Sure enough, Yingchen did not disappoint him, and subconsciously began to think about this problem.

[Wang Li is definitely not good, too young and arrogant, Meng Tian is no problem to fight Beibaran, but if you encounter that Greek + Roman + Macedonian variant phalanx, it is still easy to suffer losses by surprise. ] 】

[Meng Tian is also, the leader is obviously a golden fire cavalry but does not carry a crossbow, and also attacks the Macedonian phalanx head-on, isn't this a clear loss? ] 】

[If I want to say, just cover the attack with rockets, whatever Macedonian phalanx or Mahiton phalanx he is, all of them will burn the fire! ] No matter how bad it is, it is necessary to give full play to the mobility of the cavalry and eat away at the opponent little by little. 】

The Macedonian phalanx was a long horizontal formation in which the front row of soldiers held their spears at the front, and the postures of the soldiers in the back row holding spears were either inclined or perpendicular to the ground, which were different.

In this way, a wall formed by a spear is formed.

When fighting, the entire phalanx often runs forward in a strong, dense formation, like a battering ram slamming into the enemy's ranks.

Any soldier caught up in the phalanx will be slaughtered by soldiers armed with spears or swords.

And this phalanx must be accompanied by cavalry, which surrounds the enemy from one side as needed.

Or rush to kill enemies who dodge spearheads.

Those who cannot withstand the onslaught of the cavalry will be drawn into the phalanx, and the soldiers will not be able to escape the pursuit of the cavalry even if they escape the phalanx.

Walking and riding cooperate, invincible.

It is simply a combination of mobility and lethality.

But the Macedonian phalanx with a strong front has an Achilles heel, and that is the two wings or the back.

As long as it breaks through the flank, it is difficult for the spearmen in the spear formation to resist the attack of the swordsmen.

Moreover, the ability of the Macedonian phalanx to deal with dense arrow arrays is weak, whether it is light cavalry shooters or infantry groups, as long as they can disperse light infantry, the spearmen of the array are almost at their mercy.

That's why Windust offered to attack with rockets, or use his cavalry advantage to go around the rear and encroach on the opposite side.

It can be said that each one is right to the point.

Ying Zheng listened to the previous words and nodded slightly.

It seems that the decision to choose Meng Tian is no problem.

But hearing the words behind, Ying Zheng frowned.

What do you mean?

Hi what? Horse what?

What is this?

Does it mean that Meng Tian will encounter unexpected enemies when he goes north this time?

Although a few words were heard, it did not affect his understanding of the countermeasures given.

It seems that he has to tell Meng Tian to turn back.

Let Meng Tian use rockets, and make full use of cavalry mobility....

Ying Zheng recalled what he heard, and secretly concluded in his heart.

At this time, Zhang Han arrived and reported to Huan Zhengyu: "Your Majesty, Moyu Qilin has been imprisoned in the Tooth Eater Prison. "

Huan Zheng nodded, this was something he had ordered Zhang Han to do before.

He pricked up his ears again, wanting to hear what this son thought about Mo Yu Qilin.

Yingchen heard Zhang Handan's words and subconsciously thought.

[Mo Yu Qilin is also locked up in the Tooth Devouring Prison? ] Coupled with Gai Nie, it seems that Wei Zhuang and the quicksand under him are likely to make a move against the Tooth Devouring Prison. 】

Hearing his heart, Ying Zheng nodded secretly.

The friendship between Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang, he also knows, the two brothers seem to be at odds, but they are actually worried about each other.

Therefore, Wei Zhuang will never stand idly by, and will definitely come to the Tooth Devouring Prison.

This is a great opportunity to seize Weizhuang and quicksand!

Thinking of this, Huan Zheng ordered Zhang Han: "Change the protection of the Tooth Eater Prison, loosen the outside and tighten the inside, and wait for the fish to take the bait." "

Zhang Wei couldn't believe it when he heard the order: "Your Majesty means that someone will come to rob the prison?" "

That's a tooth-eating hell!

There are tens of thousands of changes in it alone! Even if you get the internal drawings, you may not be able to calculate the correct path.

How could anyone have the idea of getting out of prison?

Isn't that looking for death?

Zhang Wei knew that His Majesty did not like others to question him, so he silently swallowed those thoughts.

Ying Zheng firmly believes in the future of Wei Zhuang leading quicksand to attack the Tooth Eater Prison.

Trust your own judgment, and even more trust the judgment of your own son.

"Don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case, you go to the moon god and star soul of the Yin-Yang family, and let them stay with you."

"With the masters of the Yin-Yang family together, we must ensure that nothing is lost."

In fact, the complexity of the Tooth Eater Prison itself makes it even more difficult for them to rob the prison.

The entrance to the Tooth Eater is extremely hidden, hidden under the sea, and can only be discovered after retreating.

Just getting in is a big problem.

Not to mention finding an escape route among tens of thousands of variations.

It's almost impossible.

On top of this, Yingzheng also excludes the Shadow Secret Guard and the Yin-Yang Family.

It seems that this quicksand is doomed.

Zhang Wei took the order and left to prepare.

When Yingchen heard this, he sighed in his heart.

[It seems that Brother Zheng and I thought together, not only arranged in advance, but also sent the masters of the Yin and Yang family, and Wei Zhuang was going to be unlucky. ] 】

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