Prince Rong continued to mock her when he saw that she didn't say anything. "Three years ago, Prince Irish loved him so much that he couldn't live without him. Who would've thought that he would enter the palace and become an imperial concubine in less than a few months? Your heart really changes quickly!"

"Duke Rong, I don't want to bring up the past anymore, because I don't remember it. I hope you won't bring it up again." She hated being mocked and ridiculed by others. Regardless of what Lin Xianchen had done previously, it was all in the past and it had nothing to do with her.

"Can you push everything away with one word? You can even forget my name. Even if you've never loved me, we've at least grown up together, haven't we? "Lin Mu Chen, how can you be so cold and heartless?" The more Prince Rong spoke, the angrier he became. Step by step, he walked in front of her and forced her to retreat to a nearby red pillar. Even if she wanted to, she couldn't escape.

Lin Mu Fan raised his head and saw the anger on his face and the cold look in his eyes. He lowered his head and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I didn't want to do that. However, forgetting is forgetting."

"Then I want you to remember everything you've forgotten. Will you?" Prince Rong said.

Lin Mufan did not understand. He frowned and asked, "What do you mean?" Want her to remember other people's memories? How could this be? It seems like this Duke Rong had gone mad with rage, and was only able to spout such nonsense and spout such crazy nonsense.

"Your father had long said that he would betroth you to me, but when I went north, he forced you to be his concubine. He used his own power to steal you from me, and you didn't resist."

"Duke Rong, you should understand that even if I don't enter the palace to be an imperial concubine, the person I love is still King Rui. There's no way I can marry you." How hateful for Lin Mu Chen! How could she offend so many emotional debt? Lin Mofan was rendered speechless!

"As long as your father betrays you to me, then you are mine!" King Rong didn't mind.

Lin Mofan suddenly felt that it was funny. It seemed that this Duke Rong was only a chess piece that was being toyed with by Lin Xiangguo. If he knew that sending her to the palace as an imperial concubine was something that Lin Xiangguo and the empress dowager wished for, he would definitely be mad, right? Right now, it was obvious that Lin Xiangguo was deliberately provoking the hatred between him and Long Zhaofeng, so that he would hate Long Zhaofeng to the bone and act according to their plans.

"Prince Rong, will you really listen to my father's orders and do something that you shouldn't?" she asked suddenly.

Duke Rong looked at her with hatred, and said with an almost sullen tone, "I originally didn't want to do this, but now that I thought about it, I can forgive him for stealing my mountains, but he is not allowed to rob my people!"

"Don't be like this, I was the one who was willing to enter the palace, I was the one who wanted to be the imperial concubine!"

Rui Wang chuckled and looked at her, "Mu Chen, do you still want to speak up for him? You still want me to say that you volunteered? How could you, King Ariel, have volunteered to be an imperial concubine? You can't fool me. "

"Since you insist on doing so, I have nothing else to say. I hope that you do not commit crimes too deeply." After Lin Mu Fan finished speaking, he turned around and prepared to leave. Duke Rong suddenly stretched out his hand to pull her back, looked at her closely, and said, "Even if it's a crime, it was forced by you guys. I didn't do it myself!"

"It's best not to do something that would make the whole world hate you, because it's really not worth it, and you'll feel very lonely." After Lin Mu Fan said these words, he shook him off and quickly left.

Once Lin Mu Fan returned to the Yun He Palace, he placed his hands on the table and took a deep breath. He felt that if he continued to stay in the palace, he would definitely die.

"Empress, what's wrong?" Zhu Er walked up as she pointed and pointed. Lin Mu Fan couldn't understand what she was talking about, but he could roughly tell from her worried expression. He took a deep breath and suddenly said: "Zhu'er, I want to take the Boss out of the palace and leave this dangerous place."

Pearl looked at her in astonishment, then seized her hand and shook her head vigorously. Out of the palace? She didn't want her to take the risk. The palace wasn't that easy to escape from. She had been caught before. If she was caught this time, she couldn't imagine what the Emperor would do to her.

Lin Mu Fan knew what she was worried about, so he patted her hand and comforted her: "Zhu'er, don't worry, I will be careful. When you have the chance, help me take out the silver needles in the cold palace, as well as the medicine from before. "

Zhu Er still shook her head, she was so anxious that she was on the verge of tears. Lin Mu Fan was speechless as he consoled her, "If you don't help me, I'll go get it myself. Don't tell me I have nowhere else to go?

Only then did Pearl nod and promise to help her get what she wanted. She couldn't figure out the complicated matter. She only knew that if Lin Mofan insisted on running away, there would only be death!

Ever since they left the cold palace, Lin Mufan had never touched her bottles again. It wouldn't be too hard for him to pick them up again. Other than using poison and needles, she had no other abilities.

After sending off Zhu'er, Lin Mufan immediately threw himself into her escape plan. The imperial palace was heavily guarded, and it was truly difficult to not have anyone helping him. Furthermore, he had to carry the Boss on his back. Even if it wasn't difficult to get out of the palace, it wasn't going to be easy for her to steal the Boss from the Western Palace by herself.

After a while, Pearl helped her find those bottles. Lin Mufan counted and found that the bottle of silky powder that she stole from Poison King Valley was still there. It was really unexpected that no one had managed to clean it up.

Holding the bottle of rouge in her hand, she was thinking whether she should use it to cure her ugly face, or save it for when she needed it. It would be hard for him to escape, so he kept the bottle in his pocket. He decided that he would first keep the medicine, and then he would make some preparations.

"Zhu Er, watch the door for me. Don't let anyone else in." Lin Mu Fan instructed as he walked into one of the rooms and closed the door.

Zhu'er sighed helplessly. She could not persuade him otherwise, so she could only allow him to do as he pleased.

Lin Mofan stayed in the room for an entire day and didn't show any signs of leaving during dinner. He only left his work at hand after Little Green told him that the Emperor was here.

Long Ze Xuan smiled as he sized her up, and said: "What are you doing in the room? See how it makes you hot. "

A warm fingertip brushed across her forehead, brushing away a few strands of hair that had been stuck in place by the sweat. The fingertip touched her skin. This made her uncomfortably step back and shake her head. "Nothing."

"What's wrong? "You don't want to accompany me to eat dinner?" She dodged. He moved forward and wrapped his steel-like arm around her. He smiled and said, "This Emperor has specially come to accompany you for dinner."

"Then let's have dinner first." Lin Mufan instructed Little Green, "Serve up the dishes." Then, he pulled himself out of Longze's embrace, walked over to the basin, and washed his hands with water before carefully drying them with a silk handkerchief. As he pondered Long Ze's true purpose for coming here, would he specifically come here to have dinner with her?

Perhaps she was thinking too much, because Long Zhaoting really was just accompanying her for dinner, occasionally saying some insignificant things. However, Lin Mofan had been considering how he should use him to pull the Boss out of the West Palace. When dinner was almost over, he smiled and asked, "Your majesty, may I go and take a look at the little prince?"

"Do you really want to go?" Longtou reached out his hand, lifted her chin, and gave her a kiss on the mouth.

Lin Mofan nodded his head, "I truly wish to go." He thought to himself, "Could it be that he wants to go?" She wanted to go see the Boss, but she couldn't be too impatient.

"Alright, I'll go with you." Long Ze stood up from his chair and took the silk handkerchief from the servant girl to wipe the oil at the corner of his mouth. With one hand, he picked her up from the chair and used the other to wipe the corners of her mouth. He smiled at her and said, "Since you want to go, then let's go now."

"Thank you." Lin Mofan was moved by his gentle kiss. He raised his little face and stared fixedly at her, his eyes glimmering with the mist of Pu pu pu pu. All of a sudden, she felt like she would never see him again. If she could escape this time, wouldn't it be a blessing in disguise for her for the rest of her life?

"It's so rare to hear that word from you." When she was awake, not only was she cold, but today she said thanks from the bottom of her heart. It seemed like she really did have a deep affection for the Boss. His mother's heart was linked, but he couldn't reunite them. On this point, he truly felt ashamed of her!

"Mu Chen was too insensible in the past." Lin Mu Fan took in a light breath. He lowered his eyes to wipe away the dense fog around his eyes. Holding his hand, he walked out of the Yun He Palace and headed towards the Western Palace.

Consort Rong was confined to Jinhe Palace, so when the two of them arrived at the Western Palace, Lin Mofan no longer needed to see that sarcastic woman. However, the empress dowager had always been against her. When she saw her coming over, her face immediately darkened. She turned to Long Zhaofeng with dissatisfaction and said, "Ze Chuan, why did you bring this crazy woman here again?"

"Muhou, Mu Chen wants to hug the Boss." Long Ze smiled faintly and turned to the side without asking the empress dowager's permission. He ordered Aunt Su, "Carry the young prince out for this emperor to see."

"The little prince has just finished eating his fill and is about to go to bed. Why didn't you guys come earlier as well?" The empress dowager said unhappily, attempting to use this trick to dispel Long Zhaofeng's desire for Aunt Su to carry the little prince. However, this trick was obviously useless. Aunt Su quickly carried the little prince out and said to Long Zhaozhang, "Your majesty, be careful."

Lin Mu Fan, who had been standing beside him the entire time, didn't say a word. When he saw the Boss, he immediately grabbed it from Aunt Su's embrace. He lowered his head in excitement and carefully sized up his son, who he hadn't seen for days. She discovered that he had gained a lot of weight. It seemed like the empress dowager was very good to him.

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