Hisshou Dungeon Unei Houhou

Pitfalls 9 Digging: Everyday and Promise Previous

Daily and Promise Previous

side: Yuki

I had a lot of trouble today.

No, I don't know, an event that can't be in history, a classic, a promise...

I don't think I know what you're talking about, so I'll write it down here as a diary for once.

I want people in the afterlife to decide if they see this as a comedy or a tragedy, or if it's just another page of worthless days.

As far as I'm concerned, I hope this record will be one of those worthless days.

Then why did you leave it?

Well, we need to leave something interesting behind and create more entertainment in the future.

A little novel is a guy.

Yeah, "bun scared," I guarantee it's not a big deal.

For now, read it.

◇ Saturday, ○ month △ day in the dungeon: sunny

The thin light awakens the consciousness.

He becomes aware that he was asleep and slowly awakens.

Come on, even if you think you're used to the dungeon, sometimes you're in a hurry when you don't go to work.

Is it Japanese sex?


I hear a pretty voice on the side.

Oh, with that said, were you sleeping with Cellaria today?

Since that Luna proclamation, in case you have problems with your mother or child in pregnancy, you have promised to cure them with divine authority, so you are safe with your daughters.

This is the third time I've seen Cellaria.

My first night with Cellaria was squeezed out as promised.

I was worried that he wasn't forced to, but he ended up staying connected until morning.

I was gessy, but Cellaria was shiny.

I wonder what it feels like when we're coloring each other and only guys are pretty tired?

With that in mind, Cellaria wakes up too.

Did you move too much?

"... Morning, you"

"Good morning, did I wake you?

"No, I just woke up naturally."

That's what I'm saying, and he moves to cover me in the futon.

"... er, even today?

"Naturally, we have to handle it properly in the morning."

Cellaria likes to do it, and it's based on getting up after a single shot in the morning.

I think I did quite well yesterday.

"... you're so big in me, you don't have to be patient"

"Sounds like you can have kids fast"

"I'm glad to hear that. Do you want me to do more in the morning?

With that said, it will eventually happen a few times.

Yeah, I knew they were squeezing it out.


That's how I bring breakfast into the ballroom with the athletes.

"Good morning. I'm sorry about your brother every morning."

"It's not bitter to cook rice for everyone, though. It's worth making because it tastes good."

"I'm glad I can cook with my brother too!!

"Today is a miso soup and egg roll made by my brother."

"... other fish roasts. Is that salmon? Aslin and Phyllia did their best."

"Hmm, what did Labyris make?

When Riel asks Labyris yes, Aslin and Phyllia point to the cooker.

"Labyrinth cooked me dinner."

"It's all for everyone"

"Oh, that was tough, Labyris."

"Thanks, but you can't let Yuki cook rice forever. One day, I'll show it to that flavor."

No, does just cooking rice in a cooker make a difference in taste?

Ma, the person is motivated, and it would be impeccable to lay him down.

As I prepared my breakfast like that, Lulua came.

"So, sir!! Is it true you and Master Cellaria did this many times in the morning!?

... er, everyone here, including the Aslins, is a daughter-in-law and a hugger, but that conversation starts in the morning...

"Well, was it that Cellaria was always shiny in the bath in the morning? So, how many times did you do it, brother?

"Eh, I never did it in the morning!!

"... sketchy"

"Ah, so it makes sense. Did you get the smell of cellaria from Yuki today?"

"... Tori, are you smelling it?

"Chi, no, Ellis!? I'm a werewolf, so I'm just sensitive to smells..."

"I know, laundry. Yuki's..."

"Wah!! Wow!!

Something's come rough...

"Brother, how many times have you done this with your Cellaria sister?

"Brother!! If you tell me, I helped too!!

"... right here, I'm fine in the morning"

"Labyris, don't touch it."

In the meantime, Labyris is just a Sacubas tribe, and is, or has such a great arm that it won't be stylish if touched.

Because of this, these three are with us when we do, and Aslin and Phyllia go first.

Labyris will deal with me until morning after the athletes who slept tired.

Instead, they won't let me sleep.

"Answer me!! It is possible that I have less of that amount today!!

When Lulua says that, everyone gets a hazy look.

"... that's a bit, on the contrary, a lot of trouble"

"I want it all over the place..."

"... big problem"

Uh, it's not my fault, but something's staring at me...

"It's okay. Because I'll do my best to Lulua and everyone else."

"True!? It's with me tonight. You get a lot of it right!?

... I couldn't say I couldn't do it then because Lulua seemed so happy.

But you do understand that I have a cap, right?

Because of this, Lulua seems to like serving with her breasts, and she tries using her breasts every time.

It's good because it feels good, but aren't you unhappy that the amount you put inside is turning out less?

"Oh? Everybody's ready for dinner, what are you chatting about without eating?

Cellaria asks for rice about her seat with her shiny face in the bath.

In the meantime, with my hard-working declaration, the story is settled, so everyone is going to have dinner about their seats.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? Aren't you tired?

"... that's because Cellaria and I worked hard in the morning."

"Oh, you can sleep all the time. I'll see to it. Including down there."

This daughter-in-law doesn't brace.

She's a good wife.

"Well, will you do your best today"

"" "Yes" "

So they all scatter from the inn to their own workplace.

"Well, we're in school too."

"" Yes ""

"... could you give me a hug soon?

As usual, hold the three of them up and start moving.

"... are they all grown up? I think it's getting heavy."


"Brother, you're not fat!?

"... a few more ways to say it. We're both different, it means we're growing up. I got bigger breasts, too."

No, Labyris' chest growth is like I'm helping...

But Melon is growing even more, and he's just tall.


"Oh, there are things you can enjoy because you're small."

Yes, Labyrinth will follow me tight.

"Ah, sloppy"

"Me too!!

The other two follow me tightly.

"All right, hold on to it. Let's..."

"Come on, come on!!

"It's Brother Boulder!!

"... hehe"

That's how I rushed to school.

In the far future, this story is divided into two opinions.

I'm jealous, explode!!

This man is doing well. It is a man's mirror.

Ma, if it's a story for Yuki, didn't this journal mean something?

Continue to Part II

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