In order to escape alive, he can do anything!

As a guy who can act in the Whitebeard Pirates for decades for a fruit, Tichy has never been cheeky.

As long as it is able to achieve its own purpose, what is the face?

Therefore, the first thing that comes to Tichy’s mind is to play the emotional card!

He sighed inwardly:

“If you are facing Daddy, then I can be sure that Daddy will face my emotional card in the end, it is absolutely unstoppable, he can’t get it, but it’s a pity that he is facing Levi, and there is not much emotional foundation.”

Indeed, in the original development, when Whitebeard faced Tichy at the last moment, he still relented and did not kill him with a single blow.

But it was Whitebeard, and Levi never had any feelings, including sympathy, for Titch.

I saw Tichy kneeling down sharply, kowtowing and shouting without face:

“Levi, let me go, we are all father’s sons, I did wrong before, but I repent now, let me go, I will definitely work hard for the Whitebeard Pirates, I atone for my sins!” Let me go, Levi.”

Looking at the confidence that kept kowtowing on the ground, not wanting to face at all, Li Wei suddenly felt a little convinced, this guy is a real hero.

As a sea emperor-level guy, can you do such a thing?

In the face of your own enemies, directly kneel and kowtow to beg forgiveness?

Such a person, if not really faceless, is to be able to be faceless with terrifying ambitions.

Tichy is clearly the latter.

However, Tichy’s actions still opened the eyes of others.

The three major generals looked at Tichy’s eyes, full of disdain, such a faceless, no strong heart, even if he lives, his achievements are limited, but he is just a faceless pirate.

Sure enough, a pirate is a pirate!

However, Lieutenant General Sengoku and Tsuru had more serious expressions.

Lieutenant General Tsuru said in a deep voice:

“Blackbeard Tichy, this guy, it’s a little scary!”

Sengoku nodded slowly and said:

“He was able to do this in order to survive, and he didn’t seem to have the slightest self-esteem of a strong man, but combined with his ambition, it is obvious that this is a guy who has to do it in order to achieve his ambition, even if he gives everything, including dignity, this guy, can’t stay!”

Lieutenant General He nodded and said, “It’s a dangerous guy, if Levi’s little ghost is really soft-hearted, we must take over and kill him directly, even if this guy goes to Advance City, it may not be safe!” ”

Sengoku originally planned to catch Blackbeard and send it to the city, after all, his fruit seems to be dangerous, it is better to lock it up, but Lieutenant General Tsuru said more reasonably, this guy has already captured the city once, locked up there, it is not safe!

“Then, once Blackbeard falls into the hands of the Navy, no need to make any unnecessary moves, not even report, directly execute!”

Sengoku made a decision in an instant, this guy’s ambition is far more dangerous than his fruit!

At this time, the expressions of the people watching the live broadcast are a little strange.

Some of them don’t know what expression to use to express themselves, maybe a black question mark face is more appropriate.

“This is the most ambitious pirate on the sea? The result is so shameless? He can also be regarded as a strong person, and he actually kneels directly to Li Wei? This kind of thing, with a little dignity, is impossible to do? ”

“Yes, begging for mercy from your enemies, this kind of thing is not done by a strong man at all, this guy does not have a little bit of the heart of a strong man, but he can have this terrifying strength.”

“Being able to catch the strong attack and not die twice, this guy is already a general at the level of strength, how did he do it? A guy with no self-esteem can become a strong general level, doesn’t it mean that the strong must have their own firm will? ”

“Perhaps, this guy’s will is to live firmly? No matter how faceless you want to live? ”

Instantly, the neighborhood was quiet, and everyone seemed to agree with this statement, but they still felt a little uncomfortable.

They want to see two strong people fighting lively, not to see people kneeling and apologizing.

Everyone is watching, wanting to see if Levi will really be unable to get his hands in the face of this kind of faceless guy who begs for mercy.

After all, some masters are like this, they will dislike Blackbeard, such an undignified opponent, will dirty their own knives and so on…

But apparently, Levi was never a pedantic guy.

I saw Raid Freedom holding a chopping knife in one hand, and walked to Tichy, and Levi’s voice suddenly came out:

“Tichy, your ambition ends here, today you can’t live anyway!”

Saying that, the huge slashing knife, like thunder falling from the sky, instantly slashed!

Tiqi didn’t expect that Levi didn’t have the slightest scruples about everyone living on a boat for eight years, and he started it directly!

But his body reacted, and he who was originally kneeling on it, directly rolled over, embarrassed but useful to dodge this sword!


The slashing knife hit the ground, and the terrifying impact force in an instant collapsed the ground directly!

However, Li Wei, who had no merit in one blow, did not pause at all in the next hand, and directly slashed with one blow! [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

At this time, Tichy no longer has room to dodge, so he can only launch the armed color domineering energy with all his strength, and at the same time tighten his muscles to enhance his defense as much as possible!



Tichy was directly cut out by a sword, accompanied by a gushing blood!

Tichy was like a black ball that had been chopped off, rolling on the ground, and after stopping, he found that there was a huge hole in his back, and there were traces of blood nearby, but it had been wrapped in black fog and controlled the injury.

Levi’s heart is a little helpless, these people in the pirate world are really hard!

Red dog is too, so is Blackbeard, his one-hit attack power has obviously exceeded the limit of the general level, but he just can’t cut Blackbeard into two pieces. (Okay, Zhao)

It’s like a sea four emperors, attacking an emperor deputy with all his strength, and the other party carries it down, oh, cute and more Jinweimen is like this? That’s okay.

Sometimes Levi was really curious about what was wrong with the body structure of these people, so he resisted the beating.

The assault on freedom did not stop, and once again rushed in front of Blackbeard, and the chopping knife in his hand was cut out again!

Tichy once again turned into a billiards ball and rolled out, and Levi realized that he was not killing people, but playing billiards.

This pole passed, hit and killed several navies, but the guy Blackbeard vomited a few mouthfuls of blood, the wounds on his body turned black and fogged, and he stood up again!

At this time, Tiqi felt that his state was not very good, and if he continued like this, he might really die!

Turning his eyes, Tichy suddenly said loudly:

“‘Navy! Marshal of the Warring States! I want to surrender! I’m going to turn myself in! Grab me and put me in Advance City!” “。

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