Looking at Marko’s puzzled look, Levi smiled and said:

“Brother Marko, do you know Luffy’s identity? That’s Karp’s own grandson, if he goes to save people, Karp will definitely not stop it, you have to save people, hehe, can you block Karp’s fist? ”

A stunned look flashed on Marko’s face, he didn’t think of this at all, naval hero Karp, he almost forgot that Karp was there!

Then, Marko was a little embarrassed and said, “Haha… So that’s it, haha, then I won’t save people, focus on helping to stop people, since Luffy is Karp’s grandson, then just send him up, right? ”

Levi smiled and nodded.

And when Levi treats Luffy and Luffy fully recovers like a nobody, this magical scene has been broadcast live through Bucky’s live phone worm.

“You guys see that, right? That deputy captain of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment actually did it! ”

“Yes, under that green light, the people who originally fell recovered so quickly, which is also amazing, right?”

“With this ability, it is no worse than the legendary surgical fruit, right?”

“Aren’t surgical story capables supernovae? It’s obviously not as good as the deputy captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, this is too different, right? This Deputy Captain Levi is an existence that can compete with the grand prize! ”

“Do you know what is really magical? I am also a doctor, but medical skills can only treat injuries, and then rely on people’s self-healing ability, relying on their own potential to recover, but his kind of medical skills, which are obviously not relying on people’s own potential, are special healing abilities, which have never been seen on the sea! ”

“Speaking of which, Whitebeard, who is the strongest man in the world, was cured in this way, right? Whitebeard can be cured, it can be said that this magical ability, I am afraid that it is already the strongest healing ability in the sea, it is simply terrifying! With this healing power, who can fight against the Whitebeard Pirates? ”

“Yes, once you go against someone, and you go back and recover after the fight, won’t you be finished?”

The people watching the live broadcast were all excited at this time, after all, they saw this rare ability, plus the holder of the ability was not an ordinary doctor, but a strong person, a strong man who stirred up the storm on the battlefield of the navy and pirates, making them even more excited.

For the next few years, there was enough to talk about!

Bragging with friends who don’t know this, isn’t that okay to blow casually?

On the battlefield, Doflamingo watched Levi quickly and completely restore Luffy’s state, and his eyes widened!

He knew that there was a healing fruit in the legend, which had a strong healing ability, but using it would consume the user’s life, but Levi’s healing ability, obviously, did not consume anything at all.

There is no consumption, but it can treat such a serious injury well, and it seems that the body has fully recovered, this ability can only be described in two words, that is, against the sky!

Doflamingo now looks at Levi’s eyes, that is really looking at a big treasure!

“It’s a pity that his strength seems to be stronger than mine.”

Before Li Wei’s wind wall, although it did not show attack ability, but the terrifying large-scale defense, not ordinary people can do, can easily take the outbreak of the general, Li Wei’s strength may be more terrifying than he imagined, therefore, this person he can not forcibly pull in.

It’s very uncomfortable.

“Even a strong person like Whitebeard can heal, it’s too good!”

Before, he was not sure, but now it is certain, the recovery of the white beard must be treated by Li Wei, as a strong man at the level of the emperor and deputy level, he knows that the more the injury of the strong, the more difficult it is to treat with external forces, and the old injury like the white beard has reached the point where the medical skill is useless!

Even the fruits of surgery can’t be helped!

As a result, Levi did.

Doflamingo could only look in Levi’s direction with greedy eyes.

Above the stands, the expression of the Warring States is very strict, and Li Wei really has a strong healing ability!

Previous speculation that Whitebeard was cured by special drugs can be disproved!

“But how is that possible? What phantom beast species can be so powerful in controlling storms, and at the same time has the strongest healing ability of the sea, one of these two abilities is very against the sky, right? Can you have both? ”

Lieutenant General Tsuru prompted:

“Warring States, don’t forget, when that kid appeared, he suddenly appeared, obviously it was not a shaving such a body speed, but really appeared suddenly, which is also an ability!”

Lieutenant General Tsuru’s words prompted the Warring States, and the Warring States eyes couldn’t help but show shock, these abilities, there is no simple!

He himself is a phantom beast species, and naturally knows how perverted this phantom beast species fruit, which is rarer than the fruit of the natural system, but no matter how perverted, there is also a limit, right?

Just like Kaido, the vitality is strong enough, is his biggest feature, other green dragons breathe fire, control thunder, in the end, they are all okay, but not against the sky.

And Levi’s several abilities, one is more terrifying than the other.

Just this, or the part he showed it, and how much did he not show it?

Warring States’ pupils shrank slightly, and then said in a deep voice:

“Perhaps, is it possible that Levi ate multiple fruits?”

“But someone on the sea has tried it, and the result of eating multiple fruits is to explode and die, which is simply impossible!” Lieutenant General Tsuru obviously does not want to believe this statement!

Sengoku was silent for a while and said:

“It has not appeared on the sea, does not mean that it must not appear, relatively speaking, multiple fruits I can accept, but one fruit comes with so many abilities, it is even more difficult for me to accept.”

However, the Warring States also know that no matter what kind of possibility, it means that Levi is a plural ability, extremely difficult, today’s war, it is not easy to fight!

Looking at Luffy, who was still beating up the navy and advancing in the direction of the execution table, Sengoku couldn’t help but glance at the old bastard of Karp, it seemed that he had to be careful to stare at him!

Both grandchildren are coming, who knows if this bastard will do something stupid? [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

Zhan Guo and Lieutenant General Tsuru looked at each other, and they both saw the anxiety in each other’s eyes.

The navy made such a big drama, mainly because of the wisdom of him and Vice Admiral Tsuru and the staff officers, and it was formulated, but there were all kinds of accidents.

The original goal, I don’t know if it can be achieved, where this battlefield will go, the Warring States are also a little unsure.

But think about it, after all, there are three generals in the navy, and they should be able to control the situation, right?

Just when the Warring States had such an idea, the yellow ape, as one of the three major generals, also made a move, obviously wanting to work with the red dog to deal with Whitebeard.

Marko greeted confidently.

Now he is not as good as before!

Drag the yellow ape, perhaps, it is possible to do it!

After all, he is the strongest imperial deputy of the Whitebeard Pirates, coupled with the super life-saving ability of the Immortal Bird Fruit, and the hole card given by Li Wei, the purpose is only to entangle the yellow ape, which should be able to be done!

“General Yellow Ape, I can’t let you hinder Daddy!”

“Yo~ Immortal Bird Marko? What a terrible ability? But are you sure you want to stop me? I’m very tricky~”

Marco smiled slightly and said:

“It just so happens that I also have a certain confidence in my ability to save my life.”

The yellow ape smiled slightly, and the golden light of Ibaraki lit up on his fingers!

Marko directly turned into the form of an immortal bird and flew in the sky!

“Laser Line!”

A condensed laser line instantly shot out from the yellow ape’s finger and directly hit Marko!

The speed of light, if Marko can’t predict it, when the attack is launched, there is no room to dodge!

The light instantly pierced Marko, but after the light disappeared, the hole in Marko’s body also disappeared!

This is the ability of the phantom beast species, the form of the immortal bird, to some extent, equivalent to elementalization!

Moreover, the ability to save life is stronger than the elementalization of nature!

Of course, using this ability to ignore the attack is physically demanding, that is, he can block the yellow ape, but only for a while, just like Joz blocked the green pheasant.

They are particularly powerful in some aspects, and already have the ability to entangle the general in a short time!

For those who watch the live broadcast, there is a happy worry at this time, that is, there are three big battles on the field at the same time!

The first one is Pheasant vs. Joz!

The second is the yellow ape vs. Marko!

The third is Red Dog vs. Whitebeard!

The three battles are all top-notch battles, even if Marko and Joz are a little worse in strength, they are far beyond the ordinary people’s top powerhouses!

Such a battle, one in peacetime, is already rare, three at once!

For a moment, they didn’t know which side to focus on!

The supernovas who are watching the live broadcast are all excited, the Whitebeard Pirates can enter the naval headquarters and face off with the navy, so what about them?

When will they be able to become the Four Emperors and also enter the naval headquarters?

When can you feel the cheerfulness of a head-on war with the Navy?

For these battles that could not be won or lost for the time being, Sengoku did not care so much, and he imagined the three major generals.

Therefore, the Warring States focused their attention on Li Wei at this time, because Li Wei seemed to be about to start!

Before he started, he just blocked the attack of the red dog, showing the defensive ability, but now he may be able to look at Li Wei’s attack ability, see what level of comprehensive strength has reached, is it possible, and leave him behind!

In the eyes of the Warring States at this time, Levi is obviously already an extremely dangerous pirate, and letting him continue to grow is definitely not good news for the navy!

On the battlefield, the reason why Levi wanted to strike was because the pacifists led by Zhan Momomaru began to kill like crazy! .

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