Levi was targeted by the world government, so that the high-ranking naval officials couldn’t help but mutter.

If such a master really joins the world government, it will also be a good thing for the navy, at least one less terrifying enemy.

In fact, if you can, it is better to join the Navy, after all, you are only nine years old, even if you are very strong, but the thinking has not yet been finalized, it is precisely when you can reform.

Perhaps, this is also the reason why the world government takes a fancy to him ~.

However, it is better not to join the CP organization, then – it is better to join the Navy.

Of course, there is another possibility, they did not say, that is, the recruitment failed, then it will be the world government that will lose face, and they don’t know what kind of shock it will cause.

After all, Levi is not a weak person, nine-year-old him, in terms of strength may not be much weaker than Whitebeard, in terms of attack, even surpassing, but the physique is not strong enough, not enough endurance.

Can such a strong person be easily recruited?

You know, he has a bully!

Every guy with overlord-colored domineering is definitely a hard bone, not so easy to woo, when the time comes, the world government will definitely not leave such a talented enemy, will definitely find a way to destroy it.

At that time, if the Navy was allowed to intervene again, they would not agree, after all, when the Navy wanted people, the world government did not agree.

“Then this Levi, we don’t care?”

In this regard, the Warring States nodded and said, “No matter, let the world government toss it, I have already quarreled with the five old stars, and what happens later is none of our Navy’s business.” ”

“Set his bounty directly at 4.92 billion Bailey.”

Everyone looked at each other, and they didn’t think that this bounty was outrageous.

You know, this bounty is second only to Whitebeard among the four emperors!

Whitebeard is more than 5 billion, Kaido is more than 4.6 billion, Aunt is 4.38 billion, Shanks is more than 4 billion, it can be said that this new reward of the navy ranks Levi’s position above the other three sea emperors!

This is also normal, after all, Li Wei has an actual record of killing the emperor, plus the frontal suppression to defeat the admiral, if you don’t raise him a little, do you want the face of the navy?

The bounty can be written as much as you want, after all, it is impossible for someone to really beat Levi and send it over to receive the bounty, really one day, I believe that the world government will be happy to pay this money.

Looking at everyone, Sengoku suddenly said:

“Actually, according to my observations, this kid is unlikely to accept the invitation of the world government, there must be something later, and if he passes the level of the world government, he is likely not to become One Piece, after all, people have their own aspirations, and not every pirate’s dream is One Piece.”

“This guy Levi didn’t have any information about him before, and he has been concentrating on cultivation, maybe compared to becoming One Piece, becoming stronger is what he cares more about.”

Everyone also agrees with this, after all, if they were changed, with strong strength, they would have come out to make wind and rain a long time ago, where would there be no news from the entire sea?

This kind of strength is not cultivated at all in a moment, it must have been strong before, but for so many years, there has never been news of Levi on the sea, and it is very likely that he has never made a move at all.

This time, if it weren’t for the public execution of the navy and taking the initiative to start a war, we might not have seen him make a move!

“If he is really a guy with no ambition, it will be better, this sea has been burned all over the flame of ambition, plus another Levi, may really not be able to withstand it.”

Warring States said slowly: “In this war, someone must bear the loss of the navy, so I will resign.” ”

“What? Marshal of the Warring States, you’re not kidding, are you? ”

“Marshal of the Warring States, you are the navy’s sea god needle, how can you pick a pick? At times like these, the Navy needs you at the helm! ”

“Yes, marshal, who else can be qualified for the position of marshal besides you? We can’t let the world government parachute us, can we? Then we will definitely not be convinced! ”

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the words of the Warring States instantly turned the scene into a vegetable market. [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]


Sengoku coughed, and everyone quieted down.

“Even if I resign, I won’t retire so quickly, I will definitely have to wait for the new marshal to be determined, and I can only retire after handing over the new marshal, as for the new marshal, choose among the three major generals.”

The words of the Warring States made everyone instantly focus on the three major generals.

The yellow ape was the first to say that he did not want to participate in the competition for the position of marshal, which was too troublesome for him.

“Then, since the yellow ape does not want to be a marshal, choose from Sakaski and Kuzan, and see your respective performances.”

In fact, it is two people competing head-on.

“After the new marshal candidate is determined, a large recruitment will be carried out around the world, this time it is a special recruit, as long as the strength is sufficient and recognizes the righteous people of our navy, you can even directly become a general.”

Everyone’s pupils shrank slightly, and they directly became generals, which was unprecedented!

The generals of the Navy have always been trained by themselves, and they have never directly recruited people.

But there is really no way, the top war is so hard to face a group of white-bearded pirates, how to suppress the sea and ensure peace?

There are a few candidates for generals, peach rabbits, tea dolphins, but why are the candidates alternates, the strength is really not enough, if they can’t reach the level of generals, it is definitely impossible to make up.

Admiral, you must have the strength to be able to suppress the sea, there is not enough strength, it is just a disgrace to the navy to go up, the talent of the candidate for the award can be, but the strength is not enough, and you need to continue to exercise.

Therefore, if you want to replenish at this time, you can only recruit troops from around the world.

In this regard, the red dog, who has already regarded the position of the marshal as his own bag, is happy to see it, after all, with more people, he can gather a few masters and surround and kill Li Wei.

Now Levi has become a pirate that he must kill in his heart, and he is not optimistic about the solicitation of Levi by the world government, in his opinion, it will definitely fail, and when the time comes, Levi still has to solve it, that is, the matter of his new marshal.

As for being robbed of the position of marshal of the navy by Kuzan?

Impossible, every time Draco’s task, he completed the best, the marshal did not choose who he chosen?

Even the impression of the five old stars on him has always been good, after all, like him who perfectly executes the tasks of the five old stars, just this one, others will always have some thoughts that should not have, this is his advantage, marshal of the navy, is the beginning of his transformation of the navy, this position must be taken up! .

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