On the other side, in the quicksand valley.

A figure wearing the Imperial Ironclad Army appeared silently.

It was a visit from the cover of the net.

Everyone in Quicksand Valley, although they knew that Wei Zhuang had reached a cooperation with Luo Net

However, there is still a sense of precaution against covering the sun.

Only Wei Zhuang's face did not change, his eyes were sharp, and he stared at the sun.

Hide Sun didn't care about the gazes cast by the others.

He opened the door and said directly: "The Moyu Qilin you sent out has been arrested." "

This short sentence is like a bomb, blowing up everyone's sanity!

Chi Lian's eyes widened, incredulous: "Lin'er was arrested? How is this possible? "

They all know the skills of the Moyu Qilin.

Her transfiguration has never failed!

Whether it is the sound, or the small movements when making moves, or even those instinctive reactions, she can imitate it very well!

Yi Rong sneaks in and obtains intelligence, which is what she is best at!

Who the hell can catch her?!

Others were also reluctant to believe the news was true.

"How is this possible? Has Lin'er's transfiguration technique been seen through? "

"Is this information reliable? Are you sure Lin'er has been arrested? "

"Could it just be fake news released by Ying Zheng?"

Cover Sun didn't care about Mo Yu Qilin, he spread out his hand and said, "Believe it or not, I just told you the information that Luo Wang got." "

Losing a powerful subordinate of Moyu Qilin, Wei Zhuang was in a very bad mood at this time.

He said with an ugly face: "I want to know the details of what happened." "

Cover began to tell the story of the information he had learned.

"Not long after Mo Yu Qilin sneaked into the harem, she disguised herself as a palace maid and mixed into Concubine Shu's palace."

"It seems that everything is going well, but at night, she came out of Concubine Shufei's palace, just on the edge of the harem, and was caught by the shadow guard."

"When the shadow guard caught her, she was already bleeding and unconscious."

"The above is the incident information obtained by Luo Net."

Wei Zhuang quickly grasped the point: "So, Lin'er was injured before he was caught by the shadow secret guard?" "

Cover Sun nodded and affirmed Wei Zhuang's statement.

Wei Zhuang thought for a few seconds and said, "I see, Lin'er must have fought with the mysterious person you mentioned, so he will appear injured." "

"It seems that this mysterious person is indeed very strong, and he can actually see through Lin'er's whereabouts!"

In addition to transfiguration, Mo Yu Qilin is also one of the best in hiding his whereabouts.

What the hell is the origin of this mysterious man?!

There is such a strong strength?

In the rivers and lakes, have such masters appeared recently?

Why would such a master be in the harem of the government?

One question after another popped up in Wei Zhuang's heart.

Wei Zhuang regretted a little for a while, and did not investigate clearly, so he hastily sent the Moyu Qilin.

But Mo Yu Qilin was indeed the best candidate he could think of at that time.

If the ink jade unicorn will be discovered, it will be discovered by others.

Their immediate priority now is to immediately go to the Tooth Devouring Prison and rescue Mo Yu Qilin and Gai Nie.

Wei Zhuang looked at the sun: "Tell us the intelligence of the Tooth Devouring Prison." "

Hearing Wei Zhuang's appeal, he shook his head and said, "Mo Yu Qilin has not probed the details of the harem, and our transaction has not been completed. "

The implication is that he is unwilling to disclose the information of the Tooth Eater Prison.

Wei Zhuang drew his sword, and the shark teeth flashed sharply in the sunlight, showing the owner's cold killing intent.

"Lin Er is likely to have already fought that person, as long as you rescue Lin Er, you can know what you want to know, you just need to be flexible."

"Or do you want to learn the power of shark teeth?"

Cover Sun can feel the powerful killing intent condensed on the sharktooth sword.

He was sure that if he said no, Wei Zhuang would really make a move.

This sharktooth sword will definitely attack him!

Moreover, the other personnel of those quicksand will definitely not sit idly by, and they will inevitably help Wei Zhuang.

In the end, Cover Sun compromised: "I can hand over the intelligence of the Tooth Eater Prison, but Luo Wang will not go with you to save people, this is your quicksand." "

Wei Zhuang's voice was cold: "People of quicksand, quicksand will save itself." "

From the beginning, he did not expect the people who were in the net to help them.

Cover Sun nodded and handed over the information of the Tooth Eater Prison.

After receiving the information, he went to cover the sun.

The people of quicksand did not stop him again.

Wei Zhuang looked at the people of Quicksand and ordered: "Go to the Tooth Devouring Prison and rescue Lin'er." "

As long as you rescue Lin'er, you can know who the mysterious person really is.

You can know what his strength is.

Everything will fall into place.

Chi Lian asked, "What about Gai Nie?" "

If they want to go to the Tooth Devouring Prison, they will naturally meet Gai Nie there.

What to do with it then?

Chi Lian actually vaguely understood the answer to this matter.

But she just couldn't help but want to ask Wei Zhuang to see his reaction.

Wei Zhuang paused and said, "We haven't fought for a long time, so let's go by the way to see if his sword is rusty." "

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