His Royal Highness's cats are very hairy.
Lesson 44: Female Knight
"Deo, hide!
Seeing Rutvias walking down the dark corridor, Adeline pushed Deo into the shadow of the pillar in front, followed by hiding herself. Looking softly, Aurio is the only one accompanying him, with no escort knight, no samurai, no one with him. Without noticing Adeline and Deo, the two of them have turned the corner and gone.
"Lady? Why are you hiding? Didn't you have something for Master Aurio?
"... yes..."
To the surprising facial deo, Adeline couldn't return a clear answer.
-... I'm sure you should go back today.
I needed to talk to Aurio and I wanted to visit him, but apparently he's busy, and what I want to talk to Aurio about is what Rutvias wants to avoid asking me.
"... I knew it would be fine. Let's go back."
"Yes...... someone will come"
Deo pins down Adeline, who notices her footsteps, trying to turn her heel back. The two rush to hide in the shadow of the same pillar again, and gaze at how things are going.
-... Aurio?
Aurio walked away by himself again, behind the hallway.
-... just Aurio? What about the rut?
At the end of that corner, there must be only a spare room for Aurio and the secretaries to use for chores. Aurio often does paperwork there, and Adeline has visited him several times because she wants to talk to him. It's the same room that Adeline was trying to get to. Does the fact that only Aurio has returned mean that Rutvias is waiting alone in the room?
-... what? -... who are you waiting for?
Anxiety brings head. Deo asked in a whisper.
"... Lady, what do you want to do?
We'll see what we can do. Footsteps echoed again in Adaline's lost ear. Now it's for two. Killing his breath, paying attention to the sound of the dress's clothes rubbing, Adaline glanced at who had come from the shadows.
Aurio had a woman.
-... who?
The woman is wearing a light gray coat from her head and can't see her face.
-... you're not a woman... then what the hell...
Aurio turns the corner and the woman follows it. At that moment, my coat wobbled and I saw my face faintly.
White face on blue. Dark hair on cheeks.
"... that man... certainly in the daytime corridor... lady?
You realize something's wrong with Adeline, and Deo peeks worryingly at you.
"... let's go"
Dragging her leg, which seemed powerless, Adeline escaped.
Happy Birthday.
Rutvias, who had visited Adeline's room in the morning, said so when he entered the room and even withdrew his good morning greeting. Adeline, who has just changed and hasn't even passed through her hair, thanks her with a top-down.
"Ah... thanks..."
Today, Adeline turned 18. Just ten years ago, on this day, a messenger from the royal palace handed Adaline his shoes, which were a product of the princess's penitentiary reward and proposal. It may be the mercy of the goddess to be able to stand beside Rutvias in this way, even though there are many things, including war.
"Remember our promise tonight?
"Of course... but..."
To the mouthwatering Adeline, Rutvias tilted his neck.
"What's wrong?
"... yeah, it's nothing..."
Adeline laughs softly and deludes. Nor did Rutvias pursue it.
Both sides, the next word doesn't come up. The silence visited does not go as far as the return of the end of the world, but it is uncomfortable. Weird tension made me sweat in Adeline's hand.
"... uh... you know..."
Rutvias has his hands on his forehead.
"... I need to tell you something..."
Stifled, Adeline took a breath. I felt like I knew what he was trying to say. And that must be something Adeline doesn't want to hear.
"... you know, Adeline..."
"Today! Good luck!
Unbearable, Adeline forcefully broke Rutvias' waist talking. I was aware that the smile I was forced to make was unnatural, but what other expression should I give it? Rutvias frowned as troubled.
"... Adeline, we need to talk..."
"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm here to support you! Of course, I'll be there for you!
I couldn't look Rutvias directly in the face, and Adeline leaned down. Look for the silent exit I visited again, but I can't find it.
"... ha..."
I hear a deep sigh of Rutvias, and Adeline rocks her shoulders.
"... right. Well, I'll do it without shame."
That's what he said, he laughed small.
"... say that"
Adeline laughed a little too.
-... good...
I didn't have to ask. I just did this, and I know it doesn't make sense. No matter how bad you hate it, you must always listen to Rutvias eventually.
"See you later,"
"Huh? Ma, wait!
Adeline stopped Rutvias from leaving.
"What about breakfast?
When Adeline is in the royal palace, it is no longer customary to eat with Rutvias. Adeline intended to do so this morning, and I thought the visit to Rutvias was for that reason. Though I thought it was a long time ago.
"No, I'm ready."
When Rutvias waved the arrow down to his waist, it rang jarrarily. There's still time before the Bow Club starts, but I guess archers have a lot to do.
"... yes..."
Even though there's no choice, somehow Adaline feels down. Rutvias' fingers tangled a room of Adeline's hair dropping off her shoulders.
"... rut"
When Adeline looks up, at the hairline just above her ear, one, the mouthpiece comes down.
"... I'm coming"
It was a sweet voice, like provoking Adeline. The eyes that look at Adeline, the fingers that touch her hair, the mouthfeel, everything spoils Adeline. But Adaline could not drown in its sweetness.
The square in front of the royal palace was surrounded by gorgeous tents, and royalties and ambassadors from all over the country waited under their umbrellas for the entrance of the Bow Guild players, now or now. The Bow Guild shoots a total of 16 arrows in one pair, hanging. Competing for the number of hits and the more hits, the simpler it is supposedly. In Rude Saxony, bow moves flourish because St. Saxony, the first king, was a famous bowman, and bow moves are held frequently in the private sector as well. However, the King's Bow Club is also out of step in terms of the number and skill of the players competing. Neither did the nobles in the support seats hide their excitement, and when the athletes showed up on horseback, they greeted them with great applause and cheer.
Start firing sequentially from the lower knights.
The knights, coming down from the horse and dressed in white and dark green attire, were all uniformly nervous faces. It's a bow club with the king in attendance, so there's no reason to do that either. Besides, if the arrow hits, the cheer boils, and if it detaches, the discouraged sigh wraps the venue. Try being an archer, it won't be a hoarding one.
In the meantime, Lyle, who did not deny that he was nervous yesterday, settled in for it and finished firing eight arrows for the first tour, five in and a bad grade. Depending on your second tour grades, you may be able to devour to the top. From the backup seats around where Troop III would watch the game, 'boring', 'cute', 'iron skins', etc. and the exact wilderness flies. I know it's a labor for them to be colleagues, but Adeline did it for a moment as Lyle fired a spare one arrow at the troops with no eating face. But then I was like, "You're gonna kill me! '' What if I did, '' Salary cuts and reductions! 'And so on, the greater wilderness, and the laughter from the other guest seats, made Adeline laugh with relief. Of course, I didn't mean to, but I don't want you to be too surprised.
"Miss Adeline."
Adeline, who was watching alongside the Chancellor and Lady Chancellor, was called by the King to rise.
"Yes, Your Majesty"
"... but"
What Richield showed us was right next to the king. It is a high step from the seat where the Chancellor and Adeline were, and where Rutvias' seat would otherwise be, but today, he is not there. Nevertheless, Adeline was confused as to whether she could go to such a seat, which was still just her fiancée. But Richard laughed calmly and nodded.
"I don't mind. It'll be Rutvias' turn soon, won't it? This one looks better."
With Richard's gaze, the samurai moved Adeline's chair. Still, when Adaline hesitated, the Chancellor urged him.
"Let me sweeten your words."
"... then..."
In awe, Adaline moved to her seat. Richard is right, the venue can often be seen from that seat.
"Have you ever seen that kid shoot?
"No, Your Majesty"
Adeline shakes her head.
"You may think I'm a pro fool, but I'm very brilliant. I saw you at the Inner Palace practice hall the other day."
Richard narrowed his eyes gladly.
"He noticed me and looked disgusted, but he showed me without stopping"
"Was it"
Adeline smiles too. What Rutvias disliked was probably the lightning out. It's about him, so I guess it's like, 'Turn twenty...' But it's surprising that Rutvias, who had a relationship with Richard, had such a time with his father.
"I was good as a kid... but I was better all the time"
"I'm sure you've been trained a lot"
Rutvias, who had been forbidden to hold a sword in the Empire, said he was allowed to train in bow moves. The bow really stands out if you carry it. Whatever it takes. Now the Imperial Council may have thought that the assassination of the Emperor is no longer to be explored.
Since he decided to go to this bow club, Rutvias seems to have occasionally gone to the practice hall, and the ladies secretly look at it from the shadows, they sigh in a glorious appearance. I also wanted to see Adeline, but given her position, she can't be confused by the women officials to steal it, she's only telling the rumors.
Have you ever... had a sword?
The female knight that she was Rutvias' lover said she manipulated the long sword freely. Rutvias may have secretly taught her how to handle a sword.
The last arrow shot by the young knight detached from the target, and a discouraged voice rose from all over the venue. In the applause of praising the good fight, the knights leave. Under a large sunshine umbrella with the ambassadors of the Empire, behind the ambassador, I saw a woman with long black hair neatly braided.
-... Dear Bianca...
Bianca sits in hiding from other officials.
Last night, Adeline had a hard time sleeping and even thought about things she didn't have to think about. Strange discomfort felt for Rutvias and Bianca. Isn't that because they were playing a play? Though it's not really the first meeting, I thought you pretended to be the first.
So why play such a play? If you have known each other in the Empire, say hello to your reunion and you will. Yet I pretended to meet him for the first time because I wanted to hide that I had face-to-face knowledge. Why do you want to hide it? There is one reason.
-... Master Bianca... a female knight, so...
I didn't think so. Will the wise ambassador of the Empire allow the mission to confuse the bridegroom's former lover at this time before the wedding? If you do poorly, you develop into a diplomatic issue.
-... and Master Bianca doesn't look like a knight...
Bianca is long for being a woman, but her arms are sneaky and I very much don't think she can handle a heavy long sword.
-... I think too much.
But curious and concerned, Adaline slipped out of her bedroom.
He followed Deo, who was his night shift, wearing only thin feathered textiles on top of his night clothes, and ran barefoot down the hallway of the royal palace. I was wondering if Aurio knew anything about it, heading to the room he used a lot, and, I saw it. Rutvias and Bianca entering the same room.
Wow, to a loud cheer, Adeline lifted her lid and raised her face. The last group on the first tour came in. Some of them, Rutvias on a black horse.
Rutvias looked up at this one, as if he had heard Adeline whining.
My eyes met, and Bea's eyes smiled -... too far down the street. My heart ached like an eagle.
I don't know if I'm happy or sad, or both.
Maybe it was about Bianca that Rutvias tried to tell Adeline in the morning. Bianca is his former lover, he would try to reveal that he would be honest with Adeline. But is that really 'once'?
In fact, we continue to hide and interact, and isn't it because Bianca visited Rud Saxseed as a mission because Rutvias called it in? And last night, let Aurio guide me to Aise...
-... that can't be!
An unpleasant thought, Adeline desperately dismissed.
-... rut is... rut is not the person to do that.
Rutvias said that one Adeline was the Queen. That would be for a sense of duty or guilt towards Adeline and, I'm sure, pity. Even so, I'm not the one to overshadow words. No matter how much you think of your former lover, Rutvias will never welcome her into the side room. Even if that lover is revealed in front of him, he may freeze his mind and pass too far.
-... because he's such a person... because Ruto is such a person, that's why I have to draw your heart.
Adeline squeezed her hands firmly on her knees.
Rutvias and the archers begin to follow the arrows in each standing position as they descend from the horse.
-... rut...
Adeline killed her breath and stared at Rutvias.
Critical, I feel like I can hear Rutvias' bow going off. An arm that extends to point at a target. Adeline knows that fingers squeezing arrows and strings are powerful against appearance.
The side of Rutvias, still not moving like time had stopped, while targeting, was breathtaking beautiful and quiet. In that silence, I felt myself silently alone in the Empire, seeing Rutvias' past practicing bows. I wouldn't have had anyone to forgive. Hostage life. For Rutvias, what was the knight in love like?
'Salvation wasn't there'.
Rutvias' grunt rises to his ear. Bianca's back, Adeline stole it again.
-... 'salvation'...
On the signal of the drum, arrows are fired simultaneously and the best cheer of the day.
"... I'm in!
Unexpectedly, Adaline stood up. Rutvias' shot arrow is shooting through the middle of the target. The prime minister and his wife also slap their hands.
"That's amazing! In the middle!... Look, I'm gonna shoot the next one."
Rutvias' shooting arrows, so that they are sucked in, go in one after the other.
"This... you're in trouble... Maybe we won't need the finals..."
With that said in his mouth, Richard's face is happily broken. Sure, Rutvias is definitely the winner as it is.
"... is that...?
Weird, looking at the strange person, Adeline tilted her neck. There's a man standing by the entrance. It looks familiar. I don't know his name or affiliation, but he's the archer I was shooting behind Lyle earlier. The second tour should not have happened yet, but the bow with the arrow is pointing at his feet.
"... father. That's crazy... that archer..."
Without distracting himself from the archer, Adaline appealed to the father behind her. That's when the archer covered his bow. Before the arrows aim...
"... ugh!
As far as his voice was concerned, Adaline shouted. The voice, which seemed to be extinguished in the cheer, seemed to arrive miraculously, and Rutvias, who was looking down and holding an arrow, looked up. At that moment, an arrow ran just ahead of Rutvias' eyes and nose, like a flash of light.
The arrow pierces the archer's foot next to Rutvias, and blood blows out.
The venue went into havoc at once with a gruesome scream. The archer, aiming for Rutvias, sees the arrow come off. No, he took a short knife out of his clothes and ran out.
Richard gets up bright blue. The prime minister rushed after the master, who could still rush out.
"I won't, Your Majesty! Your body will be handicapped!
"Say what! My child is about to be killed!
"I won't! Somebody! Take Your Majesty to the back! Adeline, come on!
"But... eh"
Among the fleeing people, Adeline can hardly go to Rutvias. That's why I didn't want to take refuge in a safe place just for myself. Seeing, the man earlier is about to wield a short knife and strike Rutvias.
Adeline screamed.
Rutvias quickly hits the bow and releases an arrow. The arrow pierced the man's shoulder and the man crooked his face and knelt on the spot.
"Protect Your Highness!
"Get that man!
The knights scream and run out. Seeing it, Adeline strokes her chest down relieved. Don't worry about it anymore. The knights protect Rutvias. But behind Rutvias, I saw a man in a samurai uniform. Turning to Rutvias' back, which I don't realize at the moment, the man bursts with a short knife in his hand.
"No! Rut!"
I can't watch, and Adeline accidentally covers her eyes with her hands. I thought Rutvias had been stabbed. Someone from behind supports Adeline, whose consciousness swells away and falls off her feet.
"Deo... Deo, Ruto..."
"It's okay! You're safe!
To Deo's words, Adeline lowers her fearful hand. In the dust, a man stood alone, to protect Rutvias' back.
"... Dear Bianca...?
The flower hat she was supposed to be wearing is nowhere to be found. Dark hair and pale dress shake in the wind. Bianca's white, thin fingers grabbed the long sword pattern and were red and bloody wet. And at its feet, a man in a samurai uniform is bleeding to fall.
"... Damn!
A man with an arrow on his shoulder and a knee pulled an arrow from his own shoulder to leave it to him to stand up. You can't possibly see that from Bianca, but she flips herself with Hilary as she dances, with her long sword on the man's chest -...
"Don't kill me, Bibi!
I heard Rutvias screaming. As screams and yells flew, for some reason the voice sounded clearly into Adeline's ears, and tore her breasts apart.
-... "Bibi"...
Adeline quickly searched to see where the name was in the memory drawer.
Chickpea soup.
The doors of the stables that swoop.
From the lips of the leaning Lutvias, an indelible zero sound.
"Bibi" and.
-... oh...
Adeline fell off her leg this time.
"Lady!? What's wrong with you!?
Deo panics and kneels beside him.
"Ma'am? Are you okay? Lady!"
-... I knew it...
The hunch was this. I have a feeling we shouldn't let Rutvias and Bianca meet.
"Excellent language skills", "Beautiful" and "Knight woman manipulating long swords with fine arms".
-... after all, Master Bianca...
She is the knight Rutvias loved.
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