"I'm sorry …"

"What's the use of being sorry?" Lin Mufan touched his jaw and pleaded, "Go back to the palace. That is your true home. The Boss, Mother, and I are here."

"I'm sorry …"

Other than apologizing, he could not say anything else. Many things were not as simple as he had imagined. Right now, it was the realm of the King. He could no longer return to his home, and it was no longer his home …

Lin Mu Fan didn't know how he fell asleep. When he woke up, the sky was already clear and the bed was warm. Beneath his feet was a packet of warm rocks, a way for poor people to warm their homes in the winter. Heat the stone and wrap it in a cloth and put it under the covers.

She thought of the warmth of the palace. There was always a little girl watching over her, so she never had to worry that she wouldn't be able to sleep due to the cold at night. It was hard to imagine how Long Zhaofeng could survive in such a poor place for so long after getting used to living a life free of food and clothing.

The room was empty. The dazzling light shone through the window onto the bed. Lin Mu Fan heard the BOSS's joyous laughter from outside as he lazily turned around and continued to embrace the warm bed.

He didn't get out of bed until he could no longer resist the pleasurable temptation outside the window. He put on his heavy clothes and pushed open the door. Outside the door, the white snow continued to cover the sky.

The night before had been filled with trials and hardships, so why was it that when he woke up last night, it was all over? Lin Mufan found it hard to understand.

The well-dressed Boss ran around in the snow, throwing snowballs at the snowman. Ever since Lin Mufan had piled up snowmen for him to see, he always liked to push the snowmen around whenever he saw snow. Today was no exception. On the other side of the snowman, Long Zhe was using his good right hand to make snowmen together with the Boss. His face was filled with a doting smile.

The BOSS sat on the ground on its knees in the snow, its little red face was exceptionally adorable. It blinked its big, intelligent eyes and asked, "Father, this is the Queen Mother that you have piled up? The Queen Mother also likes to use red hairpins! "

Long Zhaoting only lightly smiled and didn't say anything.

When the Boss saw Lin Mufan standing by the door, it immediately cheered: "Imperial Mother is up!"

Lin Mu Fan smiled. Long Ze raised his head and glanced at her before lowering his head and continuing with his work. It was not that he did not want to face it, but he did not know how to face it.

Lin Mofan walked over and took the plump Boss into his arms: "Look at your face! It's so red from the cold."

"But Mommy, I'm not cold at all." The Boss still liked to call her Mommy, just like before. After saying that, he pulled himself out of Lin Mofan's embrace. He jogged to the side while laughing, "I want to build a royal father. This way, the Boss will have two royal fathers to care for it …."

These words would make anyone's heart sour and bitter. Lin Mu Fan looked at his small figure as he squatted down and placed his warm palm on the back of Long Ze's snow-plastered hand. He bitterly smiled and said, "Both the Boss and I miss you. He kept asking me where my father is and why he hasn't come home yet."

Long Zhaoting withdrew his ice-cold palm from her palm, lowered his eyes and calmly said, "Go back to the palace. The palace must be getting anxious."

"If you can't accompany us back, then let us stay with you." Lin Mofan said with a determined expression. In any case, she would never part with him again. She would never do it again!

"The result of this stubbornness is that half a year ago, even if King Rong did not kill me or you, he would lead troops and flatten this little village. You should understand what he wants, what he's not letting go. "

"Am I supposed to die trying to satisfy him?" Lin Mu Fan was puzzled.

"There are many cruel things in this world. You can already be considered lucky. At least you still have the Boss to accompany you."

"But I want to be with you, do we have to be separated?" She grabbed onto Long Zhaofeng's hand and held it tightly, unable to let go.

A trace of pain flashed across Long Ze's eyes. However, it was only heartache. He wasn't willing to part with it, but he couldn't show it on his face. For the sake of all the living, for the sake of Lin Mufan and the Boss, what was he supposed to do with this? What's the point of sacrificing him?

Due to the disappearance of Lin Mofan and the BOSS, the palace was in chaos. The day was not too peaceful and the servants were busy searching for people.

Prince Rong had been stomping his feet in his study ever since the morning as he racked his brains to think of where Lin Mofan might have gone to. Just as he was raging and smashing almost everything in the house, someone hurried in from outside. This person was none other than his trusted aides, Kou Jue. Upon entering, his face was pale as he reported, "Prince, guess who the empress dowager and the empress dowager are with now, with the late emperor!"

"What did you say?" The teacup in Duke Rong's hand landed on the ground with a "dang" sound, and the white flowers on the floor shattered.

"The late emperor didn't die, he has always lived …" Wang Jiu's voice trembled. He was more anxious than Prince Rong.

King Rong was startled, but he was not too worried. He broke into a cold smile, and replied with a cold voice, "So what? He has already been the loser for a long time, and even if he were to live, he would only be able to live a lowly life. "

"But …" "Your Highness!" Wang Jiu stammered as if he wanted to say something, but King Rong cut him off. "Go, immediately gather five thousand soldiers and horses for me. I want to personally bring the empress dowager and the little emperor back, then personally kill that Long Ze who only knows how to live!

"Yes, Your Highness!" Wang Jiu received the order, shook his head and sighed before retreating.

Prince Rong sneered at the white world outside the window. His smile turned into a frightening hostility as he walked out of the room.

What he wanted was merely a woman. Yet, there were so many people who were unwilling to let him have his way. He could only become stronger, only by becoming stronger could he have what he wanted like Long Zhaofeng, causing women who didn't love him to fall deeply in love with him.

He originally thought that Long Zhaofeng had died long ago, but he didn't expect that he would be able to come back to life and fight with him for women with such a huge life. If he didn't take advantage of the situation and destroy him, he would eventually be the one to do so.

This was the world. There was no strongest, only stronger!

Long Zhaosu had long since guessed that King Rong would bring troops here, so he didn't panic when he saw the five thousand elite soldiers. He quietly stood in the snow and watched them all with a solemn expression.

It was true that the river flowed east and west for thirty years. Half a year ago, he was still in command of the Revolving Moon Kingdom's river lands. Half a year later, he was already besieged by his own troops and horses in this small village.

There was no need for these five thousand men to surround him. He knew that Prince Rong was only showing off his strength. King Rong wanted to tell him that it was him, King Rong, who was in charge right now!

The hostility on Prince Rong's face successfully displayed his current disdain. When his gaze fell on Long Zhaoting, apart from ridicule, it was also mockery. How could he not mock a man who had once lived at the heart of the ocean?

"King Rong!" What do you want to do? " Lin Mu Fan looked in horror at the Rong King who wielded his sword. Half a year ago, the Rong King was trying to kill Long Ze. Today, he definitely won't let him go. She started to panic.

"Prince Rong, why did you bring so many people here? "Why not let them go to the disaster area?" The Boss calmly said as it stood beside Long Zhaofeng with its arms crossed.

The corners of Duke Rong's mouth twitched into a faint smile, "Because there are already enough people at the scene of the disaster."

After Duke Rong finished speaking, he immediately ordered without looking back: "Men! "Bring the Emperor and Empress Dowager back to the carriage."

"Yes sir!" Wang Jiu and a few strong men stepped out and walked towards Lin Mufan and the Boss.

"I don't want to go back!" Lin Mu Fan instinctively took a step back and said in a flustered and exasperated tone, "I will only return if you return."

Prince Rong was neither anxious nor anxious as he replied, "Esteemed Empress Dowager, the country cannot afford to leave without a master all day. May the empress dowager return to the palace to preside over the general situation."

Lin Mufan stared at him angrily, "Duke Rong, what exactly do you want? Half a year ago, you tried to seize the position, do you still want to kill Long Ze to keep your mouth shut today? How can you be so evil? "

"Majesty, seizing the throne is a capital offense, so don't put such a high crime on my head. As for Long Ze, for him to keep the empress dowager and the young emperor secret is a capital offense, so it's only right for us to take him back. " After Duke Rong finished speaking, he ordered the people around him once again, "Men! Bring Longze back to the dungeon! "

"Don't touch my royal father!" The Boss rushed forward and grabbed Wang Jiu and viciously bit him on his leg. Five of them screamed in pain, but they didn't dare to attack the little Emperor.

Lin Mu Fan steeled his heart and rushed forward without a care. He pulled out Wang Jian's silver sword from its scabbard and, without hesitation, placed it against his own neck and threatened: "Whoever dares to even touch him, I'll immediately die for him to see!"

The group of soldiers who were preparing to capture Longze froze and looked at each other, not daring to move forward. Even if they did not care about Lin Mofan's status, they knew that she was the most beloved woman of the Rong King. How could they touch such a woman?

Long Ze who had been standing there the entire time was startled. He was also frightened by Lin Mu Fan's dangerous action and anxiously shouted: "Mu Chen! Put down your sword right now! "

Lin Mu Fan turned towards him and sized him up while sneering: "Long Ze, you're finally willing to call me by my name? You finally know how to care about my life? I thought you were really cold enough to give up everything. "

When Lin Mu Fan saw that everyone stopped moving and turned to look at Prince Rong, he coldly looked at him and said, "If anything happens to Long Ze, just wait and help me collect my corpse. The world will be yours from now on."

"Mu Chen, you know that what I want is not the world, but you." Duke Rong bitterly smiled and lightly jumped off the horse. He removed the silver sword from her neck and gently said, "Alright, I won't kill him. You will follow me back to the palace."

Lin Mufan shook his head, "I don't believe you."

"I swear, as long as you obediently stay in the palace, I won't kill you."

"His life is mine, if you dare touch him again, I won't let you off lightly." After Lin Mu Fan finished speaking, he turned around and said to the Boss: "Boss, let's go back to the palace."

"No! I want royal father to return with me. " The Boss shook Dragon Pool's hands.

Lin Mufan looked at the cold and detached Long Zhaozhu and indifferently said, "Your Imperial Father doesn't want your mother anymore. He won't go back."

Long Ze's heart ached. It's not that he didn't want it, but that he didn't have the ability to. He squatted down, stroked the Boss' thick hat and smiled: "Boss, be good and follow your mother back. If your mother doesn't behave, she'll be angry."

"But …" The Boss turned around and walked towards Lin Mufan.

Lin Moyu gave one last look at the man she missed every day, but could not have another. He clenched his teeth and dragged the Boss into the luxurious carriage.

"Empress." Little Green, who had been brought here to take care of Lin Mufan, choked with sobs as she called out, "So the Emperor isn't dead yet."

"Yes, she is not dead." Lin Mufan's tears rolled down his face.

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