Tang Wei sneered again. He didn't say a word about Yuan Qin's explanation. Instead, he said, "well, you say what you just said, and then apologize to others. I will also apologize for beating you."

Yuan Qin's eyes widened. How could he say that! Bo Yan is still on the stage. How can he say it!

So Gao Yu had to hold Yuan Qin up, and then the two men stumbled. Some people came around to help them. Yuan Qin, who was full of resentment, pushed them away

"Young master..."

Seeing that the man was a supplier of his own jewelry company, Yuan Qin knew that he was losing his face and couldn't hang on. He strode forward with Gao Yu and walked out of Tang Wei's birthday party regardless of the security guard's obstruction, leaving the spectators a sigh.

But Tang Wei, one of the parties, just picked his eyebrows and said in a cool voice, "OK, just take it as an episode. Let's go on, there will be people offering cakes at 12 o'clock. "

Sakara Kurosawa and Ren Qiu are also on the same side to make ends meet, "it's good if nothing happens, it's good if nothing happens."

"Waiter! Please come here and clean up the broken wine cups here, and be careful not to step on them - "

when Bo Ye and Su Qi squeeze out of the crowd, the crowd of big wave spectators has dispersed, but these people are also well-known figures in the upper class, which means that Tang Wei's behavior is to openly marry Shirong Jewelry - you have seen it, and you know it It's too late.

Bo ye came forward and nearly pushed Tang Wei, "Dad, what are you doing -"

"smelly boy, you are lawless!" Thin night's face is livid. "I dare to beat people in the meeting hall. Will I still go to the street to chop people in the future?"

Tang Wei couldn't laugh or cry. "You're completely changing the concept. It's not a grade. It's a crime to cut people on the main road. Now there's a conflict in the venue. First, this is my home court. He doesn't dare to investigate. Second, even if you hit someone, it's just a small dispute with the security guard. "

"Why did you hit people?"

Despite Tang Wei's changing the topic, Bo Ye looks at the people around him, and then pulls Tang Wei aside. When his father thinks about it, he finally chokes it all back. He can only take a deep breath, "I really - do you want to kill me? Do you know that Shirong jewelry has always been friendly with me? You hit his son, you hit me in the face, you know? "

Tang Wei took a deep breath. "We can also cooperate with another jeweler."

"It's not as simple as replacing a partner!" Thin night couldn't help it, in no one's corner, raised his voice and cried, "Tang Wei, sometimes you can't do things completely by your mood! The popularity of all defeated, when you have more money, no one with you! There's something wrong. There's no one to help! "

Tang Wei trembled fiercely.

In fact, Bo Ye's lesson is right. Shirong jewelry and Bo's family have always been friendly. All of a sudden, he is tearing his face and implicating the whole Bo's family.

Biting his teeth, Tang Wei said, "I know."

"What's the reason? Still won't say? "

Bo Ye is mad because he has taught his son independently since he was a child, and let him choose many things by himself from childhood to adulthood. As a result, when he grows up, his mind is too heavy and willful, and he can't control it at all!

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