His soul

Chapter 5:D 12

After finishing eating and reading the mother's handwritten letter that Doctor Ali brought, Georgina then walked slowly to the bathroom. Her body and face which was covered with dirt made her feel uncomfortable, Georgina intended to immediately go to the place that her mother had mentioned in the letter she had read. Georgina was curious and wanted to know what was really inside her mother's secret locker. Because Georgina only took a short nap, she didn't dare to take a shower for long, especially since there was no water heater in that simple house. As a result, she could only take a shower using cold water, with a body wrapped in a towel. Georgina came out of the bathroom and walked to her room to get dressed.

Wearing an oversized t-shirt and favorite jeans paired with her favorite sneaker, Georgina then grabbed a small sling bag containing a money cellphone and a card for taking public transportation. Georgina also brought her mother's will which contained the complete address of the library in question, along with the library member card with her name written on it.

Luckily when Georgina left her neighbor's house no one was outside, because they were still busy in their respective homes. Using Georgina's mask and hat and walking quickly towards the main road, her house in a crowded housing area made it impossible to call a taxi. That's why the only option is to walk to the bus stop as usual.

"Good morning, miss," said the friendly bus driver to Georgina.

"Morning sir." Georgina answered briefly while nodding her head.

"Please tab first," said the bus driver, pointing to the payment instrument installed near the bus entrance.

Without speaking, Georgina then took out her bus card to tab first, her smile behind the mask when she saw that the balance on her card was still quite a lot.

"Thank you, please sit down," said the bus driver friendly again when Georgina had finished making the payment.

"Yes sir, oh yes sir I want to ask. How many times did it take a bus to get to the Battersea library?" Georgina asked quietly.

"To get to the library you need two more public transportation, then after arriving at the sixth stop from this stop you get off. Then from that stop take bus line 23 and get off at the last stop on bus line 23 after that you will find one. the only bus that is in that lane, the bus driver you are taking will say the name of the library. So you don't have to worry about getting lost, the way back is the same. You take the bus to the first stop then wait at the bus stop for take the bus on line 23 again and you will arrive in this area again, "answered the bus driver at length answering questions from Georgina.

Georgina, who had been trying to remember the driver's words, was seen nodding her head many times, soon her smile appeared when she remembered everything clearly.

"Thank you for the information, sir," Georgina wrote.

"You're welcome, now you better sit down because we're leaving soon," said the driver kindly.

"Yes sir," Georgina said quietly as she walked slowly towards the bench near the exit.

After Georgina sat down on the bus and then started walking leaving the bus stop, Georgina who was actually very tired and sleepy tried to stay awake, she didn't want to make herself in trouble if she fell asleep on the bus. One by one the passengers boarded from each stop that was approached by the bus, and soon the sixth stop was getting closer. Georgina got ready, she made sure her bag was kept safe in her arms. After arriving at the bus stop Georgina got off and when Georgina got off the line 23 bus which was called the previous bus driver appeared, without waiting long Georgina got on the bus to continue the journey.

Georgina finally reached her destination after traveling for nearly forty minutes, her heart racing as she arrived at her destination's Battersea library. After calming down Georgina then entered the library and immediately headed to the receptionist by showing her mother's member card with her name written on it, upon seeing the member card that Georgina brought the receptionist then gave Georgina a locker key in a friendly manner.

When he received the locker key, all the hairs of his neck stood up, somehow he felt that there was a big secret in the locker which now the key he held. Because the lockers are on Georgina's third floor and either the elevator to reach where the lockers are, when the lift opens Angelica gets even more nervous when she sees hundreds of lockers in front of her eyes.

"D 12..D 12." Georgina called out the locker number that the key she was holding, after searching Georgina finally arrived at the third hallway where the locker she was looking for was located.

Without difficulty Georgina managed to open the locker she was looking for, while trying to open the locker Georgina closed her eyes. And he opened his eyes slowly when he managed to open the locker, his eyes perfectly rounded when he saw the contents of the locker that he had just opened.

"Mother…" Georgina shrieked in surprise as she covered her mouth with both palms of her hands when she saw that there were about two piles of dollar bills and a black box beside her and a rather thick brown envelope.


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