Looking at the talisman in his hand, looking left and right, pinching left and pinching right, Joz was a little puzzled and said:

“Little Livi, how to use this thing, how can it be effective? I didn’t understand it for a long time. ”

“Haha, Joz, you’re an idiot, you can’t do it so easily, just throw it out, right?”

Jozi’s face was full of ridicule, “Rakyo, shut your stinky mouth, you can try to throw it out yourself.” ”

Seeing everyone laughing, Levi smiled and clapped his hands, attracting everyone’s attention, and then explained:

“Fellow brothers, this talisman is used to detect, if you find that it is glowing, it is that there are medicinal herbs or materials I need next to it, the brighter the light, the better the material.”

Everyone nodded, which was easy to understand.

Then, Levi took out another and said:

“This is the talisman that emits the vibration wave, you only need to destroy the red dot in the lower right corner of this talisman inside the armed color domineering qi, then the power of qi and blood stored in the red dot will be triggered, and the talisman will be activated.”

Joz nodded slowly, it was easy to understand, the armed color reached internal destruction, this ability, few of their captains in the past did it, but now it is different, everyone can do it, this is the effect of Li Wei’s domineering quick method.

Therefore, everyone took a deep look at Li Wei, domineering and quick method, which helped them too much!

Levi said with a smile

“The launch of the other flying talisman is the same, the red dot in the lower right corner is destroyed internally with an armed color, the power of qi and blood is activated, and the talisman is activated.”

After returning from the captain’s old buddies, Levi began to rummage through the pile of materials, and after rummaging through them for a while, a strange look flashed on his face.

“This piece of material similar to iron, actually has such a high vitality? Well, perhaps, can be used to make an iron pot? ”

When Li Wei made medicated food before, he used ordinary pots, but the medicinal food was not drunk in one sip, and when it was placed in an ordinary iron pot, the medicinal properties would still be lost.

And when making medicinal meals, ordinary iron pots will also cause losses to medicinal properties, so it seems necessary to create a pot that can maintain medicinal properties.

Just do it, Levi took the selected materials, came to the foundry, found a position, and began to forge.

The deputy captain personally started forging, which was originally eye-catching, but when the things forged by Levi slowly began to take shape, everyone’s faces began to be a little strange.

“Deputy Captain, this is, building a big iron pot?”

“What’s wrong with the iron pot? It’s still a bit difficult to build an iron pot! ”

“It’s just that you can’t hit the iron pot yet, and it’s nice to say the deputy captain.”

Levi had come before, and they thought that Levi had learned to make a sword, but they didn’t expect that they could only hit kitchenware.

The main thing is that the feeling that Li Wei gave them before was mysterious and powerful, but this hand of iron made them see Li Wei’s ordinary side.

Well, they only think.

Apparently, over time, they also sensed that something was wrong.

It is obviously just an iron pot, but it has put in many kinds of materials, which they have never seen, and the finished iron pot faintly exudes a trace of rhythm.

This feeling makes people ignore the shape of its iron pot.

The blacksmith chief master of the Whitebeard Pirate Group couldn’t help but say when he saw that Li Wei had successfully built it

“Vice Captain, your forging technique, as long as you have the right materials, you can already create the supreme fast knife twelve skills, with this level of technology, but just to create an iron pot…”

In the latter words, he did not say, in fact, he felt that at such a good level, he should build a divine weapon and an iron pot, which was simply an insult to this master-level technique.

Of course, what the deputy captain likes to fight is his own business, so he won’t talk much, but his words have already made the eyes of people around who don’t understand so much sluggish.

At first, they still felt that the co-captain’s forging level was not enough, and they could only hit kitchenware?

The supreme fast knife can be built!

This is already the top master among blacksmiths, and there may be one or two in the world!

“It turns out that our vision is too shallow to see the real master…”

Looking at everyone’s stunned expressions, Li Wei smiled slightly, picked up the iron pot and lid he had just made, and left in a hurry.

Back in his yard, Levi looked at the large iron pot in his hand, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

“Just now, you can only do the medicinal properties as much as possible without dissipating, this is already the limit of what material matching forging can do, if you want to go closer, you still have to integrate the appropriate blood qi runes.”

Thinking of this, Li Wei’s eyes suddenly lit up!

He remembered something that had been forgotten, that is, the Devouring Fruit Divine Power, the Vitality Swallowing Method.

If this thing is developed, as an auxiliary effect, it can definitely make the medicinal properties in the medicated diet more perfectly integrated, and there will be no more loss of medicinal properties!

[Based on the research on the Divine Power Yuan Qi Swallowing Method and the related properties of the Swallowing Fruit, plus the transformation research of the blood qi rune, combined with the Yuan Qi Great Iron Cauldron in your hand, you refined the Yuan Medicinal Meal Cauldron].

Looking at the big iron pot in front of him, Li Wei’s face was full of satisfaction, this big iron pot has been able to help him refine medicinal food, and even has a great effect!

With this Huayuan medicinal food pot, many times he does not have to control the heat so carefully, as well as the proportion of medicinal materials and ingredients, as long as it can probably give you a perfect fusion together.

This medicated meal is much easier than the original!

This is the magic of the Huayuan medicinal food pot!

As for the rest, the protection of the medicinal properties does not dissipate, that is the basic function, and even because of the influence of swallowing ability, the medicinal fusion of medicinal materials, does not need to be stewed for so long, it only takes a few minutes to complete the results that originally required low heat and slow simmering for an hour!

This kind of time savings, obvious to Levi, are extremely useful!

After all, now he is still in a state of time urgency, and it is good to be able to use all his time!

As soon as the big iron pot was completed, Li Wei couldn’t help it, and directly took out the medicinal herbs, ready to make a pot of tonic soup to try and see how the effect was!

After all, before practical use, everything is theory!

As Li Wei continued to put in medicinal materials and ingredients, after stewing, the medicinal properties were quickly fused together under the action of the Huayuan medicinal meal pot, and finally, the pot of medicinal food that originally took two hours to get actually took only fifteen minutes!

Seven out of eight of the time was saved!

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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