There were two paths through the Imperial Garden, one leading to the Western Palace and the other to the Cloud Palace. Lin Mu Fan's footsteps unconsciously stopped. Facing the direction that led to the Western Palace, he muttered to himself, "Do you guys think that the Western Palace has a lot of people? Had the Boss fallen asleep yet? Can I see him? "

When Little Lu heard that she was about to go to the Western Palace to see the little prince again, she immediately said with an intense reaction, "Empress, have you forgotten how Imperial Concubine Rong humiliated you that day? "Don't go to the West Palace again."

"I want to leave with the Boss. Today is my best chance." Lin Mu Fan said as he looked at the dark and gloomy sky. The Emperor and his lords were still celebrating in the Palace, so it shouldn't be difficult for them to escape.

"Mistress, I'll save you. Don't think about such unrealistic things, alright? It's very dangerous! " Little Green was speechless.

Lin Mu Fan smiled and said: "It's just a joke, you don't need to be nervous." As she finished speaking, she began to walk in the direction of the Cloud Palace again, but this thought secretly took root in her heart. If she wanted to return to her Boss, she would have to take it with her. Otherwise, when the Boss grew up, she would recognize him as a thief.

While fantasizing about her grand escape plan, she didn't even know about it when she arrived at Yun He Palace. All the way until she heard Xiao Lu's slightly panicked voice, "This servant pays her respects to the Prime Minister."

Lin Mofan was slightly apprehensive. Looking carefully, the person who unexpectedly appeared in front of her was indeed the Prime Minister, her father. That nominal father who wanted to kill her in the middle of the street was a cruel and merciless father!

Lin Mofan sized him up in the misty night sky and mocked, "Could it be that the first minister has come here to help you complete your shady business?"

"Mu Chen!" Are you talking to your father? " Lin Xiangguo angrily glared at her and shouted, then he turned to Little Green and Zhu'er and ordered: "All of you leave, don't come and disturb me."

After Little Green and Zhu'er left, Lin Mu Fan chuckled and said: "I have something to say, so let's go inside the house. It's a bit safer this way." With that, he turned around and walked inside.

After checking that there was no one outside, she said with a serious expression: "I don't care if you really don't remember Rong'er or if you're faking it. In short, he is a member of our Lin Family, so you have to lend him a hand in order to accomplish his great mission."

"What great cause? Plotting to usurp power? " She knew that Lin Xiangguo only had this little hobby. He was too stubborn about power. Even though he was under the watch of a hundred officials, he was still not satisfied! And Rong'er must be the handsome guy that she had just met at the Peace Gate, right? I didn't expect him to be so ambitious!

"That's too unpleasant to listen to. The throne should belong to Rong'er to begin with. It's only right and proper that he snatch it back after making Long Zai the Emperor for free for three years."

Lin Mofan could not help but laugh bitterly, "Senior Prime Minister, didn't you already collude with the Cloud Country and the Rui King rebelled together? What can a weak girl like me do to help you? Aren't you thinking too highly of me? "

Lin Xiangguo looked at her with a mocking smile: "Isn't pretending to be crazy and play dumb your strong point? You are very capable. After all, the Cloud Country is another country. I'm afraid that he might take advantage of the chaos and swallow up the entire Revolving Moon Country. As for King Rui, his character is difficult to control. Furthermore, his whereabouts are unknown. I've been searching for him for quite a while, but I haven't been able to find his figure.

Lin Mofan took in a dejected breath and immediately felt grief in his heart. He wasn't the only one who wanted to find the Rui King. Everyone wanted to find him, but no one knew that King Rui had gone to another world.

"Just what do you want me to help you with?" Lin Mu Fan blinked his eyes, blinking away the dense smoke in his eye sockets.

Lin Xiangguo did not beat around the bush and went straight to the point: "The Emperor has always pampered you, and only you have the chance to approach the little crown prince. I want you to find a chance to deal with him. When the time is ripe, Rong'er will charge straight into the Imperial City to take away Long Ze's life, and then take back everything that belongs to him. "

Lin Mu Fan stared at him in astonishment. After a long while, he exclaimed: "What did you say? You want me to kill the little crown prince? "

"That's right, we can't let that little kid stay!" The cruelty on Lin Xiangguo's face was exposed. It was frighteningly cold in the night sky and that cruel look of his startled Lin Mufan. He mumbled a few words: "Why must we kill him? He's just a baby. Isn't it cruel of you to do that? "

She had long since known that there were many people who had thoughts of killing the Boss, but she had never thought that the Lin Clan's Congress would want her to personally kill the Boss. That was her own son, how could she possibly do that?

"We have to get rid of the roots at the moment. Otherwise, it's natural for the young prince to ascend to the throne after Long Zhaojie's death. Rong'er will also lose to the Long family, so he can't stay." After Lin Xiangguo finished speaking, he glanced at her and sneered: "Didn't you always hate Dragon Pool? "Now that you finally have the chance to get away with it, it doesn't matter if you follow King Rui or King Rong, you will always be able to prosper. Right now, you just have to follow my orders with peace of mind."

Originally, he had no intention of letting Lin Mofan go. After all, she was no longer under his control. Unfortunately, the Eastern Palace Empress Dowager couldn't get close to the little crown prince and didn't have the chance to make a move, so he could only rely on her.

Lin Mu Fan was stunned for a moment before he took a deep breath and sneered," Lord Prime Minister, I am already an unfilial daughter that you can kill in a busy city with just a cane. You still want me to do this, do you think I'll agree? Besides, marrying a chicken is like following a chicken. I am already someone of the emperor, so naturally, I would wholeheartedly support the emperor. Even if I promise to help you, do you trust me? Do you believe that I, Lin Mu Chen, am someone who would betray his own husband?

He glared at her while gnashing his teeth and said: "You are a member of the Lin Family, please remember this clearly, I have raised you for 16 years. If you dare to forget your kindness, I will not forgive you, I will let you and Long Zhaoxu die miserably together!"

He never thought that his daughter would turn out like this. Back then, she was still acting cooperatively with him, acting like this after going crazy for a while. She didn't think about the Lin Clan at all, as if they weren't her family.

"Then I'll wait for you to let me die miserably. Sorry, but I can't do anything to a little child." To tell the truth, she would rather die than kill a Boss!

"You can leave it to me, but Long Zhaozu and the little prince are dead for sure. If you cooperate, I will let you off. If not, then we will pounce onto the underworld together!" Lin Xiangguo angrily said that and turned around to leave! He disappeared from the entrance of the Cloud Palace in an instant.

Lin Mufan stood blankly in the room. The flickering candle light made her face glow; it was a very beautiful scene. But she sat down in a chair and panicked. Lin Xiangguo wanted to kill the Boss, so if he wanted to kill him, he would definitely kill him. What should she do? How could he protect the Boss?

She had always been on two sides. No matter which side she leaned towards, it would be a dead end for her. She really shouldn't have listened to the Boss' arrangements to bring him here. He shouldn't have come here.

The banquet ended very late. Long Zhaosu did not return to the Palace of Peace, but instead went straight to the Palace of Clouds. After one night, his thirst for alcohol had already reached its peak, and he even felt like he was walking unsteadily.

"Your majesty, you must be afraid." Eunuch Liu extended a hand in an attempt to support him but was stopped before he could do so. He said with an annoyed tone, "I'm not drunk. You go back and rest first. There's no need to serve me."

"Yes, your servant will take his leave." Eunuch Liu saw that he could still walk, so he watched him enter the Cloud Palace before retreating.

Long Ze walked into the Cabinet. Seeing that Lin Mofan had already fallen asleep, he took light steps forward. He carefully took off his clothes and laid down beside her. After lying down for a while, he couldn't help but hold her in his arms. He liked to put his arms around her and smell the scent of her body as he slept.

Lin Mu Fan's heart was filled with worry. Naturally, he wouldn't be able to sleep so early. However, after hearing Long Ze's words, he didn't know how to face him, so he could only close his eyes and pretend to be asleep.

Now that she was in his arms, she couldn't even pretend anymore. She could only open her eyes and look into his eyes. Long Ze chuckled as he sized her up and said, "Mu Chen, I knew you weren't asleep."

"Your majesty, why have you come here?" Lin Mu Fan placed his hands on his neck and smiled gently.

"I've come to miss you." His lips were deeply pressed against hers, and a faint aroma of wine immediately wafted from her lips. The intoxicating scent was almost intoxicating to her. Long Ze took a step back and propped himself up slightly as he said, "Mu Chen, do you still remember King Rong? Or did you forget about him as well? "

Lin Mofan was astonished. He didn't understand why he would suddenly mention King Rong. After all, he and King Rong were rivals in a conspiracy. If she didn't give a proper answer, would he misunderstand something? In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, she thought for a while, then shook her head and said with a serious expression, "I don't remember."

In reality, she really couldn't remember because she wasn't Lin Mu Chen. The memories that belonged to Lin Mu Chen and her love had all been taken away by Lin Mu Chen. It had nothing to do with the current her.

"Is that so? Then he must be very sad." Long Ze smiled, his palm lightly stroking his arm. Lin Mu Fan inwardly sneered. She had forgotten the Rong King, so of course he would be happy. Just like when he was proud that she had forgotten King Rui. This man was just that tyrannical. He wanted to monopolize her like how he treated his prey, even if it was just to remember her, he wasn't allowed to!

"Judging from his expression today, it's indeed true." After Lin Mu Fan said this, he turned around and asked him in all seriousness, "Your majesty, do you know why Prince Rong is back? Is it really only the end of the third year? "

"Three years is still a month away, but Prince Rong has come back early. Furthermore, he came back when I was in critical condition. I don't need to explain my intentions, do I?" Long Ze said with a cold smile.

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