How can Eizang not rejoice?

As a person from the country of Wano, he is indeed a gunslinger, his strength has not improved for a long time, whether it is domineering or physical, without the physical potential of the Lord Guangyue group, his strength has touched his ceiling!

And originally, above his ceiling, he was the level of the imperial deputy!

However, the domineering quick method taught from Li Wei has made him a big breakthrough in the two-color domineering and truly reached his extreme!

Finally broke through that ceiling!

The reason why this gun can hit without error is not only the armed color, but also the color of seeing and hearing has played a good role in it!

This is the gun shot he fired in the state of two-color domineering, even if it is this big sword hao of CP0, the flying slash sent out can also explode!

The commander of the CP0 squad felt the strength of Yizang for the first time, but he was a little puzzled, Yizang’s intelligence, they obviously have it there, although it has not been updated for several years, but the strength of Yizang has not stagnated for several years?

When did you have this level of domineering?

“Damn, those guys from the intelligence department, are they all waste? Breaking through with Tibetan strength, such important information is unexpected? ”

Oh? It turned out that I was the intelligence service, then it was okay.

Of course, although CP0 is an intelligence department, this specific intelligence collection work is still done by people like CP9, and their CP0 is mainly used as a shield for Draco to do things for Draco.

This time, he came here because he was ordered by the Draco to look for a beautiful woman who had appeared here and wanted to capture her as a slave – the thing is so fucked, to catch slaves for the Draco, I thought it was an easier job like vacation, but I didn’t expect to meet the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Originally, he didn’t find the target, the mission may fail, which made him very unhappy, and when he ran into a pirate, can he not vent it? So, the subconscious interrogation broke out into battle, and he had nothing to regret, even if his strength broke through?

The Western sword in his hand, rapid continuous slashes, flying slashes one after another, like a violent wind and rain, towards Yizang slashing!

Yizang naturally showed no weakness, and the two guns in his hand kept firing, and the pitch-black bullets filled with domineering thud shot!

“Armed color projectile slash!”

Each bullet can send out several circular slashes, continuous shooting, bringing a large number of slashes, like a rainstorm, and flying slashes in the air fierce collision.

The air was chopped to pieces by these slashes, the sound of air explosions continued to sound, and the overflowing sword qi chopped the surrounding houses and roads to pieces!

Whether it was CP0’s subordinates or Eizang’s crew, they had long retreated, and the battlefield was left to the two, and the others did not dare to approach at all!

This is a higher-level battle, and they are not qualified to participate in it!

So, near this battlefield, another lower level battlefield was opened!

The two sides are completely swinging a horse fight!

As for the nearby townspeople, as early as when the two began to face off, they ran away, and the civilians who could survive in the new world, at least when to run, that is better than anyone!

After the successive collisions, the two stopped in unison and began to slowly breathe.

Obviously, neither side expected that the other party’s strength was so strong.

This chief of CP0 even thought, or forget it, anyway, there is no benefit in fighting with this gang of pirates.

But in a blink of an eye, if he just let go of this group of pirates, on the way to promotion, this is a point that can be attacked, you know, similar to his strength, want to go up, there is more than one in CP0!

You can’t leave such excuses for others!

Coupled with the failure of this mission, you must also find an excuse, for example, let the Whitebeard Pirates kill the mission target, isn’t it a perfect excuse?

As for the idea of the Whitebeard Pirates, does it matter?

What about the Four Emperors, do they dare to rebel against the world government?

Thinking of this, he roared angrily and said:

“Give me all your might! Knock down all these damn pirates! ”

The other CP0s received the news, and the originally tepid state changed instantly, and one by one began to show their full strength!

Some of the fruit abilities are directly activated, and those who are good at the six styles are also full of firepower!

As the chief CP0 Great Jianhao, he sneered and said:

“Pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates, are you ready to awaken?”

“Animal line, dog fruit, white wolf form!”

“Human-animal form!”

CP0 Great Sword Hao suddenly transformed, making a trace of solemnity flash on Yizang’s face, yes, this group of world government lackeys, the difficulty of obtaining the devil fruit is very low, basically if you want, each person has one.

Although this guy is a big sword master, it is obvious that he is not a guy purely in kendo, and it is not surprising that he has fruit ability!

Watching the other party’s body become huge, with white wolf hair all over his body, and his head has also become the head of a white wolf, he looks very ferocious!

Obviously, in this case, this guy’s strength and speed will be greatly enhanced, and correspondingly, the speed and power of the sword move will increase!

Originally, the strength of the two sides was balanced, but now, the balance has been broken!

The Western sword in the hands of CP0 Great Sword Hao once again slashed quickly, a flying slash that was much larger and much faster than just now, breaking through the air!

The aftermath of the flying sword qi ploughed a deep trench on the ground, and the attack range, attack speed, and attack intensity increased comprehensively, and it was difficult to hide!

If you still follow the response idea just now, then Yizang’s situation can be said to be dangerous!

In the face of this level of attack, Yizo did not panic at all.

“Inuguo White Wolf Form?” Devil Fruit ability? Hehe, if it had been a few months ago, I might not have been able to help it, but now! ”

Fire the flintlock gun in your hand again!

“Armed color, concentrated bullet, vibration armor breaking cone!”

Yes, the power of vibration that Levi taught him, Eizang has developed a move!

Attached to the bullet with the power of vibration, forming a cone-shaped armor-breaking shock wave, the armor-breaking effect of the bullet is greatly increased, and the power is greatly increased!



With the impact of bullets and flying slashes, flying slashes are scattered directly from the middle!

Although the bullet is also weak, it means that Eizang still blocked the power of the other party’s blow with the power of one blow, and the two sides returned to the same level again!

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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