"Calm down, dear." Wang Xiang patted her arm as she still circled around the living room to size it up. She was a married woman with a ball and had no interest in handsome men. She was a quiet housewife.

If it was before the wedding, maybe she would run over with Chang and sit on the other side of Long Zhenghao, pretending to ignore his annoyance and have sex with him. Now... Just leave the handsome guys to the two who haven't left the pavilion yet.

Ling Mengzhu was lying on the window, and heard Long Zhenghao say calmly, "I'll still be busy with those." As he said that, he picked up the cup of coffee and took a sip gracefully. As soon as he drank it, an ungraceful "pu" sound was heard. He frowned.

Hu Chang and Ling Mengzhu were stunned at the same time. Ling Mengzhan immediately rushed out and stood in front of Long Zhenghao as she nervously asked: "What's wrong?" What happened to the coffee? Swallow? There's no reason for it. I've been soaking in it for quite a long time. "

"Too … bitter …!" Long Zhenghao gritted his teeth and said these words word by word. A bitter taste spread between her lips. That kind of taste was no different from traditional Chinese medicine. He hated bitter things the most!

Ah!" I'm sorry, I forgot to put sugar in my excitement. " Ling Meng Zhu apologetically exclaimed as she bent over to pick up the cup of coffee and said, "I'll add it immediately" before hurrying into the living room. What sort of bad habit was this? She actually forgot to add sugar. This was something she had never experienced in her entire life. Ling Mengzhu blamed herself as she threw a candy bar into her cup.

With her back facing the balcony, she could still hear Hu Chang's fake laughter, "Young Master Long, have you been getting along well with our pearl? Is there anything she can do to make you unhappy? Just tell me if you have any, and I'll tell her to go. "

What an ingrate! Ling Mengzhu pursed her lips, and listened attentively to Long Zhenghao's reply. After a long time, she heard him say a few words, "Not good." These were very simple words, but … Isn't he too much of a disgrace? Can't you just pretend that you're okay?

"What's wrong? What's not good? " After Hu Chang asked, he spoke up again before Long Zhenghao could reply, "Although our family's Zhu Zhu Zhu Zhu is a bit muddleheaded and forgot to put sugar in our coffee, but they are kind people. If you get along well, why don't you pretend to be a real couple? We'll be happy for you."

"Sigh, I agree with that. It's a good idea to put on an act. A man who marries a pearl should be blessed!" Wang Xiang walked out at this time and clapped her hands as she praised him. She only needed to look around; she had already fallen in love with this house. Although this house didn't have anything to do with her, it was already quite good to be able to occasionally visit.

"Is she kind?" Long Zhenghao laughed and looked coldly at the two as he asked, "Have you two had enough hypocrisy?"

Hu Chang and Wang Xiang looked at each other and shrugged without saying anything. Ling Meng Zhu, who was carrying the cup of coffee, was slightly shocked by his words. She thought to herself that she had accidentally lost his phone.

And why should she care what he thought of her? Even if it wasn't kind, what did it have to do with him? Is he kind? A cold-blooded, domineering and rude man, she disdained to play with him.

Leaning over to place the coffee cup heavily in front of him, Ling Mengzhu unhappily glared at the sisters and asked, "What's wrong with the two of you? If I were to marry a kind-hearted person like Mr. Long, I would be in trouble. Don't make such an international joke. "

With that, he stood up and said with a stern face, "Hey, are you two leaving? If you don't leave, I'll ignore you guys. "

"Go where? I haven't even finished chatting with Young Master Long. " Hu Chang glared at her, then turned back to Long Zhenghao and continued smiling, "Although Zhu Zhu Zhu has been disfigured and altered, she must have been very pretty before the plastic surgery. You don't have to worry about her being a fake beauty. Oh right, Young Master Long, you don't have a girlfriend, right? I heard you didn't have a girlfriend. "

Yan Wenxuan had only heard the first half of her sentence, but he was completely captivated by her words about plastic surgery and disfigurement. He did not hear the second half of her sentence, nor did he care what she was asking. Naturally, he didn't answer her, but instead turned to the furious Ling Meng Zhu and asked her, "Have you ruined your appearance before? And she's even had her face altered? "

Ling Mengzhu gritted her teeth and growled at Hu Chang: "Hu Chang! Have you said enough! Hurry up and shut up!! "

After cursing, he turned to the doubtful Long Zhenghao and glared at him, "So what if I am? Besides, what about the plastic surgery? Did he break the law? I don't intend to marry you, do you care if I did? "

The words' plastic surgery 'and' fake beauty 'had long become sensitive nerves in her heart. If she were to meet anyone, she would definitely fly into a rage. All of this was due to Xiao Lin, it was he who allowed her to have this kind of mentality!

Long Zhenghao saw that she was infuriated so he didn't ask any further questions. Instead, he quietly sized her up as if he was studying something. Even those sharp eyes dimmed as he pondered on something.

Hu Chang froze for a second, he looked at the two of them with his mouth agape and said in surprise, "What's wrong?" Young Master Long, you didn't know about this? Ah … I thought he already knew. I'm really sorry. As she spoke, she pretended to hit him in the face. It was a lie to hit him, but her face was full of regret. She was just thinking that she was going to hurt Ling Meng Zhu.

However, Ling Mengzhu didn't care. She waved her hand at her and said, "Forget it, I didn't intentionally hide it before. Moreover, there is no need to do this in front of him.

"But …" Hu Changzai was anxious, he immediately grabbed Long Zhenghao's hands and asked, "Young Master Long, would you care if your girlfriend didn't have a knife? It shouldn't be a big deal, right? "

"Hu Chang!" How many times have I told you! It's absolutely impossible for me to be together with him! " She was about to lose to this woman, so why was she so insistent on pushing her to this man? What's so good about him?

"But it's such a pity that you won't marry him …" He let out a sigh of regret but still stared at Long Zhenghao. The latter looked at her and then turned to look at Ling Mengzhu as well. He couldn't help but ask, "What did you look like before?"

He did not understand why he wanted to ask this question. He really did not understand! Did he still expect her to live? That was impossible! But in his heart, he desperately wished for this miracle to happen!

Ling Mengzhu did not know what he meant when she saw him blankly staring at her. She snappily said, "What does it have to do with you!?"

Long Zhenghao came to his senses after being yelled at like that. His face returned to his usual indifference as he lightly said, "It really is none of my business." He lowered his head and continued to read the magazine in his hands, no longer paying any attention to them.

Hu Chang saw that the atmosphere was not right, he hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Let's go inside the house to chat, let's not disturb Young Master Long from reading."

With that, she pulled Wang Xiang into the living room. Ling Mengzhu rolled her eyes and followed behind them. She had already told them to enter the house, but they refused to enter. Before he could finish, Hu Chang sat on the sofa in the living room and said, "You guys should go to my room. This is Young Master Long's place, he doesn't like people sitting on his sofa."

"It can't be, Young Master Long is such a petty person?" After saying that, Hu Chang laid back lazily on the sofa, as if he had no intention of getting up. Just as Ling Meng Zhu was about to pull her up, Wang Xiang's surprised voice came from the side: "Waa! There's so much delicious food stored inside the fridge. It's quite comfortable. There's also your favorite bowl of baby wings, and they're even imported. "

"That good? Bring me two bowls, I haven't had lunch. " Hu Chang immediately waved at her.

"Hey, don't take it, I didn't buy it …" Ling Mengzhu anxiously rushed over and closed the refrigerator door. A beautiful woman bought it for Long Zhenghao last night, saying that it was something that Long Zhenghao liked. Long Zhenghao himself hadn't even moved to eat it, and he was already split up by these two women. How could she be worthy of him?

"Of course I know that you didn't buy it. Other than buying instant noodles, what else can you buy?" Wang Xiang pushed her away in annoyance, then pulled open the refrigerator door once more and took two bowls of imported fish wings and walked towards the middle of the living room. With a wave of her hand, one of the bowls landed firmly in Hu Chang's hand. With a "hiss", she ripped open the other bowl, revealing the fragrant soup.

Lowering his head to take a sniff, he nodded with an intoxicated look on his face. It smells good, but the things you import are just different. "

Ling Mengzhu was at a loss for words and gave up struggling. She could do whatever they wanted to them. At worst, she would just wait for them to leave and be scolded by Long Zhenghao. No matter what, she could not stop them now.

After eating the bowl of baby wings, Wang Xiang took out a bag of melon seeds from her bag and threw it on the table. She said, "This is for you."

"Died so easily?" It must be something you can't afford to eat. " Hu Chang teased her while tearing the paper bag. Wang Xiang immediately became dissatisfied, and her small face became sullen as she said, "If you want to eat, don't eat. Is there anything I can't eat right now?"

"That's true, they're eating with their mouths wide open." Hu Changzai grabbed a handful of melon seeds and placed them in Ling Mengzhu's hands. He could not take it anymore, "Zhu Zhu Zhu, could you please stop showing such a stern face? Didn't I just eat two bowls of your baby fish wings? "

From the moment they started to eat, her face had been bitter, but she still hadn't recovered. She really didn't know why she was so calculative. However … Of course she didn't know, because she hadn't gotten along properly with Long Zhenghao before.

"If it's mine, then I'll let you guys eat whatever you want, but the problem is that it's not mine." Ling Mengzhu pointed at the sleeping Long Zhenghao and said, "You don't even know how petty this man is."

"Come on, that's because you always have a huge prejudice against people. I heard from A Nan that other than being a bit cold, he's not bad." "The most important thing is …" Wang Xiang secretly glanced at Long Zhenghao outside and covered his mouth with his hand as he lowered his voice and said, "It's said that he's especially beneficial. Not only can he be a medicine master, he can also be a doctor. I really don't know how he could be so strong. If we don't properly grasp this kind of person, he will truly be struck by thunder. "

"It's too exaggerated!" Ling Mengzhu couldn't help but glance at her. Suddenly, she remembered what Long Zhenghao had told her in the hospital. When he was happy, he could be a doctor, a medicine helper, and when he wasn't happy, he could fight to vent his anger.

What this man said couldn't be true, right? How could there be such a strong person? She wouldn't believe it even if she was beaten to death! It just so happened that Wang Xiang had said this at this moment, causing the firm belief in her heart to become less and less firm.

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