When Ace and Luffy came over and said that they wanted Levi to teach them to practice domineering, Levi was a little confused.

“Vice Captain, we want to be stronger, please!”

Ace’s eyes were firm, this time, he completely understood the meaning of strength!

Without great strength, everything is for nothing!

And the strong strength is far from being complacent by eating a natural department, there are more natural department ability, but the strong are still those three generals.

“Yes, Brother Li Wei, I don’t want to be the one who is protected by everyone!”

Ace has a determination, Luffy also has his own determination, in the past few months at sea, Luffy has been fighting big and small, it can be said that his strength has increased sharply, or he can also be cashing in on his talent.

However, in every previous battle, he was the absolute protagonist, and how many times he turned the tide, no matter how bad he was, he would play a huge role.

However, this time to save Ace and contact the high-end battlefield, he found the gap between himself and the strong!

In addition to advancing the city, 08 he relied on everyone’s help, played a little role, came to the naval headquarters, it can be said that he was completely under everyone’s protection, and then rushed to the high platform, gave his grandfather a punch, rescued Ace, and then it was gone.

Obviously he didn’t experience a powerful battle, but it made Luffy feel even more uneasy, if they went straight to the new world, would they face this kind of monster?

Are they strong enough?

Obviously, not enough!

So, Luffy and Ace made a little news and conveyed to the friends the news that they would assemble in two years, and he wanted to concentrate on cultivation!

Looking at the two teenagers burning with fighting spirit, Levi was in a trance, how did he find him?

Luffy, your domineering teacher, isn’t Hades Renly?

Why did you find me too?

“However, it seems to be a little interesting, teach Luffy something, see who is the famous teacher between Renly and me, haha, wait for this kid to turn the world upside down, naturally no one will notice me.”

This thought flashed in Levi’s heart, and a smile appeared on his face.


“Okay, I agreed, but I said in advance, I won’t teach you all the time, the master leads the door, the practice is in the individual, I will guide you in the method, give you the plan, and the rest is up to you.”

Ace and Luffy looked at each other and nodded fiercely.

Li Wei glanced at the two, and the light flashed in his mind, and he soon had a plan.

“Both of you seem to want to learn domineering cultivation, but in fact, in my opinion, the content of your cultivation should be completely different.”

Li Wei’s first sentence surprised the two, but Li Wei’s strength is strong, what he said must make sense, right?

“Ace, don’t worry about your domineering cultivation, when your physique is strong enough, the Whitebeard Pirates Group has a cultivation method that I specially formulated for the captain level, then it is when you specialize in domineering, before that, I will give you a hellish training physical planning table, you just follow this table.”

Ace’s face collapsed in an instant, hellish training, it was terrifying to hear!

However, his eyes quickly became firm, he is also a ruthless person, what hellish training, you have to survive!

“The domineering cultivation method dedicated to the captain of the white-bearded pirate sounds very powerful, and I remember that the domineering of the captains seems to be really strong.”

Ace was a little excited in his heart, let him cultivate by himself, maybe he was already a little confused, but this looking for someone to guide, he would immediately have a direction.

“By the way, both of you have overlord color, I will insert the content of overlord color domineering exercise in your training plan, remember, overlord color is a very important force, there are not many overlord colors on the sea, this force is far from being as simple as Qing Xiaobing.” [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

Luffy and Ace looked at each other, both saw the excitement in each other’s eyes, Luffy now also knew that he had awakened the overlord color, and it seemed to be a strong force?

Ace used to understand the overlord color, stayed on the coercion of the small soldiers, and did not know anything about the other uses of the overlord color, Whitebeard and Levi used the bully on the battlefield, but Ace’s eyesight can only see very powerful, but I don’t know what it is.

Now he was also excited to hear Levi say that the overlord color had other means of use.

“In addition to exercising your physique and exercising your overlord-colored control, Ace, your other training content is to develop burnt fruits.”

A hint of surprise flashed on Ace’s face and said:

“First Captain, is there still potential for my Burnt Fruit to continue to develop? I think it has been developed very maturely, and the power is not small, but in the face of domineering masters, it does not seem to be very useful. ”

Levi looked at Ace with a mentally retarded look and said:

“Ace, you really suffered a loss of unculture, the development route of burning fruit is completely wrong, you are still complacent, where does the confidence come from? In terms of fruit development, I don’t worry about Luffy, your brother’s brain is unexpectedly much stronger than you in this regard, you have no culture, it’s just that your head is not good, how to develop the burning fruit only knows that the bigger the fire, the better? ”

Levi’s words, Ace’s face is red, and it is difficult to refute it, indeed when fighting with the strong, burning fruits does not seem to be so useful, is it really a problem with their own development?

Luffy smiled and said:

“My rubber fruit is very useful, and sure enough, even Brother Li Wei thinks that the move I developed in 017 is very handsome.”

Li Weihaha smiled and said:

“Luffy, you are still very talented in developing rubber fruits, just do it according to your own ideas, wait for the domineering to exercise well, combined with the fruit ability, it will be stronger.”


Looking at the smiling Luffy, Ace felt uncomfortable for a while, obviously his fruit, but the noble natural system, was complained about, Luffy’s rubber fruit was an ordinary superhuman line, but said that he developed no problem, and the face of his brother was gone.

However, at this time, Ace is still very sober, the previous development direction is wrong, but the development of the fruit has improved his ability to control the burnt fruit, even if he changes the development direction, it is still an important accumulation and will not be wasted.

Levi looked at Ace without any unconvinced expression, on the contrary, he was still very humbly ready to accept it, and he couldn’t help but nod with satisfaction.

If Ace doesn’t want to learn it himself, he doesn’t necessarily want to teach it, so everyone can really accept his guidance?

You know, aside from the identity of cultivating the immortal method, he is also one of the strongest people in the sea, and those who are stronger than him are only in the Holy Land Mary Joe.

“Your burning fruit is indeed not high-end, and it is indeed a fact that the magma fruit is your superior fruit.”

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