Jiang Ling is innocent. "Didn't you ask me?"

Bai Yue felt that he was dead now.

Jiang Ling began to prepare her own tools, "my family's facilities are not complete, so I may not play as well as in the hospital. But now you are bleeding. You must take out the debris, or the wound will bleed all the time... "

Jiang Ling said half of it, and then his voice went down, "Bai Yue, I don't have any anesthetics here. Can you hold on? Ye Jingtang took people to save Boye. Don't worry Shall I help you? "

I'll save you, OK?

At that time, in Bai Yue's pupil, there was only the clean and handsome man with a side face. He looked at him with a low tone, but his eyes were very firm. He just asked, "I'll save you, OK?"?

He is very different from him, his hand to save people, save lives, on the world.

Bai Yue himself, however, was numb and cold, and even joined seven sins. He lived willfully and recklessly. Unlike Jiang Ling's kindness, Bai Yue's medical skills were like demons.

But now, at this moment, in his eyes, there is only the reflection of Jiang Ling.

It's just him.

All over the world, mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, became his name.

Bai Yue only felt that his wound hurt more and more acutely, but it was this acuteness of pain that made him understand that he was alive.

Still alive, still struggling like a person.

He closed his eyes, and his Adam's Apple moved up and down. He noticed Jiang Lin's hand brushing his wound. The man said, "whatever you like."

"I'm here to operate on you. The conditions and facilities are not as good as those in the hospital. You may get infected..." Jiang Ling held the scalpel, the blade reflected a cold luster, "you have to hold back."

As soon as Bai Yue wanted to speak, Jiang Ling was unable to defend himself, so he went straight down with a knife. Bai Yue let out a loud cry, but Jiang Ling jumped down and said, "be quiet!"

Looking up and seeing Bai Yue biting his lower lip, he was stunned by the pain. His eyes were slightly red. When he was staring at him, Jiang Ling was stunned.

It's like It's a little nice.

He didn't cry this time, but his cold sweat had slipped from his head and he was shaking all the time.

Jiang Ling was also scared out of a cold sweat, and then continued to wipe the wound for Bai Yue, and kept reading his name, "it's OK, Bai Yue, believe me We've known each other for so many years, believe me... "

We've known each other for so many years

Bai Yue felt that this sentence was a curse. He just felt the pain go away a little bit, and the whole person seemed to lose consciousness.

"Bai Yue!"

In the panic, someone called him and pulled him back to reality, "you are losing too much blood and you are going to be in a coma! Don't close your eyes

Jiang Ling's voice was trembling with impatience. "I'll be ready in a moment, it's just a fragment. I'll clip it out immediately. You can bear it again -"

it doesn't matter With you It doesn't matter to die now.

Bai Yue grinned. The pain made him speechless. He just felt that his body was torn. He could clearly feel Jiang Ling's tweezers looking for debris in his body.

I don't know how long later, two pieces of fragments were taken out by Jiangling one after another. Bai Yue was suddenly relieved, and the whole person was convulsed.

"It's ok It's ok... " Jiang Ling held the tweezers and kept shivering, "I succeeded, Bai Yue...!"

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