Bista flashed and returned to the Moby Dick, looking at Levi with blazing eyes, and said

“Little Levi, what happened to your slash just now?”

Li Wei smiled slightly and said, “Haha, I just learned Jianhao’s slashing skills, but unfortunately, my physique is not enough, and I am not domineering, otherwise, I am also a big Jianhao.” ”

Looking at Li Wei with a hint of pride on his face, everyone did not mean to joke, but they were all stunned, three years old, only physically and domineering from the Great Sword Hao?!

Is this human speech?

But it happened to the youngest brother of the demon, but it is very reasonable!

The growth and development speed can be seen how evil this kid is!

Saatchi also always felt that it was his delicious cooking that allowed Levi to eat so much and grow so fast, obviously putting gold on his face!

Bista was a little frustrated, he used to watch Levi occasionally take a small wooden sword, thinking that this kid liked swords, and thought about teaching him how to become a swordsman in the future.

Well, there is no need to teach.

People graduated directly and reached the full level.

The rest of the swordsmanship tempering, can only rely on themselves, the only thing that still needs to be taught by them, that is, domineering.

“Goo la la ~ worthy of being my white-bearded son! Three-year-old Jianhao! Much better than your brothers who are not in the making! ”

The whitebeard’s words made everyone blush a little, but at this time, no one cared about this, they were all attracted to Levi, and they couldn’t help blushing.

“Little Livi, you behaved so well, what reward do you want your daddy to give you?”

Li Wei looked at the white beard who showed his old appearance and hung a hanging bottle, and couldn’t help but sigh in his heart, Pirate World, even if you have the power to shock the sea, you will be just a remnant body when you are old, and he who has the understanding of the sky will definitely not be satisfied with dying of old age on the sea!

And the starting point of everything, you must first obtain the power of seeing and smelling domineering!

So, Li Wei smiled and said:

“Dad, I want to cultivate domineering!”

Whitebeard looked at Levi’s small body and opened his mouth, but remembered how evil this little son was, and finally, he had to throw two booklets to Levi and said:

“Little Li Wei, this is my father’s experience in cultivating armed color domineering and seeing and hearing color domineering, you take it.”

After Levi left and went back to his room, the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates had not yet come to their senses.

Whitebeard laughed

“Goo la la la la ~ stupid sons, don’t compare yourself with an extraordinary demon like Xiao Li Wei, even if it is an old husband when I was young, compared to Little Levi, it was far worse, a three-year-old old man, still playing in the mud in his hometown.”

Whitebeard’s words also brought everyone back to their senses.

Yes, didn’t they already know about this younger brother’s degree of demonization?

It should be, get used to it, right?

On the other side, after returning to the room, Li Weipan sat on the ground and placed the two-color domineering cultivation manual in front of him.

[Through your understanding of the exercise methods related to seeing and hearing domineering, you have an epiphany, you have comprehended the top level of seeing and hearing domineering and extreme perception! ] 】

Extreme perception, this is Levi’s top vision, he did not develop in the direction of foreseeing the future, because that did not serve his purpose.

His purpose is to maximize the ability to perceive sight, smell and color as much as possible, and what he wants to do is to perceive the world, whether there is a ubiquitous energy!

That’s right, this is the purpose of Li Wei’s cultivation!

“The people of this world, the body is naturally powerful, and they also have a variety of magical species, and even, all kinds of devil fruits, can support the existence of all this, then this world is very likely to have a ubiquitous energy as a support.”

“It’s just that people in this world can only passively use this energy, have an incredibly strong physique, can eat unimaginable food, and even super-large intelligent creatures like sea kings.”

Therefore, Levi guessed that the energy that could support all this, if he could use it and wanted to obtain immortality, it would be very likely.

After all, just one surgical fruit can perform ageless surgery, and there is even such a thing as pure gold.

If he could even use the underlying energy that supported these abilities, immortality would be just a by-product, right?

“Still can’t you feel it? Am I not domineering enough? ”

Li Wei’s brows frowned slightly, domineering this thing, and the body is closely related, without enough physique, domineering cannot be strong.

Perhaps, he had to wait for his body to grow further and his domineering spirit to grow further before he could sense this energy.

Before this, the strength of this kind of thing, naturally the higher the better.

[You have checked and learned the cultivation skills and basic principles of armed color domineering, and you have comprehended the hardening, winding, external release, and internal destruction of armed color domineering. ] 】

Armed color domineering, under the blessing of anti-heavenly understanding, it instantly reached the full level!

Of course, in terms of skill and intensity, it is full level, but his domineering amount is not enough, this is also limited by the physique, the average person has a certain physique, it is possible to cultivate will be domineering, but Li Wei is different, he is the other way around, directly when the physique is not enough, the domineering level is full.

Looking at the black domineering instantly covering the small wooden sword in his hand, a strange look flashed on Li Wei’s face, in a way, he was a miniature version of the big sword hao…

“But don’t worry, the growth of the body is still very fast, the food in this world is too rich in nutrition, perhaps one of them is affected by that energy.”

“The body is also in this energy, so that it can have such a strong growth potential and recovery speed!”

“It’s only three years, there is still time, I have already started, the rest will only get faster and faster!”

As a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, he is well aware of the crisis he will face in a few years, and thinking of this, he is a little helpless.

As a pirate group contemporaneous with Roger’s group, and the head of the four royal regiments, the comprehensive strength of the white-bearded pirate group naturally goes without saying, but in fact, the high-level combat power is indeed a little crotch-pulling, perhaps related to the protection of his sons by the white-bearded father.

Jade is not a vessel.

The protection is too much, and the sons cannot really grow into strong people.

As the strongest pirate group, in addition to one regiment leader Whitebeard, there are only two royal and deputy level Marko and Bista.

Originally, there was a Mitsuki Ota who was a royal-level great sword master, but he ran away directly with Roger…

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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