After the Great Commander and the Young Commander left the hall, the two looked at each other and smiled.

They got over for the time being.

The next step is to follow Win Dust's orders, lurking down and waiting for the summoning at any time.

In the main hall.

The moon god looked at the back of the departure of the Great Commander and the Young Master, and a strange feeling emerged in his heart.

I don't know if it's her delusion, she always feels that the atmosphere between these two people seems to be a little different from usual.

In the past, although the Great Commander and the Young Commander often acted together, they did not communicate much with each other.

The relationship is not good.

Of course, this is indispensable for the reason why Shao Si Meng does not like to speak.

But just now, the relationship between the two seemed to be much more harmonious.

It was as if the two had a common pursuit and goal.

It is no longer the indifferent atmosphere before.

But after all, this is just her feeling, not accurate, and there is no evidence to speak of.

Luna shook his head, thinking that maybe he had overthought it.

She turned her head to look at Donghuang Taiyi: "Lord Donghuang, what should we do now?" "

Now are they taking advantage of this momentum to secretly incite the government to fight with Luo Net, or do they just watch the situation alone?

Donghuang Taichi hesitated and decided to listen to the opinions of the others: "What do you think?" "

Star Soul spoke, "Since the two of them made a move when they escaped, making a lot of noise, the current Xianyang Palace must be heavily guarded, and it is not suitable for any major movements." "

The moon god echoed: "It is better to move than to be still, sometimes the more you do, the easier it is to show flaws, we might as well continue to wait and see." "

Donghuang Taiyi actually tends to stand still.

Since both Dasimei and Shaoshimei were blocked by this mysterious person in the palace.

It shows that his strength cannot be underestimated.

It can't be solved for a while, and if you make a rash move, you will cause trouble.

This time they were able to leave no trace, and they were already lucky that they could no longer act rashly.

Thinking of this, Donghuang Taiyi's heart has already made a decision.

"In that case, let's wait and see for a while, wait for the opportunity to come, and then exert influence on the government."

"However, the mirage must belong to the Yin-Yang family, and this cannot be changed. Yun Zhongjun's side, you go to urge, let him refine a better elixir as soon as possible, and continue to start with the elixir and say that he will move Yingzheng to get the mirage. "

Luna nodded and volunteered to take the errand, "Let me go." "

Star Soul saw that she took the initiative to take the task, and it was simply undesirable.

Among these masters of the Yin-Yang family, the one he despised the most was Yunzhong Jun, and he didn't want to contact him at all.

When the atmosphere in Xianyang City was tense, many people in Jinghu Medical Villa, thousands of miles away, also had solemn faces.

Because the poison in Gai Nie, Wei Zhuang, and Mo Yu Qilin is not simple.

Medical Immortal Duanmu Rong has been going in to treat their injuries for a while, and has not yet come out.

Finally, in anticipation, the door opened.

Duanmu Rong walked out with a tired look.

The thief kindly brought tea and asked, "Miss Rong, how are they doing?" "

It's not that he cares much about the people inside, but he praised Haikou in front of many people.

It is not enough to say what kind of poison is in front of Duanmu Rong.

The cow that blows out, he doesn't want to let it fall to the ground.

So he is now anxious to know the results.

Duanmu Rong sighed, his face worried: "The poison among the three of them does not seem to be as terrifying as some of the poisons that seal the throat with blood, but in fact, the poison is like a tarsal maggot, once it is stained, it is extremely difficult to eradicate." "

"Even if I come to heal, I can only slowly condition them, relieve the toxicity from their bodies little by little, and they can no longer use internal force until they are completely restored."

Hearing Duanmu Rong say this, the Mo family giant couldn't help but frown.

He had already asked Gai Nie and Mo Yu Qilin, but neither of them knew who the mysterious person behind Ying Zheng was.

In this way, the hope of the Mo family counting on obtaining intelligence from them is gone.

He could only hope that after these three people were detoxified, they would become a big help to their anti-Qin.

After all, Gai Nie Weizhuang is a rare powerhouse in the world, and Mo Yu Qilin's transfiguration technique is also very useful in obtaining intelligence.

Unexpectedly, this poison is not easy to solve, and now the three people have been poisoned and cannot use internal force.

In this way, they have worked so hard, didn't they save a few burdens?

Several other leaders of the Mo family also thought of this, and their faces suddenly became ugly.

Zhang Liang saw that the expressions of everyone in the Mo family were not right, and immediately said comfortingly: "Don't worry, at least this is not a deadly poison, and there is salvation, and when they successfully detoxify, it will be a huge help to the Mo family." "

Everyone in the Mo family thought about it carefully and felt that it also made sense.

As a sword saint, Gai Nie said that his force was worth nothing.

Wei Zhuang and the quicksand behind him, there are also many talents inside.

When they solve the poison, it is also a lot of combat power.

Thinking of this, the faces of everyone in the Mo family looked better.

The atmosphere eased down.

But at this moment, a disciple of the Mo family ran in in horror and reported: "It's not good! A patrolling Mo family disciple died! "

The faces of everyone in the Mo family changed greatly.

He's dead? How so?

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