CP0 who can lead the team to appear on this battlefield must have its own unique vision, after all, this is a big event for the Navy, they will not be willing to let cp0 participate in it, and cp0 will definitely touch themselves to participate, everyone is tacit.

However, in this case, the captain of the CP0 team must be a smart person who knows what he should do.

Moreover, no matter what happens, you can only observe, not intervene.

This tacit understanding has obviously been implemented very well.

However, Levi’s miraculous performance was noticed not only by the Warring States, but also by the captain of CP0!

He quickly contacted the five old stars.

Originally, the five old stars were well aware of the plan of launching a top war against the Warring States, after all, they reported it to them in advance, and according to their speculation, there were no twists and turns, it should be very smooth, therefore, there was not too much attention, but I did not expect that there was really an accident in the top war.

Holy Land Mary Joya, the five old stars received the information provided by CP0, so they asked CP0 to directly open a live broadcast for them.

The agricultural martial god Shepard Ten Piter Saint said in a deep voice: “You directly turn on the live broadcast, let’s take a look at that guy, see what kind of ability it is, it is suspected to have a variety of fruit abilities!” ”

Soon, the live broadcast screen was connected, and the five old stars focused on the battlefield of Yellow Ape and Li Wei.

Izan Barong V Nasjuro Saint was a little serious, and said, “No one knows better about the devil fruit than we do, but there has never been a fruit, this has happened, is it really a new fruit that has appeared?” ”

Jay Golucia Satan Saint thought thoughtfully, “Eight hundred years is coming soon, and there will be more and more accidents on this sea, and this Levi is obviously a 070 person.” ”

“Do you want to get rid of this accident?”

“Let’s take a look first.”

Levi didn’t know that the five old stars had set their sights on him, and even if he knew, it didn’t matter, after all, he was not a Nika fruit, nor was he a liberation fighter, not their main target.

Even Luffy, the main target, they had known for a long time, but they did not have the slightest reaction, most likely, they were still waiting for that time node.

Eight hundred years of time nodes.

However, even if he really wants to do something to him, he is not afraid, after all, his strength improvement speed is far from what these old guys can imagine.

On the battlefield, the yellow ape originally went to the idea of touching the fish, and now found that Levi would teleport, and the touching of the fish was more joyful, anyway, there was a war peach pill, it seems that someone went to check, it is estimated that it is a CP0 person, if it can be saved, it will definitely be saved, and he doesn’t have to worry about it.

As a result, the yellow ape completely fell into the state of touching fish, but on the surface, it was not visible at all!

I saw the yellow ape with his hands crossed, and the golden light on his hands was condensed, becoming more and more dazzling!

“It’s terrifying, Mr. Levi, he actually has the ability to teleport, so let me see if I can dodge a wide range of attacks!”

“Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu!”

As the golden light condensed to the maximum, the yellow ape swung his hands forward, and the golden light turned into raindrops, towards the area where Li Wei was, shooting madly!

The violent light rained down, only a small amount covered the area where Levi was, most of them were empty, after all, it was a large area!

However, this suffered the pirates and navy near the battlefield, and after the eight-foot qionggouyu fell, like a (afaa) artillery washing the ground, a crazy explosion sounded!

Boom, boom!

Every point of light will cause an explosion, and for a moment, that area will be blown to pieces!

As a natural department, the range attack of the yellow ape is not inferior to the red dog in the slightest!

And as the main target of the eight-foot qionggouyu, this time, Li Wei did not use teleportation to hide!

He planned to use his body to feel the ability of the yellow ape light element attack and comprehend the rules related to the light element faster!

As a result, a pitch-black armed color domineering appeared on Li Wei’s body, and each place that would be hit by the light would condense an armed color in advance, and the place that would not be hit did not need to be covered!

This is what Levi can do when he sees and hears and predicts in advance!


The point of light exploded on his body, although the armed color can block part of the attack, but this direct withstand attack, the armed color can not completely block!

However, this is the effect that Levi wants, and what he wants is to use this opportunity to feel the light element.

As the points of light exploded on Levi’s body one by one, the light in his mind also flashed continuously.

Seeing that Li Wei directly resisted, the yellow ape couldn’t help laughing, he liked this kind of stunned blue.

Subsequently, the yellow ape once again launched the eight-foot qionggou jade!

Don’t think that the old man’s range attack, the damage will be insufficient!

Originally, the eight-foot qionggou jade has already ended, there is no more understanding, which makes Li Wei a little unhappy, but he didn’t expect that someone sent a pillow to sleep, and the yellow ape made up for it again!

Li Wei couldn’t help but sigh in his heart, Yellow Ape Tube Zhi is a good Tube Zhi.

So, continue to resist hard, perception analysis!

Extreme Insight and Sound Full Analysis!

When Levi felt the light element, the battle between Levi and the yellow ape was also transmitted through the live broadcast.

“Finally engaged, haha, this deputy captain of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, wants to challenge the Yellow Ape General, it’s still early!”

“That’s it, but the light of the yellow ape general was actually avoided? Without the ability of the immortal bird Marko, there is indeed no way to withstand the attack of the yellow ape general. ”

“No, you see, this time he seems to be planning to take the eight-foot qionggou jade of the yellow ape general??”

“What’s going on, is this guy brainless? Obviously you can hide just now, why not hide? You actually want a hard block? ”

“This guy is too confident, right? Do you feel that the attack of the yellow ape general is not strong enough, so you have to resist hard? [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ] )

“I see, he is small and looks strong, so there is a sense of disdain that can obviously hide, Lao Tzu just doesn’t hide, this guy is too arrogant, right?”

“That is, it is obviously a challenge to the general, and he is still so arrogant, look at it, he must shoot the light rain of the yellow ape general!”

A few seconds later.

“Oh… How can it be? Is it really blocked? It’s impossible, did the yellow ape general release water? Just now said that Levi was arrogant, he was shocked by Levi’s performance, and his face was full of embarrassment, he could only find a reason, saying that the yellow ape released water.

“Hmph, in my opinion, range attacks have lower damage than single attacks, that’s for sure, so it’s not surprising that you can resist hard, this guy is just playing a little clever.”

However, what he wouldn’t say was that even if it was a range attack, it was a range attack of the yellow ape, and it was definitely not weak!

And no one knows the real reason why Levi is willing to resist the attack of the yellow ape!

After resisting two attacks from the eight-foot Qionggou Jade that contained multiple points of light, a hint of joy appeared on Li Wei’s face.

[Through your perception of the attack of the light element, combined with the observation of the light element and the understanding of light, you have an epiphany, you have comprehended the control of the divine light element! ] 】

[Divine Light Element Control] is Li Wei’s ability to analyze the fruit of the yellow ape, and the divine power obtained, he has completely obtained everything related to the light element, just like eating a shining fruit.

What the yellow ape can do, he can also do, including elementalization.

“The power of this light is really interesting.”

Li Wei smiled all over his face, at this time, the yellow ape saw that his range attack was useless, and Li Wei also smiled, which made him a little annoyed, and secretly said:

“You dodged my laser light before, now try again, you can’t hide!”

Then, one of the fingers of the yellow ape burst out with a strong golden light, and a laser light burst out!

However, in the next instant, the yellow ape’s pupils widened sharply, and the whole person was sluggish!

It’s not just him who is sluggish, but the entire battlefield!

Everyone froze at this moment!

No way!

When pigs fly!

Sengoku couldn’t help but roar!

The five old stars even stood up from their sofas and stared at the live broadcast screen in front of them!


I saw that on the battlefield, when the yellow ape shot out the light, Li Wei’s hand also condensed the exact same golden light, and then an identical laser light, the same irradiated, the two rays, met in mid-air, erupted into a terrifying explosion!

Yes, Levi actually used the yellow ape’s ability!

The explosion of laser light dispersed, and the shock wave did not affect the yellow ape in the slightest, at this time, his expression was dull, his eyes were full of shock, and said:

“How is this possible? How do you know my abilities? How exactly is it done? ”

The yellow ape was a little unconvinced, and he said in a deep voice: “Speed is power, have you ever been kicked by light?” ”

“Lightspeed kick!”

“Lightspeed kick!”

Levi’s playful voice also sounded, two identical light-speed kicks, violently collided together, and exploded!

The terrifying shockwave instantly enveloped the two of them, far more terrifying than the energy that erupted before!

If he was within the range of this explosion, even the lieutenant general would be seriously injured!

However, this terrifying explosion, at this moment, does not look terrifying at all!

Battlefield Mountain, something truly terrifying appeared!

That’s Levi!

The yellow ape’s face was still shocked, and he muttered:

“It’s true, you can really use the old man’s ability directly, Li Wei, deputy captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, what kind of monster are you?”

A smile appeared on Li Wei’s face and said:

“General Yellow Ape, your ability is really useful.”

At this moment, the yellow ape has a feeling of a minotaur, he is a little uncomfortable, this bastard is too hateful!

It’s also terrible!

In the past, he hung on the top too terrible, in fact, it was just a mantra, no practical meaning, but today, it really feels terrible! .

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