at her with disgust. She coldly snorted, "You only know how to get the sympathy of the emperor. Don't dirty my clothes here. I saw you angry!"

"Empress, don't be angry …" "Don't be angry at Mu Chen …" Lin Mofan walked in front of her and raised his trembling right hand, but was unable to slap his own face for a long time. She really wanted to look at the Boss, but was this really the only way she could see it? To slap himself in front of this woman? How could she do it?

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