Hisshou Dungeon Unei Houhou

Pitfalls 31 Digging: End of Year & First Half of New Year Special

End of Year & New Year Special

side: Yuki

"Come on, finally, the year. The end of the year!!

The calendar is surrounded by a red pen on December 31.

At the end of the year, it was a big event for all those living on Earth.


"The end of the year? Yeah, the years just change, right?

"It's the end of the year - every year at this time of year, you had less food and a twinge"

"Uh, I know what Rats is saying. When I was in the village, there was less and less food at the end of the year, so I was hungry, so I didn't have much food to hunt."

"Yeah, so did my place. I'm gonna stay put until spring comes with the savings."

"It's the same everywhere. When it's cold, crops don't grow, and livestock has to be reduced in number. And the tax revenues have to be lowered, so it's hard for the country to end the year."

Oh, my God.

No, I'm convinced, if you ask me, that in this world, where civilization is less developed, the concept of the end of the year doesn't seem to celebrate it.

Well, you should usually do it in the fall or spring when you can afford it.

Japanese New Year used to have the custom of not going out on New Year's Day.

Or Hatsumomo is a modern custom, a strategy, and it's only in the last hundred years that it's gotten busier.

And well, that was even the case on Earth in an era when we were approaching modernization, so in this world, tomorrow's food was important instead of celebrating.

"So, what happened at the end of the year?

"Oh, I don't like it. In my world, the end of the year is a big celebration. The end of the year and the new year."


"Uh, you're right. You usually go to bed when it gets dark. In my world, you see, this street, it's bright with electricity all day long. So we're up till 24: 00 at the end of the year, eating soba noodles and going to Hatsumomo. I opened a store or something. I feel like I've made it through this year, and welcome to the New Year. Good luck."

"Well, residents, no. You wait in the people for the years to change. If the clock is as popular as Weed, you have the pleasure of saying so."

Cellaria immediately understood my intentions.

Well done daughter-in-law.

"Then you're going to be able to sell all kinds of items dedicated to the new year. What was it like?

Ratz has also reacted sharply to the commercial side.

"Right... like I said, food is by the New Year's Eve, broiled or cooked with fine ingredients if you're going to go with Weed. When I say" goods, "you know... you might want to work with Lilith."

"Are you with Master Lilith?

"I told you, Hatsumomo. That's in my hometown. You go to a shrine, that is, like a church over here, give a light blessing, and pray to God. Well, that's a lot of wishes for you to be safe this year, or for you to have a lover. So, I'm selling Omi Lottery or something, and I'm going to try my first luck this year."

"Hmm. So you open a store and sell rice cakes and stuff. So, what are you screwing with? So how do you know how lucky you are?

Oops, Omi Lottery is the only place in Japan or its streams.

"I don't know, right..."

Take the copy paper provided for the ballroom, tear it to the Omi lottery size, and write it properly and fold it.

"There is such a variety as Daikichi, Gil, Nakayoshi, Koji, Hanikichi, Tatsuyoshi, Ping, Wesen, Little Wesen, Semi-Wesen, Last Wesen, and Big Wesen. Well, it would mean good luck from above. Ferocity means bad luck when it comes to murder or something. I'm selling this at the shrine, one. Yeah, about a bronze."

"Ho, that sounds interesting. You write a lot in there, don't you?

"Oh, I'll be the first to have rough luck and write down the details of health, love, money, work, etc."

"But wouldn't you hate it if it was a murderer or something?

"There are measures to be taken against that, too. There's a tree in the shrine that connects the Omi lottery."


"It's not like your Kamiki again, but if you tie the Omi lottery there, the result of the Omi lottery will be tied. In other words, they believe it will be true. It's also said that whoever commits a crime can pay for it by tying it."

"Ha ha, that's another convenient one"

"No, just a lucky try is a big element. I've never heard of that hit."

I guess I'll be remembering the results for a week or so.

No, I forgot that in a minute. I laughed when a friend pulled the trigger.

It's a hit in a way, isn't it?

"That's the thing. Is it like a wish?"

"That kind of thing. I'm doing it at the shrine, so I guess the odds look higher than the proper wish."

"If you ask me, you're convinced. Hmm, this sounds like a good business."

"Right. Maybe it's a good idea at the end of the year because money moves less and economic activity tends to stagnate. Ellis, do you think we can secure the budget?

"Yes, a lot of money was taken during the demon king's expedition earlier, but we could also advertise Weed using it, so the deal is booming and Weed products are selling well. Well, as I was saying, we're at the end of the year, so economic activity is becoming passive, so I thought it might be a good idea."

Oh, did you get any motivation?

"I've been relaxing at home lately, so don't try these events"

"Right. It's nice to take care of your stomach at home, because I want stimulation."

Oh, you're free because you're pregnant.

"Please, don't work too hard."

"Whatever you do, I'll make sure you don't strain your belly child. But I'll do paperwork or something. Now, let me know more about the end of the year and the new year. We don't have that much time to prepare, so we don't have time to relax."

Okay, well, what happens to Weed's year-end year?

Oh, I need to clean up.

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