“I think that even if you forcibly attack freedom, if you want to block this terrifying giant, it is simply impossible to fight, right? Everyone knows that the bigger the body, the more terrifying the power! ”

“If it’s still the size of the giant lieutenant general, it’s just a terrifying body type of one hundred and eighty, it’s too much! This is already the essence of the difference, quantitative change causes qualitative change! ”

“Sure enough, it is a huge battleship, this guy is too terrifying, I didn’t expect to come out of the Advance City, this is finished, I hope that the freedom of the attack can withstand the handle, don’t be directly shot apart, such a handsome Gundam!”

As onlookers, they are not strong, in their eyes, the body of the San Juan wolf is too huge, and it has formed a giant terror, big is strong, and it has always been the truth in the eyes of ordinary people.

However, reality is often completely different from what ordinary people imagine!

The huge slap fell from the sky, as if to erase Levi from this world, and slapped it down fiercely!

Li Wei’s expression in the pretense of forcibly attacking Free, but without the slightest fear, the slashing knife in his hand swung out towards the huge palm that fell from the sky!


As if a knife slashed into a piece of wood, the slap of the San Juan evil wolf was directly cut off by Li Wei Liangen!

The terrifying slap, but it does not have the strength and strength that this huge body size wants to match, and under Li Wei’s slashing knife, it is not much different from tofu!

Blood instantly gushed out and poured on Li Wei’s body to attack freedom, but it could not be contaminated at all, and could only flow freely along the threat attack.

He couldn’t help but feel a little funny, this level of body type, it stands to reason, definitely has a chance to become a strong person, but this guy can’t even be domineering.

If this body type, combined with the strengthening of armed color domineering, then a slap down, it is a little interesting!

And because it has always relied on huge body size to fight, all kinds of crushing, so I didn’t think about exercising myself at all, and even the ability to expand the fruit was not developed to control, such a strong fruit, gave a waste.

Levi could only feel pity.

“It’s a waste to give you such a useful ability, but it’s just right for me.”

A smile flashed on Levi’s face, his extreme perception had already been turned on!

[Through the analysis and study of the ability to expand the fruit, combined with the principle and application of the power of qi and blood, you have an epiphany, you have comprehended the divine power of heaven and earth! ] 】

Heaven and earth!

This is the magical power that Li Wei comprehended according to the rules of the expansion fruit and combined with the power of his own qi and blood!

He can control his body, up to a hundred times larger!

After getting bigger, although his agility will also decrease, because of the existence of qi and blood power, it is still within a tolerable range!

After the Divine Power Heaven and Earth is activated, he can also match his armed color, as well as the freedom of strong attacks, and turn into a super huge powerful Gundam!

“It’s a pity, now my physique is not enough, the power of qi and blood is not enough, even if it is a transformation, the time is too short, and there is not much actual combat value for the time being, perhaps, when I break through the blood exchange realm and enter the quenched bone realm, it can play a role.”

Although he can’t play a role for the time being, Li Wei is still very happy, this kind of good ability to send to the door, he laughed!

As for this San Juan evil wolf, there is no need to keep it!

At this time, the San Juan evil wolf, one hand was cut off, under the severe pain, he collapsed in an instant, and could only use the other hand, covering his broken wrist and howling!

In this regard, the benevolent Levi said that it would end his suffering!

I saw that the strong attack freedom more than twenty meters high, as if teleporting, appeared directly in front of the San Juan evil wolf, and then slashed out with a fierce sword!


The terrifying sword light flashed, and the head of thirty or forty meters rose into the sky and fell into the sea! [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

The terrifying body of the San Juan evil wolf also slowly fell backwards and fell into the sea!

For a moment, the audience watching the battle were stupid.

“This… How is that possible? Obviously with a terrifying huge body of one hundred and eighty meters, in the face of the freedom of the attack, how come there is not even room for resistance, directly cut off the hand with a sword, cut off the head with a sword, and it is gone? ”

“A guy of one hundred and eighty meters, it’s too empty, right? It’s like the giant lieutenant general who rushed to the front of Whitebeard, and was directly killed in seconds? Is this reasonable? Seems reasonable? ”

“I’m a little hard to accept, why? With such a huge body and terrifying power, can’t even catch a sword? Is he too weak, or is Levi too strong? ”

“And a huge battleship, that’s it? The color of a sword kill, or the so-called horror guy who has been erased from history, I don’t see how terrifying it is? This is all about erasing history? That erasing history is not golden. ”

In the eyes of the audience, the San Juan wolf is powerful, naturally it is difficult to accept being killed so easily, so they are all a little excited, but in the eyes of the strong, this is too normal.

It seems to be a huge body, but it is bulky and fragile, and the physique is much worse than that of the real strong.

That is, relying on the huge body, bullying the guy at the level of the imperial deputy and facing an imperial deputy, he may not be able to win.

He is not domineering, and he is very inflexible, and he is too easy to be targeted.

Don’t say it’s Levi, even if he changes the card two, although it is a little troublesome, it is still not difficult to solve him!

When the San Juan wolves fell, the Blackbeard Pirates were left with only Blackbeard Marshall Dity.

On the side of the Whitebeard Pirates, the pirate group under his command has all been evacuated, and the Whitebeard Pirates have basically withdrawn, leaving only the father and a few captains, they plan to finally Levi have a chance to break away and withdraw again!

Once Levi’s situation is not right, they have to return to save people!

Anyway, now that everyone has withdrawn, they don’t have any psychological burden!

Saatchi looked at Levi, who was opposite and faced Tichy, and couldn’t help but mutter:

“Levi, come on, take that bastard Tiki, crush the corpse into ten thousand pieces! This guy who caused everyone to lose a lot! ”

Although the captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group were slightly injured at most, the Pirate Group under their command suffered heavy losses, and many of the captains of the Pirate Group under their command were also on the Moby Dick, and they were all family members!

Even, the crew of the Whitebeard Pirates Group suffered no small losses, and many crew members stayed here forever!

In this battle, the navy may not have won, but the losses of the Whitebeard Pirates are not small!

It’s a lose-lose battle, and the culprit behind it is Blackbeard, Marshall D. Titchnai!.

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