In the room next to Ying Chen, there was a sound of crackling.

It is almost certain that two people are there at this moment.

The confluence of the Great Commander and the Minor Commandery.

The two had searched the perimeter and found nothing.

There wasn't any room for anyone special outside, and it was almost certain that the person they were looking for was no longer there.

The only place left to search is Concubine Shu's dormitory.

Perhaps the mysterious man lived in Concubine Shu's dormitory.

After making up their minds, the two made a gesture and were about to enter Concubine Shu's dormitory.

At this moment, Windust appeared above the two of them through the wall.

The young master was the first to notice that something was wrong, and she looked up.

I saw a baby with a golden light all over his body floating in the air.

In the darkness, the sight was so abrupt.

But there was not a trace of evil in the baby who suddenly appeared.

Instead, the golden light flowed around the baby, like a mythical god suddenly born into the world.

There is a detached divinity.

There is no evil feeling in people's hearts, only admiration and admiration from the heart.

The baby slowly opened his eyes.

Those inky black eyes stared at the two below.

There was a strong sense of inquiry and warning in that gaze.

There is no innocence of an ignorant and naïve baby!

Such a scene has exceeded the inherent understanding of the young master for so many years.

Her eyes widened, her mouth opened slightly, and she looked at the scene in front of her in a daze.

This baby he was watching them! He is sane!

Did he understand that the two of them were intruders?!

No, who the hell was this baby before that?!

Why is it here?!


One question after another came to the mind of the young master.

It's going to burn through her brain.

For a while, it caused her whole person to turn into a wooden doll.

I could only stand in place, staring blankly at the baby in the air, unable to move.

Daishimei did not notice the strange condition of Shaoshimei.

She lowered her head and held her chin, still pondering how to move next.

The room also found no valuable clues.

Next, do they go directly to Concubine Shufei's room to investigate, or do they go to other rooms to continue searching?

At this moment, Dasimei, who was thinking about the problem, suddenly felt his sleeves move.

She looked at the young master.

It was Shaoshimei's hand pulling at her sleeves.

Da Si Meng was puzzled, she looked at Shao Si Mei and asked, "Young Si Meng, why are you pulling me?" "

The young master looked straight into the sky, not knowing what he was looking at.

She stretched out her slender jade finger and pointed into the night sky.

Daishi ordered to look in the direction she was pointing.

With just one glance, her beautiful eyes suddenly widened.

What is it?!


Seeing that strange scene, Dasimei subconsciously took two steps back.

Her hands trembled, pointing at the baby, her mouth open, not knowing what to say for a long time.

"This... What is it? And what, when did it appear? "

The big master ordered his tongue to be knotted and stumbled to finish the sentence.

However, her questions were not answered.

Shao Simei didn't know the answer at all.

She herself had just discovered it, and she had no idea when the baby had arrived.

When asked what this baby was, she didn't even know.

The two fell silent for a while.

Daishi was the first to lose his breath and decided to investigate the situation with the baby.

The babies suddenly appeared and had already found them.

What if there is some cry and shout, attracting others?!

It's better for them to test it first.

After all, the other party is just a baby, maybe it can be solved easily.

In just a moment, the thought in Dasimei's heart turned sharply, and a vigorous qi appeared in his hand, shooting towards the baby in the air!

However, even if he wanted to make a move, Dasimei did not forget the identity of his intruder.

She didn't use any Yin-Yang family moves, but just used an ordinary amount of energy.

Even if it is such an ordinary strength, people with average strength will either die or be crippled after touching it.

But this trick is completely inadequate in front of Windust.

He appeared in front of him with the water sword he had just made, and with a slight swing, he directly cut through the strength!

Daishimei and Shaoshimei looked at each other.

In the next second, the two did not say a word, and fled out of the room together with a tacit understanding!

With that blow just now, they all discovered something.

This little guy who looks like a baby is definitely not weak!

Not an opponent they can easily solve.

Since the whereabouts have been discovered, there is no way to solve it quickly.

Then there is no need to continue, and it will be troublesome to continue to attract shadow guards or Ying Zheng.

Seeing that the two decisively chose to escape, Huan Chen was not in a hurry.

Now his divine soul is much more convenient than physical.

They are not afraid of the distance they run.

He disappeared directly into the room.

When he appeared again in the air, he was already in front of the second daughter of the Yin-Yang family.

Without a single warning, they suddenly appeared in front of them!

The second daughter of the Yin-Yang family stopped abruptly.

Looking at the figure in mid-air in disbelief.

What is this body technique? Unexpectedly appeared out of thin air?

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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