The naval encirclement wall has been unfolded, and now there is only a relentless breakthrough, rescue Ace, and then break through!

Whitebeard held this bush of cloud cuts, steadily advancing step by step, as long as his figure was still standing there, the morale of the pirates would always be high!

At this time, the clown emperor Bucky suddenly recovered from the freezing somehow, and he still had a live phone bug in his hand!

Live streaming resumed!

When they saw the live broadcast reappear, the onlookers who were waiting in front of the screen cheered one by one, and it was really uncomfortable for the live broadcast to be cut off there just now!

“Is Armageddon now? Wasn’t it some whitebeard and the navy colluding or something before, how did it become like this? ”

“Don’t you understand this? It must be the scheme of the navy, now it has been recognized, the pirates began to attack in an all-out way, did not see the world’s strongest man Whitebeard, has already been dispatched?”

“Is this the strongest man in the world? Even across the screen, he can feel a terrifying momentum, but isn’t he injured? Why is the wound missing? ”

The onlookers felt very strange, they didn’t know why Whitebeard suddenly healed, could it be that they were hallucinating before?

At this time, the face of the clown Bucky appeared on the screen, and he stirred “eight seven three” to move:

“Here’s a live broadcast from Bucky the Clown! The battle has entered a white heat, many people don’t know, why Whitebeard is injured, hehe, tell you, it’s because Levi, the deputy captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, used some means on Whitebeard to restore the wound, so the navy has to face a full whitebeard! ”

Bucky’s words instantly detonated all the people watching the live broadcast, although their strength is uneven, but the basic common sense is still there, in such a short time, being able to treat such an injury is definitely an extraordinary ability!

“The deputy captain of the Whitebeard Pirates? That’s no wonder, but where are the others? Why hasn’t it appeared yet? ”

“Yes, I am starting to expect this deputy captain to appear, could it be a beautiful young lady?” The kind that will be treated? ”

Soon, the direction of the discussion was distorted, but fortunately, a new focus appeared on the battlefield.

Whitebeard, stopped by Giant Lieutenant General John Jaindo!

The huge body of the giant lieutenant general, the big sword in his hand swept away, and the nearby pirates were directly knocked away, and the furious momentum made people have no doubt that they were touched by his big sword, and the result was absolutely either death or injury!

“That’s Vice Admiral Giant of the Navy, John Jaindo! He took the initiative to stop in front of Whitebeard! ”

“This terrifying height, violent momentum, even if he is a whitebeard, it is difficult to solve him, right?”

“Look, he made a move, such a huge big sword chopped down, what ???”

The scene did not have the close match that the observers thought, the whitebeard in his peak state, to deal with this kind of giant lieutenant general, there is no need for a second move!

He used the armed color domineering for a long time, and Cong Yun cut into a black beak knife, and then held the knife with one hand and slashed straight towards the giant lieutenant general!


The giant sword in the hand of the giant lieutenant general was directly cut off by the white-bearded Cong Yun, leaving only a crisp breaking sound!

Subsequently, Whitebeard’s knife, unabated, directly split the body of the giant lieutenant, and was almost split in half!

Whitebeard secretly sighed in his heart, the body in the peak state is different!

Being able to use domineering at will, although the strength is not much stronger, but there is no feeling that using power will cause a burden on the body, this kind of free battle, I haven’t felt it for a long time!

Whitebeard knew that all this was because of Levi who created such good conditions for him!

After taking out the giant lieutenant general with one sword, Whitebeard moves on!

However, the audience watching the live broadcast was scared silly!

“This… Is this Whitebeard? The strongest man in the world? ”

“A sword split that terrifying creature, the giant lieutenant general, in half with a sword? Is such a terrifying strength really something that a person can do? ”

“His body is obviously so much smaller than the giant lieutenant general, but his strength is easily crushed, what a horror!”

“However, hasn’t there been news on the sea that Whitebeard’s health is already very bad? How can I not see it at all. ”

At this time, I heard the voice of Bucky who was holding a live phone worm and hiding in the corner to broadcast live.

“It seems that Whitebeard has really recovered its peak, which reminds me of the whitebeard I met when I was on Roger’s ship, this terrifying domineering, it seems that the deputy captain of the Whitebeard Pirate Group, the medical skills are indeed terrifying!”

Bucky didn’t expect that his casual exclamation solved the audience’s doubts!

It turns out that Whitebeard has returned to his peak!

“Can Whitebeard return to his peak medical skills? That Deputy Captain Li Wei’s medical skills should not be the strongest in the sea, right? ”

“Probably not, I heard that the doctors on Magnetic Drum Island are the most powerful!”

“However, if Magnetic Drum Island is the most powerful, why didn’t Whitebeard go there to treat it well? The result was still done by Deputy Captain Li Wei, and it is clear that the Magnetic Drum Island doctor is not as good as Deputy Captain Wei! ”

“One thing to say, indeed!”

Obviously, the image of Levi in the eyes of the audience has become the image of the strongest doctor in the sea.

If Li Wei knows, he can only smile, his understanding of the human body is indeed very strong, and he has learned some medical skills, if it comes to treating injuries, he is the strongest in the sea.

But if it is the understanding of the disease, he is not so good, after all, it has not been studied.

However, the attribute of the doctor is the smallest proportion of his body.

However, Whitebeard’s strong performance made Warring States’ face sink slightly, and he ordered:

“Why hasn’t the encirclement wall been raised yet? Give me all my energy to be used on the wall! ”


With the order of the Warring States, all the energy concentrated encirclement wall that was originally stuck by the ice of the green pheasant was forcibly raised!

A huge iron wall composed of steel rose up in the bay, completely blocking the crescent-shaped internal ice, where Whitebeard and the others were!

The pirates’ attack wants to destroy this iron wall, it is simply impossible!

It can only be tickled by it!

And on the iron wall, there are many openings, each of which sticks out a barrel!

Obviously, this thing is not an iron wall of defensive interest, but a real killing machine!

Those densely packed barrels, obviously, are not for seeing! [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

However, when the pirates scanned around, they found that there was a gap in this encirclement wall!

It’s where little Oz fell!

The heavy body makes the encirclement wall unable to rise, and the blood seeps inside, so that the power of the encirclement wall decreases, that is to say, little Oz still leaves a passage for the pirates!

A gap appeared in the encirclement wall, and the Sengoku had a serious face:

“No way, Red Dog, act!”

The red dog, one of the three major generals, took two steps forward, and his arms instantly turned into magma and turned into a huge magma arm!

As the strongest range damage among the three generals, Chi Inu has long wanted to come to such a hand!

“Meteor Volcano!”

With the continuous swing of the red dog’s fists, one magma fist after another kept firing towards the sky!

And when those magma fists start to fall, it will be like a meteor shower!

In the sky, the dense magma fist covered the entire sky, and the terrifying high temperature made the air distorted, even if it had not yet fallen, he knew how terrifying this move was to attack on a large scale!

The phone worm in Bucky’s hand, looking at the magma fist that began to fall in the sky like a meteor shower, and then looked around him, and said:

“Fortunately, this corner chosen by Uncle Bucky is not only good in sight, but also not easy to be affected, as long as you are lucky, this magma can’t burn Uncle Ben!”

Bucky’s words left the audience watching the live broadcast speechless, just by luck? Could it be that your kid still has overlord luck?

It’s a pity that barrage reminders can’t be sent here, otherwise they would have reminded Bucky to hurry up and hide first …….

“Is this the terrifying strength of the general? Magma is like a meteor shower, if this is at the scene, there is no way to escape, right? ”

“Yes, it is worthy of the highest combat power of the Navy, one of the three major generals of the headquarters, Akaski! This kind of terrifying attack, no one can stop it at all, right? ”

On the execution table, Warring States looked down calmly and said:

“As long as the ice melts, you have nowhere to hide!”

That’s the plan of the red dog!

At this time, the pirates are all on the ice under the encirclement wall, and the meteor volcano of the red dog will turn 1.4 into a sea of fire, melting the ice surface, and the pirates who lose their foothold can only fall into the sea!

Pirates, already all turtles in an urn!

This is the strategy of the wise general Sengoku!

Countless magma fists in the sky fell and landed on the ice, and the ice surface of the sea of fire began to melt!

Whitebeard did not use the ability to use the Shock Fruit, because even if the magma was shattered into pieces, as long as it was not extinguished, it could still melt the ice!

And in order to cooperate with the actions of the red dog, surround the cannon ports on the wall and start to spit shells wildly!

The successful implementation of the strategy of the Navy, pirates, seems to have entered a desperate situation!

Now, the only thing that can be done is to forcibly break the encirclement wall and make a way before the ice melts!

Whitebeard’s eyes were full of seriousness, and he waved his fist in front of the encirclement wall!


The white shock wave bombarded towards the encirclement wall, and the furious attack force was the power that could shatter the earth!

However, the strength of the encirclement wall is not at all comparable to that of the earth!

This is a special iron wall made specifically for Whitebeard!

Whitebeard’s air shock only caused a little dent in the encirclement wall, but it couldn’t be broken at all! .

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