[Simplifying Magical Power Flash], Levi still made a magical seed as before, similar to a small devil fruit, and could be mastered as easily as possible.

After completion, Levi gave a copy to the sixteen captains, anyway, how far they can develop, it depends on themselves, at least they can save their lives at critical moments.

Acceleration to achieve a similar teleportation effect, such as shaving, not only is the actual speed slower than the flash, but in some cases, the movement route is blocked, and it is likely that there will be no good effect.

But flickering is different, within the range that can be launched, it is directly reached, which is a safe means of saving life at critical moments.

Alternatively, it can be used as a means of attack.

It’s up to them to choose.

After delivering things, Li Wei returned to his residence and continued to take medicated meals, improve his cultivation, and temper his physique.

He was ready to speed up the progress a little, because he felt that the progress of blood exchange was about to reach eighty, so he was ready to rush and break through the cultivation as soon as possible.

Time passes slowly.

Li Wei refined all the medicinal properties he absorbed every day, converted them into golden blood, steadily and firmly promoted his cultivation progress, and the blood qi millstone forging spiritual method contained in the Nine Transformations Yuan Technique was also constantly refining his spiritual power, so that his spiritual power had been steadily improving, and he was not opened up by the physical strength.

Of course, because there is no specific quantitative indicator of spiritual power, Li Wei is not sure how strong his mental power is, but in a sense, he can also peek into the clue, that is, the quantity and quality of his overlord-colored domineering.

When he faced off with redheads, he felt that his overlord color domineering, whether in quantity or quality, was superior to redheads, but it was physical, because he was still young, underdeveloped, and the level of blood exchange was not enough, resulting in a much worse physique than redheads, so the two were equal.

You know, the redhead is already the most famous person in the overlord color of the sea, and it can be imagined that the spiritual power, which lacks the attributes of the sea of exercise means, has already walked ahead.

“Perhaps, when my spiritual power reaches a qualitative change, similar to the breakthrough of the Blood Exchange Realm to the Quenching Bone Realm, it will have unexpected effects.”

Reassuring the thoughts in his heart, Li Wei continued to refine the medicinal power.

On this day, Li Wei refined the last trace of medicinal properties, and a hint of joy appeared on his face.

“Break through the blood exchange eighty percent, right now!”

Li Wei frantically ran the Nine Transformations Yuan Technique, and the Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi was quickly refined under his swallowing, and then advanced the progress of blood exchange.

Finally, with another wisp of blood being transformed into gold by Levi, the blood was changed into eighty percent, and a breakthrough!

With the crazy absorption of the vitality of heaven and earth, his blood qi rose and went to a higher level, and at the same time, the physique of his body was also strengthened and went to a new level!

Even if he is not yet old, the gap between his physique and the strong of the sea is shortening!

Running the blood qi of the whole body and feeling the changes in his body, Li Wei’s heart emerged with great joy, which could not be given by dopamine.

This is the joy of the evolution of one’s own life level.

Feeling the surging blood qi inside his body, Li Wei was deeply satisfied, and for the second turn of the Nine Transformations Returning to the Yuan Technique, he also had a basic framework in his heart, which would definitely be perfected before the Blood Exchange Realm was completed.

“The so-called quenched bone realm, is to quench all the bones of the whole body, as the second turn after the blood exchange, is the most appropriate, after all, the source of blood is the bone marrow, after the completion of the blood exchange, if the new blood, still to be automatically transformed in the body, in order to be golden blood, and after quenching, it is different.”

“After quenching the bones, the hematopoietic function of the whole body also degenerates, and the blood created does not need to be transformed, and the power of qi and blood will be further strengthened!”

The core of the Nine Transformations Yuan Technique is the power of qi and blood, the essence is of course the transformation of the body, when the transformation of the body is completed, he may completely become a god-level creature in the true sense, right?

In order to break through the eighty percent of the blood exchange realm, Li Wei’s research on his own ability did not stop.

“Blood qi can protect the sword, can play a role, can also directly increase the amplitude of physical skills, and burst out greater combat power, then in direct sword fighting, it can also be further used.”

Li Wei’s previous use of blood qi was more than a lot, and he still regarded it as a kind of physical strength to activate various abilities.

And for the power of qi and blood itself, his highest use is the imperial flying sword.

It was also from the imperial envoy flying sword that Li Wei saw the potential of the power of qi and blood.

It can definitely be used directly as a means of combat.

Holding the flying sword [Han Tang] in his hand, a standard eight-sided Han sword, and holding the battle is not bad at all.

Li Wei consciously waved the sword in his hand, and the spiritual light flashed in his mind, and at the same time, the power of qi and blood also poured into the flying sword.

Use the method of controlling the flying sword to provide an additional acceleration to the slashed sword!


Without checking for a while, the speed of the slash was too fast, Li Wei did not retract his hand, a sword slashed on the ground, and directly blasted out a big hole!

The corners of Levi’s mouth twitched slightly, fortunately, the place where he was was in the yard, there was a hole in it, anyway, it didn’t matter.

However, Levi still went to the mountain he frequented after all, where he could cast it at will without worrying about breaking things.

When the imperial envoy who used the power of qi and blood just now increased the speed and power of the sword, Li Wei did not realize how fast the flying sword that was so fast, plus the speed of his own sword swing, was combined

And the well-known fish general Huang Ape said well, speed is power.

Although Levi has not been kicked by light, his understanding of speed is strength is much better than that of the yellow ape.

The kinetic energy formula was in his mind, so Li Wei had a great interest in the improvement of his sword power.

However, as Li Wei continued to adjust the strength of the blood qi explosion and combined with the sword technique, he always felt that something was wrong.

“This sword goes down, the speed is too fast, to be honest, if it is a flying sword, it is okay, but if I hold a sword, my own sword swinging speed is not enough, and the control of the sword is not enough, and I can’t master it a little.”

Li Wei groaned slightly, now he bursts out a sword at full speed, of course, not only fast, but also powerful, but there is a point, the moment he swings out, he can’t control the follow-up, he can only wait for the sword to fall by feeling.

This feeling of not being able to fully control is unacceptable to a big sword hao.

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