The mother of the salamander joins the net and becomes the new Cover Sun.

Luowang's strength has returned to its past, even better than in the past.

Windust is very satisfied with this.

He looked at Tian Guang on the other side: "What about you?" Have you figured out how to choose ~ choose? "

I heard Winchen ask so.

Tian Guang was silent.

He had a very-strong premonition.

Going against Win Dust is by no means a good choice - the choice.

Zhao Gao is a good example.

Can he be allegiated to the Prince of Daqin?

How could he be worthy of a hundred thousand disciples of Nong!

Seeing that Tian Guang was silent, Ying Chen understood what he was thinking.

He said indifferently: "In fact, it doesn't matter if I have you on my side or not, don't forget, the identities of these two people around me." "

Tian Guang was reminded by him, looked at the shocked salamander and the new Ren Cover Sun, and smiled bitterly.

Of course, he knew the identities of these two people, and there was no need to talk about the new Cover Sun.

In the past, he was the premier killer in Luowang, but now he has recovered his strength by Windust.

It is estimated that it is better than before, and I am afraid that it will create new brilliance in the net.

More importantly, the current salamander Tian Yan.

She grew up in a farming family and knows everything about the farmhouse.

If she wants to attack the farmer, then the farmer is absolutely defenseless, and it will collapse with one blow.

Thinking of this, Tian hesitated.

Seeing Tian Guang hesitate, Ying Chen shook his head and said, "That's it, for the sake of the salamander's face, I can give the farmer some more time, but the Mo family will be gone soon." "

"The farmer family and the Mo family are both participants in the Blue Dragon Program, there is not much time left for you, if you haven't decided by the time I finish cleaning up the Mo family, then you are useless."

After speaking, Yingchen turned away with the people, leaving only Tian Guang with a stunned face.

What do you mean?

Yingchen is going to make a move on the Mo family?

Moreover, he didn't understand, how did Yingchen know about the Blue Dragon Plan?!

It was as if I understood everything about this plan!

Could it be said that there were traitors in the Blue Dragon Project?

Who leaked what's in it?!

Thinking of this, Tian Guang's heart was completely confused.

He couldn't think of who the traitor was, and more importantly, now the peasant family and the Mo family are in danger!

Huan Chen has already mastered Luo Net, and he has the information of the Blue Dragon Plan, and he himself is still the prince of Daqin!

No matter how you think about it, this is extremely unfavorable for the farmer and the Mo family!

Tian Guang couldn't help but fall into anxiety.

Yingchen naturally did not care about Tian Guang's situation, and he returned directly to Xianyang Palace.

After dealing with trivial matters in Xianyang Palace, he dismissed everyone.

A person began his own cultivation in the room.

Previously, when Ying Zheng announced that he wanted him to be the overseer, the imperial qi in his body skyrocketed.

It's just that the opportunity to gather in the middle layer of the net is only once, and if you miss it, it is difficult to gather them again.

That's why he didn't absorb it immediately.

Later, after subduing Luo Net, the imperial qi in his body soared even more wildly, and now he felt full of his body, and he was already somewhat stretched.

Yingchen began to absorb the imperial qi.

That endless stream of light points were absorbed into it, and the dust between the whiskers had broken through three small realms in a row!

Directly reach the sixth level of the Imperial Qi Foundation Realm!

Not only has the ability obtained before been greatly improved, but there is also a new ability - Flying the Wind.

Flying with the wind is one of the necessary skills for cultivators.

After Yingchen had this skill, he immediately began to test.

I saw that as soon as his mind moved, his body floated out of thin air.

Depending on what you think, you can fly freely in the air.

No need for foreign objects, very free.

Winchen flew in the air a few times and felt very satisfied.

Walk in the air and float like a fairy.

That's what you are.

At this time, Zhang Wei outside the door asked to see him.

The dust fell to the ground and announced him to come in.

Zhang Hanyu reported: "Your Highness, the Shadow Secret Guard has received the latest Mojia intelligence. "

"Although the shadow guards sent out have not yet found the specific location and entrance of the Mo family, they have roughly locked a range."

Yingchen nodded and said, "Enough." "

After breaking through the sixth level of the Imperial Qi Foundation Realm, his divine sense also skyrocketed.

The range that can be perceived has been expanded by three times, and the ability to perceive is also much stronger.

Now as long as he has an approximate location, he is sure to find Mojia Organ City.

Seeing that Huan Chen was so confident, Zhang Wei understood that he was already confident enough to deal with the Mo family.

So, Zhang Wei asked: "Your Highness, do you want to gather the shadow secret guards and prepare to make a move against the Mo family?" "

This time, Zhang Wei had a hunch that he would definitely be able to win everyone in the Mo family.

Yingchen thought for a while and said, "We are probably not only facing the Mo family, but also Quicksand and some other Hundred Families, so it is not appropriate to use only the shadow secret guard." "

He himself was fearless, but he didn't want the shadow secret guards loyal to Daqin to suffer senseless losses.

Instead of using his own people, he preferred to use Luo Net to deal with the Mo family before, so that they could defeat each other.

Reap the benefits of your own fishermanship.

Zhang Han was puzzled by Huan Chen's intentions and asked, "What does His Highness mean?" "

As soon as Yingchen's thoughts turned, he immediately had a good idea in his heart.

He stood up and said, "Let's go, go with me to the Tooth Eater Prison." "

He remembered a person, the Black Swordsman, Katsuchi.

It is fitting to use this person to deal with the Mo family.

In the Tooth Eater Prison.

Katsuchi remained in prison still looking calm, as if nothing could affect his emotions.

He has been here for many years and is used to everything here.

But today, he had two unusual guests here.

Yingchen and Zhang Wei came slowly.

Katsuchi was puzzled when he saw a child suddenly appear in the prison.

"How? Are you Daqin so frustrated? "

"What crime can such a young child commit? Need to be locked up in Tooth Eater Hell? "

Most of the people who appear in the Tooth Eater are prisoners.

Especially when Zhang Wei appeared here, it is likely that he escorted prisoners here.

Katsuchi thought it would be the same this time.

Hearing that Sheng Qi said that Huan Chen was a prisoner, Zhang Wei was furious.

He immediately rebuked: "Presumptuous! This is His Royal Highness Yingchen, the prince of Daqin, and he is also the Lord of the Prison Kingdom, you are rude! "

Sheng Qi already felt ridiculous when he heard the prince, and when he heard the word Jianguo, he couldn't hold back at all.

"Hahahahaha, Jianguo? You say such a young child, he is a prisoner? "

"Is Daqin unmanned? Actually let a child jail the country? "

"What about Zhengzheng? Wouldn't you already be able to get up on the sick bed? "

One sentence after another, as if aimed at Zhang Handan, for fear that he would not be angry, poked Zhang Han's lung tube.

Zhang Handeng was furious: "Sheng Qi, it seems that you lack punishment!" "

Saying that, Zhang Wei wanted to punish Sheng Qi.

but was stopped by a calm Yingchen.

He had already seen Katsuchi's boring tricks.

Katsuki was used to stagnant water in this prison, and he wanted someone to respond.

Really angry is what hit him.

Moreover, those words were not lethal to him at all.

Yingchen looked indifferent, went straight to the topic, and asked, "Shengqi, are you willing to serve this prince?" "

Sheng Qi was stunned, he didn't expect that Winchen would talk to him. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He said with a mocking look: "Want me to work for you? Isn't that the dog of Daqin? You dream! "

He refused categorically.

If he really gave in to Daqin so easily, he wouldn't have stayed in the Tooth Devouring Prison for so many years.

Yingchen had expected his answer.

He didn't care, threw out the bait in his hand, and said, "Is it?" Even if I can tell you Wu Kuang's whereabouts? "

Hearing Wu Kuang's name, Sheng Qi's face changed suddenly.

He changed his usual lazy appearance.

Got up all of a sudden, stumbled to the front of Huan Chen.

"Do you know where Wu Kuan is?!"

Apparently, he didn't believe it.

He searched for Wu Kuang for so many years, but he couldn't find it.

How could this little doll in front of him know!

However, his heart was too eager to know Wu Kuang's whereabouts.

So much so that as long as there is the slightest clue, he will not let go.

Be sure to check for peace of mind.

Yingchen smiled lightly and said, "Now that Luo Wang has been subdued by me, isn't it easy to know Wu Kuang's whereabouts?" "

Hearing this, Katsuki's eyes widened like a copper bell, emitting a fierce light.

"What do you say? Luo Net was taken in by you? What about Zhao Gao? "

Katsuki looked Winchen up and down.

He couldn't believe what he had heard.

Luo Net's ability, Katsuchi knows.

The targets targeted by Luo Net basically did not end well.

How could such a powerful net be subdued by a child?!

He couldn't understand.

And Zhao Gao, that mysterious guy.

The strength is elusive, but the character is definitely first-class poison.

How could such a person allow the net to be taken away?

Seeing Katsuchi staying here without knowing anything.

Zhang Wei sneered and couldn't help but reply, "Zhao Gao is dead. "

Another explosive news came, which surprised Katsuki.

He was skeptical.

Zhao Gao's strength is so strong, how can he die?

This group of people can't be fooling him, right?

But this has little to do with him, he only cares about one thing now.

That is Wu Kuang's whereabouts.

So Sheng Qi changed his arrogant attitude just now: "Where is Wu Kuang?" Please tell me! "

If Luo Net really belonged to the little boy in front of him, then with Luo Net's intelligence gathering ability, it would not be a problem to find Wu Kuan!

Katsuchi is like a drowning man who has caught the only driftwood.

Begging Huan Chen to tell him Wu Kuang's whereabouts.

Yingchen didn't react much to Shengqi's attitude change.

He looked indifferent and said, "Surrender to me, and you can know everything you want to know." "

This is his quid pro quo.

He will not provide information to Katsuchi for no reason, and Katsuchi must become his subordinate.

Katsuchi heard this request, and the voice in his mouth disappeared.

After a moment of silence, he finally said, "I will only submit to those who are better than me." "

This is his principle, no matter what happens, it will not change.

Even if it is related to Wu Kuang, this is the case.

After hearing Sheng Qi's principles, Huan Chen seemed to have expected it.

He said lightly: "Simple, you can fight with me." "

Hearing that Huan Chen agreed so cheerfully, Sheng Qi felt incredible.

He raised his eyes and looked at Yingchen carefully again, "Just you? You fight me? "

The words obviously did not believe in the strength of Windust.

It's not that he underestimated Windust.

Anyone who sees that their opponent is a five or six-year-old child can't help but question.

Zhang Wei heard Sheng Qi's words next to him and said dissatisfied: "Zhao Gao was killed by His Highness's own hands!" You should feel honored to be able to fight against His Highness! "

Zhao Gao, killed by this little teenager?!

Really fake?!

Katsuchi froze.

Zhao Gao, that Zhao Gao, whose strength is not even elusive to him, was killed by this little boy in front of him?!

How can it be?!

Zhao Gao's strength, in his own opinion, cannot be completely defeated.

How the hell did this person in front of him do it?!

Katsuchi felt the blood in his whole body boil together!

That's his belligerent factor is awakening!

His expression gradually became frenzied: "Good! Let me see how strong the person who can kill Zhao Gao really is!" "

Since he can defeat Zhao Gao, it is enough to be his opponent!

He met another strong man!

Another hearty battle!

When Yingchen saw the excited Shengqi, he knew that his engine was fully on.

"Zhang Handan, return Shengqi's weapon to him."

He wants to defeat Katsuki directly, and it is Katsuki who uses all his strength!

Zhang Han took the order, took out Katsuki's weapon, handed it to him, and released him from prison.

Sheng Qi got the giant sword, and the momentum of the whole person changed at once.

The muscles on his body were knotted, and his fierce aura suddenly soared, and he raised his sword and rushed towards Yingchen!

PS: Please book it all! Customize yourself! Ask for flowers! Thank you Hikozu thousand!.

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