Blackbeard Tichy’s impression of the Whitebeard Pirates at this time was still in the initial stage, and he didn’t know that in his eyes, that group of naïve guys had long been different from the original appearance.

Even, long before he left, he had completed his domineering transformation, but he was only controlled within the scope of the captain.

He is still dreaming of taking the Shock Fruit from Whitebeard’s father!

If Blackbeard knows that there is a way to copy this kind of thing, I don’t know what he will think.

This is not counting the magical abilities obtained by Levi studying the fruit, just the science of the pirate world can do it.

The fruit that Momonosuke eats is a replica of Kaido’s Green Dragon Fruit, and as long as it is properly developed, that artificial fruit can completely reach the level reached by Kaido.

This is the power of sea science.

Blackbeard has been lurking for decades, just to get one or two fruits….

I have to say that there is no culture, which is indeed quite scary.

However, Tichy’s ambition is indeed one of the strongest on the sea, for a goal, can be lurking in the Whitebeard Pirates for decades, acting every day, and can even play at any time, can be described as a real actor.

At this time, the news of Blackbeard Tichy has been captured by Ace, who is in pursuit, and the wheel of history begins to turn.

Li Wei did not pay attention to the wind rising in the sea, whether it was the old era or the new era, Li Wei actually did not care, he only cared about the safety of the people around him, as well as his own cultivation.

I have to say that backed by the white-bearded pirate group, there are indeed a lot of benefits, just collecting what he wants, how much time does it take him to find a big sea?

Just like this Don Quixote family cadre, baby-5, weapon fruit ability.

It took a lot of effort to find her, after all, as a cadre of the Don Quixote family, she did not stay in Dressrosa all the time, often outside Tito Flamengo.

Therefore, if you want to find her, you have to spend a lot of energy.

Levi didn’t have that energy, but there were still quite a few people in the Whitebeard Pirates.

With a strange expression, Saatchi came to Levi with baby-5.

“I didn’t expect that what you said turned out to be true, there are really such people in the world, and, Levi, how can you kid know this kind of news? You shouldn’t…”

Levi looked at Saatchi’s mocking gaze, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, he was only nine years old!

Moreover, a woman like baby-5, if it is okay to let him be a maid, be a woman, it is better to be exempt.

After Baby-5 was brought over, his expression was still very serious, and he said to Li Wei

“This lord of the Whitebeard Pirates, my young master is Tenyasha Doflamingo, also a strong man on the sea, please put me back!” The Young Lord still needs me! ”

Levi smiled slightly and said

“I need you to do me a favor, okay?”

I saw that baby-5 immediately had an excited expression on his face and said:

“Really? Am I really needed? This feeling of being needed is wonderful! ”

Li Wei couldn’t stand this kind of look a little, and quickly said, “I need you to show the ability of the weapon fruit, let me see.” ”

Baby-5 immediately conjured a flintlock gun in his hand, and Levi opened his top level of domineering and extreme observation to the strongest level, observing the underlying situation of the weapon fruit.

[According to your observation of the rules related to weapon fruits, combined with your own understanding of weapons-related concepts, you have an epiphany, you have comprehended the magical power and transformation weapon! ] 】

For a long time, a satisfied smile appeared on Levi’s face.

Then, he looked at the baby-5 next to him, and Saatchi, who looked at him with the kind of eyes you know, and he had a headache.

When you only think about getting people back and studying the ability of fruit, but you don’t think about what to do after you finish researching.

Send back to Doflamingo?

Levi was not so kind and ran again.

But take it, this girl is indeed mentally problematic, and he has to endure the ridiculing and ridiculing eyes of those old buddies, and his head is big when he thinks about it.

Finally, against Saatchi’s expression of wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh, Levi said expressionlessly

“baby-5, you will be my maid in the future, I need you.”

“Hey? Are you sure? Great, felt needed! But the Young Lord also needs me, what should I do? ”

When he really let her stay, baby-5 still thought of Doflamingo, and Levi was also quite embarrassed by this mentally problematic maid, so he had to try:

“If Doflamingo really needs you, he will come to you, if he doesn’t come, then he doesn’t need you, but I’m different, I always need a maid here who serves tea and water~”

In the end, the baby-5 stayed, and Saatchi couldn’t help it long ago and went out to laugh.

Watching Levi use a tone like a little girl to let a girl stay as a maid, Saatchi couldn’t help it, which was completely different from Levi’s previous image.

Although there are reasons why this girl is special, Levi’s contrast still makes Saatchi can’t help it.

So, among the captains of the white-bearded pirate team, it began to circulate that Levi grew up and missed women.

Levi caught them and beat them a few times before he could be considered to have restrained this evil trend.

He wondered, these old brothers, don’t they know that he is only 9 years old?

It doesn’t look like a child, but it’s not mature!

How could there be that kind of thought?

As for the baby-5, it was left in the Whitebeard Pirates, and the position was Levi’s maid.

Even if Doflamingo knew, it would be impossible for him to come to the Whitebeard Pirates to ask for someone, after all, he was just a good tool for baby-5, and now there is a force he can’t provoke to snatch it, it doesn’t matter.

You can’t offend a Four Emperors for a tool, right?

Doflamingo is still a bit of a comparison in this regard.

For baby-5, Levi does have the meaning of cultivating it, after all, as his maid, he can’t be too bad, right?

Teach her domineering or something, it’s not necessary for the time being, after all, the physique is still a little worse, it’s not time to learn domineering, but the development of fruit ability, Levi can teach it well.

The weapon fruit, as an extremely perverted superhuman demon fruit, has become useless in the hands of baby-5, and it can only be said that the vision is indeed not far enough.

This fruit can turn a part of the body into any weapon, you don’t even need to understand the principle of this weapon, as long as you know this weapon, you can change.

With such a good thing, the baby-5 has changed into some cold weapons, as well as pistols and missiles with little power.

What a waste!

Such a good thing, in the hands of Levi, can really play its role!

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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