Looking at Tiqi, who suddenly appeared with fighting intent, Levi showed a sneer on his face.

Perhaps, it’s time to secretly push harder.

So, the next sword, Levi was at the tip of the sword, blessing the blessing of the shock wave!

There is no ultra-high-frequency vibration like the flying sword vibration technique, but it can still enhance the killing ~ power!

Then, he slashed his sword at Tiki, who also punched over!

The dark fruit ability is not easy to use, and Tiqi has finally used the body technique at the bottom of the box!

The strong armed color domineering made his fist turn into a black iron fist, and he didn’t need to sleep, so that Tiqi would still have time to exercise his physique and cultivate domineering even if he usually pretended to be a fool on the whitebeard ship.

As an emperor-level combat power, physical skills are the skills at the bottom of the box!

At this time, his armed color domineering is all concentrated in the fist mountain, so that the hardness of his fist has reached an extremely terrifying point, after all, the armed color of this thing, if it wraps the whole body, then the intensity will decrease, correspondingly, concentrate, the intensity will rise!

The powerful physique combined with the armed color makes Tiqi’s punch have a terrifying momentum!


The fist directly triggered the sound of an air explosion, and the air explosion caused by piercing the air exploded like a cannonball, and a fierce smile appeared on Tichy’s face!

“Thief hahahahaha~ What about the failure of the dark fruit? Lao Tzu’s physical skills are not bad at all! ”

At this time, the slashing knife finally collided with Tichy’s iron fist!


In an instant, the terrifying shock wave exploded at the place of contact, and Levi felt that he had slashed a big iron ball with a sword, and the tough armed color actually blocked his attack!

Of course, if you want to completely block it, it is impossible, but his fist has indeed not been cut off!

I saw that a blood line instantly appeared on Tichy’s iron fist, but it was not cut in half, and it was finally resisted!

But Levi once again exerted his strength, slid the slashing knife violently, towards Tiqi’s body, and stabbed over!


Tichy quickly transferred the domineering, but the strength was still not enough, he could only twist his body as possible, so that this knife that was originally going to pierce the heart and stabbed into the shoulder, and after being armed on the shoulder, he still stabbed it fiercely, almost cutting off his bones!

Yes! ~

The severe pain made Titch couldn’t help but let out a scream, but Levi showed no mercy, twisted the slashing knife, and swept everything sideways!

A huge mouth of blood instantly appeared above Tichy’s chest!

Tiqi, who was in a cold sweat of pain, forcibly held back the trembling of his body and quickly jumped back, and at the same time, the black mist quickly temporarily sealed the wound, but there was still a strong sharp pain on his body!

He has to endure this severe pain and fight Levi!

Feeling his body, Tichy’s face was a little pale, this can’t work, it can’t be stopped at all!

Even if his domineering spirit and physique are not weak, but if he continues like this, with a few more swords, he will completely lose his ability to fight, and by that time, he will lose any ability to resist and can only be slaughtered!

Tichy was silent for a moment, then suddenly spoke, and said:

“Levi, can’t you really let me go? Do you really want to force me? ”

A hint of curiosity flashed on Levi’s face:

“Forcing you, that is, you still have hole cards that you haven’t used?”

Levi couldn’t have imagined that in this case, Tichy even had hole cards?

How is this possible?

He has seen the anime, this guy stands to reason, there are no hole cards anymore, this guy has a bully color, he is not sure, maybe there is, but it is certainly impossible to bully him at present.

So what are the hole cards?

Levi couldn’t figure it out, but he couldn’t have sat back and watched him use it when he knew that Tichy had hole cards!

Therefore, he was too lazy to say, and going up directly was a sword!

The slashing knife combined with the vibration wave of the tip of the knife has a powerful defense-breaking ability, which instantly gives Tiqi another big hole in his body!

However, Tiqi took this knife this time, and his body was shot out by taking the opportunity, and he violently pulled out a devil fruit in the air!

“Damn it, you forced me to eat this fruit that I don’t want to eat at all, Levi, don’t give me a chance!”

Tichy is now full of hatred for Levi, this animal cow and cow fruit ancient giant deer form is the fruit he accidentally obtained, this kind of fruit he certainly can’t look at, obviously to enhance physical fitness and restore strength and the like, the fruit dedicated to the reckless man, good for future subordinates.

But definitely not what he wanted.

What he wanted was the Shock Fruit, and then the Fruit of Levi, who was suddenly discovered.

But now there is no way, he has thought of everything, there is no way to resist Li Wei, only to improve his strength! [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

As soon as this ancient seed was eaten, his ambition would lose more than half in an instant!

Gave up most of his ambitions, just to survive!

Because there is at least hope to live, if you can’t live, then the ambition is completely extinguished, and he absolutely can’t accept it!

Eat it in one bite!

When he saw that Tiqi suddenly took out a fruit and ate it, Levi’s expression was confused, this guy, he really has a hole card?

This guy’s hole card, turned out to be this?

His face showed a hint of abruptness, but then, his face was full of smiles, this guy Tichy, eating this fruit, must be very unwilling, right?

Being forced to give up his ambition to eat the fruits he is not willing to eat, give up his future, just to live, this is absolutely difficult for Titch to accept!

“Is this murderous? Haha”

Levi couldn’t help but laugh out loud, this guy Tichy, planned so much, just in order to capture the dark fruit first, and then hunt other fruits, and then capture a powerful fruit, becoming a double fruit ability of two powerful fruits.

Now well, hunting a fart, directly forced to eat an unwilling to eat.

At this time, the fruit may really taste the same as history, right?

This guy’s heart, I don’t know how uncomfortable it will be, thinking of this, Levi wants to laugh.

Levi knew what was special about Tichy, but the others didn’t.

When he saw Tichy take out a devil fruit and eat it, everyone thought he was going to commit suicide!

“Is this guy crazy? Doesn’t he have the ability to fruit? Eat two fruits and you will die, right? ”

“Yes, but this guy, who would rather surrender the navy than live, will not give up as long as there is the slightest opportunity, how can he commit suicide?” Still committing suicide in this bizarre way? ”

“You say, is there a possibility that this guy knows that he can eat two fruits without dying?”

This statement instantly silenced the live broadcast audience, there has never been a guy who eats two fruits and does not die on the sea, even if it is Levi, there are many abilities, but in fact, the essence should be to imitate the learning fruit, not eat multiple fruits wide! ! .

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