The yellow ape felt very aggrieved, but there was no way, he couldn’t change it back, right?

The red dog over there was really chased and beaten, he didn’t have a good body like the red dog, went over there, it is estimated that he was still beaten, and the injury may be more serious than the red dog.

Although Whitebeard is a gun, his mobility is not as high as Li Weigao, therefore, he can rely on the advantage of speed to be a fly at a distance, anyway, protruding a disgusting.

As for letting him go up and attack Peak Whitebeard, he can only say that you want to be more~.

Hundreds of – blocks a month, what a life to play!

The yellow ape is lying flat, but the mentality of others is different.

In front of the live broadcast screen, everyone suddenly felt a sense of surprise at the sudden outbreak of Whitebeard.

“That’s right! This is the momentum that the strongest man in the world should have, and the guy who entangled with the red dog before doesn’t look like the demeanor of the strongest man in the world, right? Now such a knife scares the yellow ape general away, this is the strongest momentum in the world! ”

“Unexpectedly, Whitebeard has always been hiding his strength before, and now he has only burst out, and he really deserves to be the strongest in the world!”

“The red dog’s momentum and luck are no better, no longer against the whitebeard, I thought it was a good fighter, haha, I didn’t expect to be beaten to the head!”

“Hey, I thought that as the most powerful general in the navy, how strong is it, but in the face of the white-bearded pirate group, it can’t be done, who else can we count on to protect this sea?”

“Isn’t the sea always like this? Count on naval protection? The Navy did less rotten things? Expect them to protect, it is better to expect to plant a white-bearded flag to protect, at least people are real officials, really protect the forces under their command! ”

There are also people who give Whitebeard propaganda, but I have to say that this is indeed a fact, after all, Whitebeard is definitely a benevolent and righteous faction among pirates, he looks down on the massacre and robbery of civilians, and his purpose in going to sea is just to find his own family.

If he could, he would be happy to shelter some places that could be seen.

If it weren’t for the white-bearded flag on Fishman Island, I wouldn’t have known what the pirates who were going to the New World looked like.

Of course, this is not to say that Whitebeard is a good person, and how many really good people are there on such a sea?

Perhaps, Old Man Karp counted as one, he carried out justice as much as possible while guaranteeing his heart and bottom line.

But Karp is just that.

On such a sea, being able to achieve the level of a white beard can already be regarded as benevolent and righteous!

Karp can do that because he is the naval hero Karp!

Change someone, it has long been!

If the pirates on the sea were all white-bearded like this, the civilians would have to burn high incense every day to celebrate.

On the execution table, Sengoku looked at the whitebeard released with all his strength, and his face showed a hint of helplessness, when the whitebeard was using the shock fruit before, he always had a luck in his heart.

Whitebeard said that he had recovered his peak, but he didn’t seem to show the horror of his peak state.

As a navy of the same era as Whitebeard, Sengoku knows very well how strong Whitebeard is at the peak.

He also thought that even if Whitebeard’s body was indeed cured, it seemed that he could not return to his previous state.

Unexpectedly, reality slapped him hard.

Levi’s cure, said to be cured, that is, cured, Whitebeard has indeed recovered his peak!

“This is not good news, Whitebeard can really fight like he did at his peak!”

Sengoku looked at the smile on Whitebeard’s face, but he was a little bitter.

All this is different from what he planned!

In his plan, Whitebeard is just a person who is about to run out of oil and can’t exert too much strength at all, and Blackbeard’s intelligence also proves his idea.

As a person who has been in the Whitebeard Pirates for decades, Tichy knows the state of Whitebeard very well!

He knew that Whitebeard’s injury could not be treated!

This is also the reason why he dared to plan the Shock Fruit!

Receiving Blackbeard’s intelligence, coupled with their own judgment, Sengoku and Tsuru basically confirmed that Whitebeard’s state was already a big cripple and could not exert too much power.

Coupled with the understanding of the intelligence of the Whitebeard Pirates, there are no other strong people except Whitebeard.

There are three generals on the side of the navy, plus the help of Qi Wuhai, this top war against the Whitebeard Pirates, there is no possibility of losing!

But at the moment, it seems that something is wrong!

First Whitebeard’s injuries were healed, and then the leaders of the Whitebeard Pirates team were very wrong, and they were all ordinary lieutenant generals who were stronger, and even Joz like that, with Marko, had completely dragged the pheasant.

Foil Bista, even the two lieutenant generals of Ghost Spider and Mole can block it!

Middle-level combat power, the Navy turned out not to have an advantage ?!

If it’s just like that, then there is still an advantage, but at this time there is a biggest variable, Levi!

The guy who can suppress Sakaski!

The Whitebeard Pirates, when this deputy captain suddenly appeared, they didn’t pay too much attention to it, but they also marked the bounty as 2.531 billion Bailey, which in their opinion, was already a terrifying bounty amount.

But now it seems that this amount should be at least 4.6 billion Bailey!

This guy is not weaker than the combat power of the Four Emperors in the slightest!

The impact on the battle situation is too great!

Now, the direction of the top war is completely out of the control of the Warring States!

Positively, the white-bearded face the yellow ape, in fact, he also nodded big, this is clearly a fly, he can’t bite people, but disgusting people!

I saw that the yellow ape kept a distance that was difficult for a whitebeard to attack, and then began to attack from a distance!

The golden light condensed on the fingertips, and then condensed to the extreme golden light, which instantly turned into a laser shot out, and the golden light instantly hit the white beard!

This is a general-level attack, even if it is Whitebeard, it can’t be directly blocked, so Whitebeard used the ability to shock the fruit to detonate the yellow ape’s laser light in advance.

The aftermath of the explosion, of course, cannot affect Whitebeard, but he wants to knock the yellow ape down, and it seems that he has no chance, as long as he wants to run, he really can’t stop it.

Therefore, Whitebeard is dragged here.

This is where the yellow ape is smart, he does not have the arrogance of so many strong people, at this time, being able to drag the white beard is the limit of what he can do, to this extent, he thinks he has done his best.

On the side battlefield, the sand crocodile Klockdar looked at the might of Whitebeard, and was actually a little frightened.

After all, when he and Whitebeard were against each other, Whitebeard was no longer at his peak, and he didn’t use any domineering, so he simply defeated him with Shocking Fruit.

This is also the reason why he doesn’t pay attention to domineering, even Whitebeard, who easily defeated him, is it necessary for him to delve into domineering?

With that kung fu, it is better to find the legendary Hades. [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

But the knife that Whitebeard had just dealt with the yellow ape directly scared him stupidly.

He knew how strong Whitebeard’s strength was, but the whitebeard just now was stronger than the whitebeard he remembered, and much stronger!

And the whitebeard just now did not use the shock fruit known as the strongest superhuman line!

At this moment, the sand crocodile completely understood, it turns out that domineering is fundamental!

Whitebeard did not use domineering, that is physical limitations!

It’s not that he didn’t!

The sand crocodile suddenly felt that his time for so many years was really wasted and wasted, and this feeling made him very uncomfortable.

It turns out that he has never been a match for Whitebeard?

The sand crocodile was depressed in his heart, but soon, he adjusted.

Being defeated by Straw Hat Luffy can be said to have awakened him, and seeing Whitebeard’s terrifying domineering strength made him thoroughly understand what is his root.

Domineering or fruit ability, as long as you can master the power, you must master it to the extreme!

The fighting spirit in the eyes of the sand crocodile is rekindled, Whitebeard, he will defeat one day!

On the execution table, Ace has gradually stabilized his emotions, because he found that he does not know enough about the Whitebeard Pirates, does not know everyone’s strength, and everyone seems to be much stronger than he thought?

Originally, after obtaining the ability of the natural department to burn fruits, he was a little complacent, after all, the strength of the natural department, everyone knows.

But seeing the battle with Blackbeard without the ability to resist, let him know what will happen if he fights with his own fruit ability alone and encounters restraining himself!

If he has a strong physique and two-color domineering, then even if he relies on physical skills, he can still fight with Tichy, at least, he will not be caught like this, and let everyone pay so much to save him!

In the end, I am still not strong enough!

As long as you are strong enough, even if you have sinful blood flowing in your body, what?

If you can surpass that man in the future, then when others mention themselves, they will not say that it is the bloodline of One Piece, but that One Piece is actually the father of that Ace!

This is what you should do out of that man’s shadow!

At this moment, Ace was like Dragon Field realized, he understood that strong strength is the foundation of everything!

It’s everything!

No matter what misfortune there is, no matter what difficulties there are, as long as you are strong enough, you can break everything with strength!

He was strong enough, and Titch was directly executed by him, so there was no such difficult battle!

And even more will not kneel here, waiting for execution!

Luffy, who is not a younger brother, will come to save this brother who claims to protect his younger brother!

“Unfortunately, I woke up too late.”

Ace muttered.

Karp’s voice next to him suddenly sounded:

“As long as it is a real awakening, it will not be a night at any time.”

Ace looked sharply at Karp’s corpse.

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