Hisshou Dungeon Unei Houhou

Out of Pitfalls: Weed Information Magazine

Weed Information Magazine

SIDE: Mikos

"Come on, let's do our best today -!

That's what Mikos feels like about me.

Anyway, from this time today, my department of memorials will be moving.

"Yes. Then let's do our best. Dear Mikos."

"Yeah. Good luck with that."

"Best wishes. Mr. Kirue. Mr. Sarsari."

Yes, there are some comforting members in this department: Mr Kirue, Mr Sarsari.

So, it sounds like the made-up department, but you're not, actually.

Yes, the name of this department is......

"Come on, Weed Information magazine, let's make a monthly walk!

I mean, this is the editorial department.

Where I make books.

Moreover, it publishes magazines that are widely read by the general public.

As a Yuki teacher, he really wanted to make a newspaper, but with the current number of people, it's very, very impossible to make a daily newspaper, so he decided to make Weed's informational magazine in the monthly magazine.

And today is the first day to remember.

"Well, Editor Micos. We ask the Lord to help us, but how would you like us to help you?

"Yes. We just read the clutter and never made it."

And two people coming for instructions.

Hey, it's impossible for a wooden baron warrant like me to bother with two maids.

And both, as a maid, are the finest.

Besides, Mr. Kirue is actually Sheila's belly sister, only that she doesn't have the right to inherit the throne and a rank as a nobleman, and there's no way that the princess's side maid is equivalent to the daughter of the baron on the border or anything.

And Mr. Sarsari always sneers, too, that he's Samantha's maid of honor but formerly belonged to the Knights, so this is another bearer of a better career than me.

Hey, no matter how you look at it, I'm in my subordinate's shoes.

"Master Mikos?

"What's wrong?

"Oh, I'm sorry. Mikos, it was a little while I was treating you two as subordinates..."

Honestly reveal the grid of Mikos' heart.

No more when you get back to me. Mikos, they're people on a level that I can't even talk to very much about unless they're in mode.

But it's the maids who have been on Dr. Yuki's side for years.

"I don't care about that. Well, if you're really from, we're friends with the same husband as husband. There's nothing wrong with reciprocity. Oh, so this sassari is fine with me."

"Handling is cluttered, isn't it!? Senior Kirue!"

"Oh, you're not my husband's wife, are you? Definitely just a maid of honor. So naturally, I'm in a better position than Mr. Mikos, who is his wife."

"It's terrible. Yikes!? I won't even admit to treating my husband like this!

"I didn't even wiggle the whip. I seem to have forgotten, so I just told you again what your position is, right?


If I could continue to be such a made-up comic talent, I could see you just caring about me over here.

So I...

"Yes, yes, so it's nice to meet you both."

"Yes, I'll take care of it"

"Yes. I'm with my husband, so we're all friends."

So me, Mikos, along with this fellow I can rely on so much...

"Now I'd like to decide what the first walker is about"

Yes, I can't even make an article without first deciding on the content of the information magazine I'm going to publish.

"First of all, what Dr. Yuki has asked me to do..."

So I write down a list of articles that the whiteboard asks me to do.

○ Priority Communication and PR from Weed Administration

News of the Weed in October. (I don't mind if the radio and content are worn.

Main contents

· Case, for accident alert

· Featured information events and other things that bring people together

○ Apply columns Create a framework for the general public to apply by letter or other means in order to ensure that people are involved in the magazine

-The time story is good, but I'll leave the fine judgment to you.

○ Famous store coverage Whether it's meals, clothing or weapons stores.

○ I will sell celebrity coverage magazines. If this is a popular vote, I will not remove the person to cover it.

and well, sasu but yuki sensei, you explain it in detail and Mikos is very helpful.

"I see. If you clear all of this, the contents of the magazine will come together."

"Is that it? But what do you do with the cover or something? My husband showed me a lot of magazines with those hands, but they were all pretty elaborate, right? That kind of design? Was it, who was that?

"Mm-hmm. Mikos will try his best there first. So, if you can't, why don't you talk to Dr. Yuki? Hmm, or Sarsari will try?

"Haha, no picturesque thoughts, so don't"

"I see. My husband says to give it a try first."

"Yeah, it seems so. Well, Micos said it's a magazine they make for themselves, and they don't do much talking."

Yeah, yeah. You're the best husband I've ever had to draw on the feelings of Mikos.

"So we can build on what we need."

"I have a sample magazine, and it seems easy."

"Yeah. Mikos was at school, too. Then I made a read-out article, and I think I can do it because I have some experience. Or if it's Weed, the article doesn't have to be handwritten, it's easier!

Yes, I don't have to suffer any more from Kiyomoto, where mistakes are not tolerated, like I used to.

You can rewrite as many times as you want, and you can make a copy in an instant!

Great weed's, no printing technology on Earth's editing technology!

Computers are invincible machines!

Yikes, when you found out that great thing existed, you took a joyous leap.

Smartphones and Cole's aerial projections are like something for me!

So the environment is excellent.

"Well, I'm just moving to make an article. Which interview are you two going to? I still don't know if you're good at it, but if you have an article you'd like to try anyway, then you should try it."

This time I have all kinds of greetings, including coverage and future dating.

It's just right to figure out which one you're good at and which one you're not.

It's my first time anyway, and I can fail at first.

"Right. Am I from research at the store? I've heard a lot about your wife's wellside meetings."

"Well, I'll cover celebrities - There are people who can talk about this at their wives' wellside meetings."

"Then Mikos will look into the incident. Maybe a police station or a general government building."

"Yes, Master Mikos is the editor-in-chief of this department, so I thought it was important to say hello."

"Right. Even so, I already know Director Pawne and Mr. Tefa."

"You're comfortable. Nevertheless, it's important that you say hello, as Kirue said, and I'll come. If anything happens to you two, it's like Mikos is in charge."

"Yes, sir."

"Yes, I'll let you rely on me then"

So Mikos just turns his foot toward the general government building.

Her Majesty the Queen is here today, isn't she?

"Oh, it's so unusual for Micos to see you here."

"Thank you, Master Cellaria. I'm here today to greet you as a representative of a new department."

"Hmm? Uh, your husband said something. You're making a magazine?

"Yes, the department will be ready to start producing that magazine today."

"Yes, it's the first genuine magazine in my country. Not bad. If anything happens, count on me. 'Cause I can give you an approximate permit."

"At that time, please. So, Mikos is going to cover it."

"Yeah. Be careful."

Mikos, who installed Cellaria-sama's permission, turns to the accountant.

"Yahoo, Tefa."

"Mikos? What's wrong?

"No, look at this."

That's what I say and show my ID.

"Weed editorial? Oh, talk about maybe making a magazine, did you make a move?

"Yes! So it's good to see you again. And what do you want to tell the public through an intelligence magazine?

"Congratulations, because this will give Weed new entertainment. So, what do you want to tell me? Mr. Ellis, is there anything you'd like to tell the public through an intelligence magazine?

That's what Tefa says. She speaks to Mr. Ellis, who works at the desk in the back.

"Oh yeah. Oh, before you do, congratulations on your appointment as editor-in-chief, Mikos."

"Hi. I'm going to do my best. So, is there anything you want to tell me?

"Oh, that.... I'm going to need a little permission around, but I'd like to post tax revenues for this year and budgets for each department."


Me and Tefa, who unexpectedly end up with Mr. Ellis' words.

"I knew it wouldn't be normal to see you two surprised."

"Well, that's true. 'Cause you don't have to let the people know."

"Right. The people do not need to know, and it is visible that each relationship complains about the bias of distribution. And the top who couldn't win the budget would be in a bad position, wouldn't they?

"Yeah. Tefa's right, you got that distribution because you need it, but the public doesn't know why, right?

"Sort of. Nevertheless, you must understand each relationship. I think it's top of the line to hold it down."

Mm-hmm. Sure, I would still be reporting on winning the budget, and I don't need a top that would shake my foot about because it was published.

"I understand the story. Certainly only the accounting department will be able to provide information on that budget. But there will be other permits."

"Of course. I guess I'll have to make my purpose clear at last. The aim is to make the budget transparent. I hate to think someone's using it for nothing... but you know what I mean, right?

"Uh, I see. Sure, you should publish it."

"You're everywhere. Someone who deflects the budget. Together, I understand the story. And you're asking me when I go around."

"Yes, I can talk to you from my side, but please from Mikos."


So I feel like I've been entrusted with a big job because I'm soggy, but also to get a magazine out of this.

Let's do it!

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