When Levi conjured a gun and started strafing, the expression on Doflamingo’s face was a little strange, because this ability to change weapons made him think of a useful tool under him, the tool that had disappeared, baby-5.

Her ability is to transform into all kinds of weapons she knows.

But why would Levi have similar abilities?

Could it be that he also has weapon fruits …?

“Weapons fruits, hurricane manipulation, healing abilities, and strange means that suddenly appear on the battlefield…”

Doflamingo muttered, pupils getting bigger and bigger!

Do you say?

Doflamingo’s mouth is huge, this sea can actually appear such a monster?

He couldn’t help but let out a demonic laugh.

On the battlefield, the giant axe of the war peach pill has been chopped over, and a funny look flashed on Levi’s face, this guy, even dares to kill?

His muzzle moved slightly, and the surging firepower went directly towards the war peach pill!

Feeling the terrifying firepower, Orochimaru was anxious, and then the battle axe hit by the door panel in his hand turned sharply, turning into a huge shield and blocking in front of him!

Armed color domineering launch with all its might!

Armed color hardening!

“Can you penetrate the pacifist, can you still penetrate me with an armed color enhancement? When your firepower stops, it’s time to be hacked to death by me! ”

Zhan Taomaru felt that he still had the advantage at this time, as long as he withstood this wave of firepower!

However, soon, Orochimaru knew that he was wrong, and it was very wrong!

The same armed color, but Li Wei’s armed color, in terms of quality and strength, is the top of the sea!

How could Orochimaru’s armed color be able to block him?

With Levi’s crazy strafing, Zhan Taomaru’s huge axe was directly smashed into pieces in a matter of seconds!

The armed color domineering that he used to strengthen the axe was directly scattered!

“How is that possible? Your domineering, why is it so strong? ”

Zhan Taomaru was directly shot away by the impact contained in the bullet, and in mid-air, he couldn’t help but roar, why is Levi’s domineering so strong?

You know, he is a genius in cultivating domineering, at this age, he has cultivated the armed color to the outside, almost to the level of internal destruction, and the talent in the armed color domineering is absolutely top-notch, giving him time to grow slowly, after the peak period comes, he is definitely a general level!

But he couldn’t imagine that a person who looked younger than him was domineering stronger than him!

Is this reasonable?

This is very unreasonable!

From Zhan Peach Pill’s attack on Levi, to his forced defense with a big axe, to the axe being shattered, people also don’t know whether they are alive or dead, and it only took a few seconds before and after.

This kind of furious output instantly attracted many eyes!

But Levi was not impressed at all, the fire in his hand sprayed wildly, and one pacifist after another, under Levy’s gun, kept disintegrating, and finally turned into waste.

At such a time, no one could stop Levi’s killing, and the number of pacifists was getting smaller and smaller!

“It’s terrifying, do you see it? That pacifist is still a flesh and blood transformation body, and it is not unacceptable to be pierced, but the giant axe covered in armed color has also been pierced a few times, which is too terrifying, right? ”

“How is that possible? There is such a terrifying existence in the Whitebeard Pirate Group, it seems that in the future, the deterrent of the Whitebeard Pirate Group will have one more! ”

“That guy seems to be in charge of pacifists, right? Logically speaking, the strength should not be bad, but in front of Li Wei, it was supported for a few seconds? What about the good dragon and tiger fight? ”

“The gap in strength is too big, right? Those robots are going to be killed! Ordinary navy go up, isn’t it sent to death? Who dares to stop him now? ”

“You can only rely on the general of the headquarters, right? But the three major generals have their own battles, and there is simply no one who can stop the deputy captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, do you want the marshal to take matters into his own hands? Then even if the Navy wins, it will lose! All already old marshals need to do it, doesn’t this mean that the navy is powerless? ”

“However, if the Marshal of the Warring States really makes a move, it is likely to directly take down the deputy captain of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, washing away the shame, maybe it is a way.”

The opinion of the enthusiastic masses will not work for the time being, and the Warring States do not dare to leave the execution table now, and he must watch by Karp’s side.

Prevent Karp from impulsively doing bad things, and then the consequences will be more serious.

As a person who is more familiar with Zhan Peach Pill, a trace of consternation flashed on Huang Ape’s face, he didn’t care too much about the situation over there, after all, Zhan Peach Pill he is also relatively familiar, domineering talent is indeed very strong, with a strong armed color, even if he can’t beat this white-bearded pirate group deputy captain Li Wei, can always block it, right?

I didn’t expect to be crushed directly in a few seconds, and now I don’t know whether I am alive or dead.

The villain was also his acquaintance, and Huang Ape felt that he should go to see the situation of Zhan Taomaru.

So, while firing a laser laser, he copied Marco’s way:

“Mr. Marko, can you get out of the way? The old man now wants to go over there and see. ”

“Hehe, I can’t let you get close to Levi. If you want to pass, pass me first! ”

The smile on the yellow ape’s face slowly converged, and he felt that he needed to be serious, otherwise no one would give him face!

“In that case, then I had to knock you down!”

“Speed is power, have you ever been kicked by light?”

“Lightspeed kick!”

Marko saw the crazy warning, his feet turned into claws, armed color domineering to cover the claws, strengthened, and the power of vibration was also integrated into it, following the perception of seeing and smelling, blocking in that direction!

While! [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]


With the yellow ape’s light-speed kick down, the condensed light element and the pitch-black bird’s claw collided together, and it was instantly detonated!

The furious shock wave, coming from the position of the engagement, directly blasted a nearby unlucky navy away, and the yellow ape’s light-speed kick was amazing!

Moreover, whether it is the kinetic energy of the kick, in this hit, there is also the burst attack of the light element!

Powerful kinetic energy accompanied by the power of explosive bomb explosion, on Marko’s claws, burst out!

In the past, at such a time, even if Marko tried his best, he could only use the ability of the immortal bird to ensure that he was not hurt too much, as for blocking?

Simply impossible!

But this time, Marko obtained a powerful armed color through Levi’s [Domineering Quick Method], combined with the defensive use of the power of vibration, used the force of vibration to offset part of the kinetic energy of the lightspeed kick, and then the powerful armed color protected his foot and blocked the blow!

Although he was still repelled, although the yellow ape did not use his full strength, but after all, it was a general-level attack, and he blocked it!

Not with the ability of an immortal bird, but by its own hard power!

That’s his ascension!

For a while, the yellow ape’s face finally began to show a serious expression, after all, he didn’t go to Levi again, what if that guy started killing the navy after solving the pacifists?

Looking at the speed at which pacifists were eliminated, he could imagine how much damage Levi would inflict on the navy if he let go of his hand and kill!

You know, the navy here is pumped from all over the world, if it is really killed too much by Levi, it will lose the entire navy’s heritage!

This kind of thing must not happen!

Therefore, the yellow ape, who has always been a fish toucher, has finally become serious!

“It’s so terrible, the ability of the immortal bird, then you have to be careful!”

“Tiancong Cloud Sword!”

In the yellow ape’s hand, a lightsaber slowly condensed out, and then, the figure of the yellow ape suddenly appeared beside Marko, and the Tiancong Cloud Sword in his hand was slashed out!

The yellow ape’s swordsmanship is not very powerful, but it is terrifying to hold the Tiancong Cloud Sword in his hand!

After all, this is a solid long sword condensed by highly concentrated photons, if it is cut on the human 380, the terrifying light element will burst out, and the lethality is extremely amazing!

This thing is like a big bomb in close combat, and the yellow ape is cutting people with a very terrifying big bomb!

Hit it, and you will die and be blown up!

Feeling the change in the temperament of the yellow ape, Marko’s face flashed a dignified color, General Yellow Ape, is this going all out?

Will such a person really give it his all?

Although Marko was dignified, he couldn’t believe it.

But soon, he felt how terrifying the serious yellow ape was!

The movement speed of the yellow ape can be described as the apex of the sea, teleportation generally appears directly in front of Marko, feeling the energy contained in the other party’s lightsaber Marko’s face flashed a trace of panic, originally he planned to block hard, but now, he provoked!

Directly use all your strength to activate the ability of the Immortal Bird Fruit and turn into the body of Qingyan!

The Tiancong Cloud Sword slashed at Marko fiercely, and then the trend did not decrease, hitting the ground!


The slash on Marko went straight through as if nothing had happened, but when it hit the ground, a terrifying explosion broke out!

The violent shockwave pushed the air flow away, and a few drops of cold sweat appeared on Marko’s face!

Fortunately, he was running the Immortal Bird Fruit with all his strength just now, and finally invalidated this sword, but the physical strength he lost was not small!

“Sure enough, fighting with a general is not a human business!”

Marko retreated frantically, but this time the yellow ape did not attack unhurriedly like before, but like a tarsal maggot, he followed up instantly, and the Tiancong Cloud Sword in his hand fell again!


The explosion of photons reappeared, and Marko once again nullified this sword, but the two people who attacked and defended were not proportional in terms of physical exertion!

In addition, he was originally just an imperial deputy, compared to the yellow ape, he was originally a grade worse!

If it goes on like this, he doesn’t know how long he can last! .

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