Among the Confucian Little Sage Zhuang.

Fu Nian, Yan Lu, and Zhang Liang were discussing Gai Nie's affairs.

The reasons and consequences of Gai Nie's arrest are well known to all officials, and have now spread among the people.

Gai Nie was the number one sword saint in the world, and he was by no means an easy opponent to deal with.

And he was arrested in this way, which is enough to show the strong strength of the empire.

The empire released such news, which can be said to be to deter those internal forces that vainly tried to oppose Qin.

Judging from the current effect, it is still quite good.

Many people have stopped their desire to rebel against the empire.

The three Confucians must have a killer feature behind Gai Nie's arrest.

However, no matter how they guessed, the internal news was not known, or in vain.

The only pity is that after Gai Nie was captured, their anti-Qin plan lost a general.

Just as they sighed, the flying pigeon books of the Confucians flew over the mountains and rivers and flew into the Little Sage Village of Confucianism.

When they opened the flying pigeon book of Xianyang Confucianism and touched the attached paper.

In an instant, the eyes of the three people shook and they were speechless.

Is this paper?

Can be used as writing, can replace the paper of the book?!

It's amazing!

Not to mention, the raw materials mentioned in the letter are so simple and cheap!

If it can be promoted, I don't know how many people will learn literacy because of this.

Their Confucian ideas will be carried forward in this way!

What is even more surprising is that Ying Zheng actually published the detailed practice of papermaking!

Fu Nian Yan Lu was overjoyed.

"Although this government slaughtered the Six Kingdoms, this matter can be regarded as a meritorious achievement. "

"Yes, in this way, even those who are poor can make their own paper, use it themselves or sell it to others, which is very beneficial." "

Hearing that the two praised Ying Zheng, Zhang Liang's face was a little ugly.

His family was in Korea, five generations of each other, if it was not for the government, why would he seek the opportunity to oppose Qin in Confucianism?

Now, Confucianism is full of praise for Yingzheng, where do they put him?

Fu Nian did not think of this, and he thought in his heart to tell this good thing to Xunzi, who was retreating in the back mountain.

Zhang Liang used his physical discomfort as an excuse and left

He was going to go to the Mo family.

Yan Lu looked at Zhang Liang's back as he left and shook his head slightly.

Quicksand Valley on the other side.

With a fiery red Chi Lian face solemn, she walked towards Wei Zhuang and said, "Zhuang, Gai Nie was arrested by the Qin State and thrown into the Tooth Devouring Prison. "

Wei Zhuang's usually calm face suddenly paled.

"Senior brother was arrested?!"

His senior brother Gai Nie is a sword saint, how could he be defeated by the people of the Qin Kingdom?

He couldn't believe it.

At present, in his opinion, there are no people who can fight his senior brother one-on-one, except for himself!

Who is it who is ahead of him and let Senior Brother lose?

Chi Lian knew Wei Zhuang's obsession, and she repeatedly confirmed that the news was indeed true.

Wei Zhuang could not accept it.

Even if Gai Nie wants to die, he must die under his sword!

Instead of dying in the Tooth-Eating Prison!

No one in the world is entitled to take his life except himself!

Wei Zhuang's eyes turned cold, stood up, and was about to lead people out.

At this time, an uninvited guest arrived.

It is the most mysterious killer of Luo Net sent by Zhao Gao, covering the sun.

He appeared dressed as an imperial ironclad army.

God unknowingly came to Quicksand Valley without saying anything, and just came and said: "I want to make a deal with Quicksand." "

Chi Lian stood beside Wei Zhuang and looked at him with a guarded expression.

Wei Zhuang did not have a good impression of such people who hid their heads and tails and refused to show their true faces.

He said coldly: "If what you want to say is about my senior brother being arrested, then you can get out, I already know about this." "

"It seems that although the quicksand is hidden in this quicksand valley, the news is not closed. "

"But what if you know the news?

The cover turned around and talked about the unknown details inside.

"Gai Nie was not captured by the Qin army, but was ambushed and intercepted by the masters of the Yin-Yang family. "

Why did the Yin-Yang family just ambush Ganie?"

"When Gai Nie defected, it was clear that the shadow secret guards did not have time to react, but after that, Ying Zheng suddenly ordered that the masters of the Yin Yang family go to the Residual Moon Valley to ambush Gai Nie. "

"It's as if you already knew that your senior brother would definitely pass through there. "

Wei Zhuang fell into deep thought.

Such classified information is not disclosed.

After this person's words, it is indeed full of weirdness.

Knowing that Wei Zhuang had taken the bait, he continued: "There is also this papermaking incident, and for no reason, a new technology for papermaking has appeared, don't you think it's strange?"

Wei Zhuang was silent.

He already understood the meaning of hiding the sun.

There must be a high-ranking person beside King Qin who will advise him.

Seeing that he had understood, he stopped going around in circles and revealed his purpose.

"This is my deal, you quicksand find out who is behind the government, in contrast, Luo Net can provide the situation of the Tooth Eater and help you fulfill your wishes." "

PS: 10 more a day, the old author asks for flowers, evaluation tickets, comments, monthly passes, tips, the first day is really very important, thank you Yanzu!

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