His Only Sin

23 Twisted 9 Indulgence

"I think I want cold noodles," Yesha stated wearily as she stared at the television showing the mentioned food.

I just got out of the shower and was now toweling my hair dry when I heard her say it. Smiling, I silently walked towards the walk-in closet to change.

Yesha and I now lived together in my apartment. I had somewhat convinced her to move into my place – well, she didn't have any choice on that matter anyway since I informed her landlady that she would be moving and took her things to my apartment on my own.

I was in a great mood today. Tomorrow would be the second month since Yesha and I got together, and I wanted to give her something special.

Of course, I was in the mood to indulge her every whim also, but it just so happened that she never asked me for anything. If there's something, it would be the massages after a tiring day at the preschool where she now worked.

Last month, on our first, I took her out with Matt and Jane, much to their surprise. I told them that day that Yesha and I had been together for a while and that we were living together officially as a couple.

Matt and Jane had been skeptical at first, though, since they knew me – they knew about my vow not to marry anyone beneath me. But after spending hours with them, seeing how dedicated I was as a lover, I knew I earned their approval.

Taking my cellphone in hand, I pushed Matt's number and smiled as my friend answered my call groggily. "Matt," I said over the phone.

"Adam?" Matt asked followed by a rustling sound. "What the hell happened? What's wrong? Are you okay?" my friend asked simultaneously and I frowned.

"Why are you panicking?" I asked back and Matt became silent.

"Mother of God. Adam Kingsley, it's freaking three in the morning. What do you want me to think, calling at this hour? I thought you're having an emergency," he told me wearily and I chuckled as I apologized. "Why did you call?" he asked and I sheepishly told him that I wanted to find a shop which sold cold noodles at this time of the day.

"Are you insane? Unless you're fucking rich and special request a restaurant to open just for you, you can't get cold noodles at this hour around here," Matt stated and then paused as if he remembered something. "Oh yeah, you're fucking rich," he deadpanned which made me laugh.

"So Matt, where can I find a restaurant where I can specially request to open at this hour?" I asked again and Matt sighed.

"Just a few blocks from your apartment," he answered as I heard another noise. It seemed I woke even Jane up and I heard my best friend explain things to her.

"What? You want some too?" I heard Matt ask incredulously and I chuckled.

"Hey Matt, why don't I pick you up there in a few minutes and let's go disturb that restaurant together?" I invited and heard him sigh as he agreed.

"What the heck's with cold noodles, anyway?" Matt grumbled before we ended the call.

After that, I casually told Yesha I'd be going out for a while and took my car to Matt's place a few minutes away from my apartment.

"You look like hell," I teased Matt as soon as I stopped in front of him.

He was wearing a simple sweater and his hair was messy and his eyes were red. "I just slept for an hour when you called," he answered as he sat on the passenger seat, yawning. "Let's go," he said and I started the engine.

We ended up disturbing a small Japanese restaurant nearby. The owner looked unhappy being roused from his slumber, but when I told him my name and flashed some cash, he immediately beamed at us and started working on our orders.

"So, how are you and Yesha doing?" Matt asked me casually and I shrugged.

"Fine," I answered just as casually and Matt nodded, though, he looked like there was something that he was itching to ask me. "Spill it. What do you want to know," I told him and he sighed, smiling as he nodded again.

"Well, I told you before that she has a lover back in Japan right?" Matt asked and my face blanked.

I felt angry that the subject of that bastard came up, but I guess there was no helping it since I didn't explain what happened to Matt yet.

"He's out of the picture," I told him monotonously and when Matt looked at me with a confused expression, I decided to explain things to him, omitting of course my role in the bastard's betrayal.

"I took over the bastard's company without knowing he was one of its executives. Of course, he needed to be transferred here in Seoul, and when he did, he met one of my clients and his daughter."

Matt's eyes widened, finally getting where the story was going. "You mean…"

"Yeah, the daughter and the bastard hooked up and the last time I heard, they got married a month ago," I answered.

"That fucking piece of shit," Matt growled and I snorted.

"Well, thanks to that fucking piece of shit, Yesha and I are together now," I said, dismissing the subject and Matt, realizing that it was the case nodded his head again and sighed.

"But…how did you and Big Sis exactly came together?" he asked again and I almost laughed at his expression.

He was truly curious and so I decided to humor him. "You were right back then at the bar. I was attracted to her since I saw her."

"And so?" he prompted and I snorted.

"You're once a cunning business elite, Matt. You figure it out how we got together," I said and watched as his eyes widened, his mouth opening as the answer came to him.

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"You…you took advantage of her when she was grieving from her lover's betrayal?" he asked disbelievingly and my expression hardened. "But Adam, you, yourself are aware that you can never force love right?" he asked and I nodded as I sighed heavily.

"I know that. Yesha doesn't love me," I said as my hand tightened on the keys in my palm. Knowing it was another thing, but saying it out loud was more painful that I first thought. "But I don't care. I don't give a damn about it anymore as long as I have her…"

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