Levi still knows a lot about the urine nature of the world government, and as long as it is not a force that threatens their rule, he rarely does it directly.

Just send a subordinate to mean it.

After all, eight hundred years have been like this, and they have never interfered excessively in this world, just to collect heavenly gold, isn’t there still no one to overthrow them?

Since they don’t care about anything, and no one overthrows their rule at all, what is there to care about the storms and waves that stir up on the sea?

Over time, it is naturally buried.

The only thing you need to care about is a Joey Boi.

Joey Boi, who was able to awaken the fruit of Nika, did not appear, and the other problems were trivial.

Of course, the above is just the ridicule in Li Wei’s heart, although the behavior of the five old stars is indeed a bit abstract, but he cannot pin his hopes and the white-bearded pirate group on the abstraction of the five old stars.

However, it is possible to seize the time and further increase the strength of the Whitebeard Pirates!

In the days that followed, Levi lived next to Whitebeard and treated him regularly every day.

As for the ability of the Shock Fruit, it has long been clearly studied.

[Your ability to observe and analyze the earthquake fruit, combined with your own understanding of the power of vibration, you have an epiphany, you comprehend the magical power vibration wave! ] 】

It is very easy to comprehend the ability of the Shock Fruit, and it is not easy to change it to a fool’s brainless version, otherwise, others will not learn it at all without his understanding!

Of course, the most important thing for Li Wei in the past few days is not to study the ability of the earthquake fruit, but to study the vitality of heaven and earth to transform vitality, and whether he can make something good.

And after a month of research, it was finally Xiao Suo’s understanding!

[Through the study of the transformation of the vitality of heaven and earth, with the use of the power of qi and blood, combined with your own knowledge, you have an epiphany, you have comprehended the blood qi rune life force field! ] 】

The blood rune life stance is to use the power of its own qi and blood to condense into a mysterious rune, and this rune can exist for a week.

Within this week, within a hundred meters of the rune, all living beings can be replenished with life force.

The effect is definitely far worse than Levi’s direct use of healing light, but it can’t stand a wide range, and it lasts for a long time!

To a certain extent, he has directly used the vitality of heaven and earth, which is already a huge breakthrough for Li Wei!

The key thing is that for the entire Whitebeard Pirates, it is definitely an artifact!

Life force supplement, what is the use?

In fact, it is very simple, the training of the body can not be excessive, everyone knows that once excessive, it will be harmful to the body, even if the strength grows fast, but it will overdraw the potential, and even leave dark wounds.

And with this [Life Stance], after excessive training, as long as you take a dip in the force field and replenish the loss, you can quickly improve your strength without harming your own potential!

Even, there is no need to be afraid of injury in physical training, the force field can heal injuries!

It is equivalent to a Levi artificial spring of life!

With him, the Whitebeard Pirates can unscrupulously and quickly improve their physique, and only if the physique is strong enough, other means provided by Levi can be used!

As a result, the Whitebeard Pirates all received the news that they could safely overtrain through Levi’s means.

This magical ability reminded them of the day when Levi successfully created the law.

“Our white-bearded pirate group seems to be about to produce a big man!”

This is the consensus of ordinary members.

And the captains know that it is not a big person to come out, but already a big person!

On this day, at the dinner table, Levi found that he did not see Saatchi.

The eyebrows were raised slightly, and then he turned his head to scan it, and found that there was really no Ace, to be precise, the second and fourth teams were not there.

Bista saw that Levi’s eyes seemed to be looking for someone, so he laughed

“You’re looking for Saatchi, right? Haha, that guy went out with Ace, it seems that someone is making trouble in our territory, Ace took the second team to deal with it, but Ace is the vice captain after all, and Saatchi decided to go with him and collect some ingredients by the way. ”

Levi was slightly stunned, then nodded and didn’t say anything.

He has greatly enhanced Saatchi’s strength, and also gave the exclusive life card to save his life, if so, he can still be killed by Blackbeard, then it can only be said that Blackbeard is ruthless!

Then he may be born in advance and directly use thunder means to kill Blackbeard!

If Saatchi hadn’t died, he would have been lazy to come out, after all, his current time is precious, and there are too many things to study!

After the meal, at the small gathering of the captains, Li Wei shot again, and used extremely high quality vitality to replenish the captains.

“This is the last time, after this time, the potential that everyone once wasted will be replenished, or even stronger, and the strength can be improved, and it can also be faster.”

The captains’ eyes were fiery, since the [Domineering Rapid Method] cultivation was almost the same, their strength had once again fallen into a bottleneck – the dividends brought by their physique had been eaten.

But now, they can finally improve their physique again, excessive high-intensity and high-load training, with the recovery of the [Life Force Field], the physique can grow again, and when the time comes, the domineering correspondingly, can also grow rapidly!

This is enough for them to continue to move forward at the level of the imperial vice!


Time passed day by day, and in the blink of an eye, it was a week, and Levi was researching while helping Whitebeard treat.

Finally, a flash of joy flashed on his face.

[Through the study of magical powers and vibration waves, combined with your own understanding of vibration, you have an epiphany, you have comprehended the power of vibration! ] 】

This vibration force is a simplification of the shock wave, which can be directly attached to the attack like an armed color, and then make the attack attach vibration!

If it is Jianhao, when the sword is drawn, it is accompanied by vibration, and the lethality directly doubles several times!

Even on the fist, the increase is not as obvious as the sharps, but it is still a big increase in damage!

Attacks containing the power of vibration are difficult to defend, and Jianhao’s attacks are the best at breaking defenses, so the combination effect is the strongest.

And this vibration power can be used not only to attack, but also to defend!

Any attack will be weakened by the power of vibration, unless it is a direct attack on the soul, or similar to an attack on temperature, vibration does not protect against heat radiation.

But even so, the power of vibration is definitely a very strong force, which can make the strength of the Whitebeard Pirate Group multiply!

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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