
The attack of the light element of the laser light caused a strong explosion, the air was blown up, and even the smoke caused by the air flow temporarily obscured the line of sight.

No matter what the result is, the beam saber that attacked freedom really hit the red dog again!

Red dog, add another wound!

And what about the assault on freedom?

Is there something going on?

The red dog maintains its elementalization, trying to keep the injury from worsening as much as possible, but his face is full of expectation, which uses the laser light of the yellow ape, it is impossible not to be injured, right?

As long as he can be injured, he can exchange injuries for injuries!

Behind Levi, the pirates are retreating in an orderly and rapid manner, Whitebeard’s group is naturally the last to retreat, and the father is the queen of the palace.

The number of people retreating was a bit large, so there was still a certain amount of time before the Whitebeard Pirates retreated, and at the moment, they were all paying attention to the state of Levi on the field.

Joz was a little worried and said:

“What to do, Levi seems to have been hit, his 05 defense, should not be able to resist the attack of the yellow ape without active defense, right?”

Marko’s expression was a little serious, he nodded, and said, “If it is a scattered attack like the eight-foot qionggouyu, it is good to say that this kind of concentrated attack is too powerful, even if it is Li Wei, it is difficult to resist.” ”

Hearing this, everyone’s eyes were full of worry, and they closely followed the situation on the field.

Whitebeard wasn’t too worried, after all, what if he was injured a little? Scars are a man’s medal, besides, if Levi really can’t stand it, he will definitely turn back to save people, can’t really rest assured to let a little guy break off, right?

What did you think of his whitebeard?

It’s just that if there is a stage, let him try it, daddy is at the bottom.

If he can really do it, of course it is good, and if he can’t stand it in the end, he will naturally make a move.

You know, he hasn’t really gone all out this time!

In front of the live broadcast screen, everyone watched as Levi was hit by the laser light of the yellow ape, and Levi injured the red dog again, and couldn’t help but marvel.

“It’s too intense, the intensity of this battle, directly to the level of injury for injury from the beginning? The red dog general used his injuries in exchange for the opportunity for this yellow ape to kill Li Wei remotely, which is worthy of being a general, and the cooperation is seamless! ”

“Levi is indeed tough enough, fighting to get hurt, I have to give the red dog a hard shot, but the red dog does owe a beating, the expression that can’t get used to all pirates, hmph, Lao Tzu has never robbed and killed civilians when he goes to sea, but he was almost killed by this bastard, if I hadn’t dived into the sea… Deputy Captain Levi, come on! Kill the red dogs! The person who said this was a pirate who escaped from the hands of the red dog, and he was obviously very resentful.

“Haha, in this way, on one side are three generals, three people, on the other side is a person, to exchange injuries for injuries is definitely a little more profitable on the side of the navy, it seems that Levi’s situation is dangerous~”

At this time, the smoke and dust in the picture slowly dissipated, and the scene made the live broadcast room instantly silent!

“How is that possible? Actually unharmed? General Akainu wanted to exchange injuries for injuries and got this opportunity, but this was the result?? ”

“What is that on the other arm of Strike Freedom? A light shield? Good fellow, and this kind of thing, directly blocking the attack of the yellow ape general? ”

“Sure enough, it’s worthy of Levi, hahahahaha, I know that he must be fine, that bastard of the red dog, the wishful calculation is wrong, right?”

“I really didn’t expect it, no wonder Deputy Captain Levi didn’t care about the attack of General Yellow Ape, it turned out that there was a way for a long time, and he wanted to exchange injuries with him? Attacking freedom is not just a means of attack! ”

Franky looked at the light shield on the arm of the attacking freedom, and his eyes were glowing!

This technique, this technique he also wants to master!

Much cooler than a physical shield!

Super cool!

On the battlefield, the red dog’s face instantly became gloomy, he finally took advantage of his injury to let the yellow ape find an opportunity, but he didn’t expect that this was not an opportunity at all!

Injury for injury, in the end, only he is injured!

“Cunning pirates!”

Obviously, Levi is an extremely cunning guy in his eyes, obviously there is a light shield that is not used at the beginning, and it is only used at this time, isn’t it cunning?

In the rear, the people of the Whitebeard Pirates also breathed a sigh of relief after the smoke dissipated.

Joz sighed: “We really don’t have to worry too much, with Levi’s combat IQ, it is much more comprehensive than we thought, how can we be injured because of such a small accident?” ”

The expressions of approval on everyone’s faces were all over, completely forgetting the worried look just now.

At this time, within the free attack of the force, a smile appeared on Levi’s face.

He is different from a normal Gundam driver, and his kind of driving can be said to be a true human-machine integration, because the body itself dies itself.

He says he pilots a Gundam, but in fact, similar to Attack on Titan, this human-machine experience allows his body to act exactly as he wants, and is extremely agile.

Therefore, in the situation just now, he had time to open the MX2200 beam shield.

At the moment of the attack, he blocked the attack.

Of course, in fact, it is not a big problem that he did not block it, after all, the body that attacked freedom was changed from the transformation weapon, even if it was damaged by a 720 pieces, it can be supplemented with the power of qi and blood again, which is very convenient.

But there is no need for that, after all, that consumption will be much more than blocking with a beam shield.

Attack freedom at this time is a beam shield in one hand, a beam saber in the other, the terrifying momentum coercives the entire battlefield, there is no ordinary navy nearby at all, they have long run far, the vicinity is too dangerous.

Not to mention whether they will be affected by the aftermath of the battle, just being trampled by that huge Gundam will kill them!

It’s not a place they can get close to!

In the distance, the Warring States looked at the battlefield in silence, not knowing what they were thinking, the green pheasant and the yellow ape directly launched an attack in the distance at the same time this time to further support the red dog!

“Double Dog Red Lotus”

Ice cubes “pheasant beak”!

“Laser rays!”

The attacks of the three major generals, the three terrifying attacks were launched almost at the same time, and the three elements boiled in the air!

Scorching magma, extremely cold ice, and condensed light, three terrifying natural attacks, at this moment, actually attacked a person together!

This is an unprecedented situation!

The three generals joined forces to fight one person, which has never happened in the history of the Navy!

And also three powerful natural systems!.

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