"Now that Mr. policeman has come to a conclusion, it's no fun for us to stay here, is it?"

Tang Wei turns his head indifferently. At that moment, Fang Hai feels that the child in front of him is a little unmatched by adults.

Watching them leave, Lu Yiting in the shadow said, "Tang Wei and another child left."

"Anything else?"

"A little girl named EVA had a quarrel with them, but it seemed that the quarrel didn't win Tang Wei."

Lu Yiting turns to look at Tang Wei and sakara Kurosawa, and says in a low voice, "they probably It's going back to the room. "



That night, Tang Wei and keihara Kurosawa were awakened by a commotion. Before they had time to open their eyes, they were covered with a black shadow. They struggled for a while at the same time, but the struggle was fruitless. The pungent smell came from the tip of their nose -

it was an anesthetic.

They couldn't do anything to resist. They fainted as soon as they closed their eyes.

Before that, Tang Wei was thinking, who is so bold? Now the police are still in the cast, and they dare to attack them

When they opened their eyes again, Tang Wei and Sawara Kurosawa found that they had been taken to a small dark warehouse.

Tang Wei looks at sakara Kurosawa beside him. His mouth is sealed with adhesive tape. He can only use his eyes to indicate. Tang Wei can't understand why sakara Kurosawa will also be brought here. He thinks that someone just wants to attack him, but he didn't expect to bring it with his partner.

He frowned, and then a man appeared in the shadow. He tore off the tape on their mouths, causing severe pain. Tang Wei looked up at the man who was holding them.

"Not afraid?"

The man grimly smile, "or was scared speechless?"

"It's you."

Tang Wei's eyes were calm. Although he was afraid in his heart, he still kept himself calm. On one side, sakara Kurosawa was a little surprised. "Is the killer you?"

"You killed sister Qiu Zhenzhu, didn't you?"

Tang Wei stares at the face of the man in front of him, "you will be punished."

The man grinned, as if fearless, "how do you know it's me?"

"Because you brought me with Kurosawa Ohara." Tang Wei's hands and feet were also bound by tape, but he was not timid at all. He stared at the man and said, "if you only bind me, it's our personal enmity. But you bring it with Kurosawa, it's more like you want to attack children, but --"

"you didn't bring anyone else, which means that your purpose is very clear from the beginning, that is us two People. "

Tang Wei pauses, "so, what do I have in common with sakara Kurosawa? The answer is - "

Kurosawa okahara suddenly realized that" only Tang and I, when the police said to end the case by suicide, made a sound to remind them that there might be other doubtful points in the case. "

That's why they were brought here.

"You two are smart." The man's eyes are killing, "it's a pity that I'm going to hell to see Qiu Zhenzhu."

"You want to kill us?"

Tang Wei gave a cool smile, "are you sure you Can you kill us? My father is Bo Ye, and his father is the chancellor of the exchequer. It's not a warning, but a fact. You can't play with us at all. "

"You son of a bitch, you dare to be tough when you die!"

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