Hisshou Dungeon Unei Houhou

pit 64 moat: hypothetical summons conditions, and on the trend of aloulito

hypothetical subpoena conditions, and on the trend of aloulito

Side: yuki

The other day, I had my head full about the new Draoe.

Now that I think about it, I'm going to sum it up here because I spoke appropriately before this, the summons story is fine, and I think there might be room to consider it.

Well, first, let's think about the matter of summons.

A summons is a summons of a person. A superior summons an object under his/her control. That it makes sense, that at this point, there is a relationship between up and down.

In other words, basically, the side to be summoned means that, for those who call, there is a perception that there is an underneath, an understatement.

Well, in the story, it is generally natural to feel the power and be called after accepting the Lord's obedience from the beginning. There may be common sense that

Therefore, it is perfectly natural that the calling side, such as the king, the princess, and the summoner, should obey the calling side.

This basically means that it is rarer on the side of being summoned: a man of valor who is called, thanked and welcomed.

Well, I see what the words of summons mean.

Then let's figure out why next time we go into the foolishness of kidnapping people, even if we think in common sense, of making a summons rather than another world.

As a matter of fact, I understand that the caller is guilty of kidnapping at a time when a person is being summoned. No, even if it's not a person. With the right knowledge, reason, and social nature, they would be judged to be kidnappings and have some kind of behavior.

That's why it's a different world.

For example, Kuniku, who has kidnapped human beings from various countries on the planet today, is under considerable diplomatic pressure, and his heart certificate is not good.

Not to mention, if you use the subpoena only for your own world in a different world where there are dragons and so on, it could be excessive in your own hands, direct damage, royalty of another country, or the possibility of calling monsters.

For example, the kidnapping of dignitaries by the royal family of another country, whether in response to a summons or in a friendly or external way, may never be done as a country.

In other words, the condition arises that if a summons is to be made, it must be called from a place where there is no nuisance for itself or for all the places concerned.

If you are free to choose and summon your opponents, it means that you should summon the enemies' generals and other powerful men from the ground up and defeat them in full swing.

So if you can only narrow down the terms to some extent, you should avoid calling out of this world of your own. So the condition that it comes from different worlds becomes normal.

If we are to go into further detail, it is conditional upon the fact that, as Serraria said, there is no ability, no technology, that the other world can interfere with here.

If you don't, they'll attack you for good reason.

Because if you find out that your people are being grabbed, you can move with dignity and justice in the name of a great good name.

I think this is the same for Earth.

If the Earth is connected to a treasure trove of many resources, there is no more reason to interfere.

It doesn't matter which country on earth or anything.

If you have the fact that someone from some country is being kidnapped, all you have to do is say that you are unforgivable as someone who lives on the same planet.

Well, that entrance is in relation to rights if it's to be opened exclusively in some country, and it'll be rubbed inwards.

Now I know why you bring people from a place called the Other World, but it's still thin as a benefit.

Further conditioning will be required.

As it stands now, "someone who can communicate with his will," "a different world who cannot interfere from the other side". This alone does not contain the conditions for the things sought by the country or the summoner.

All of this is the premise. I can't talk to you unless you decide on this.

In other words, the next is a condition of hope for the caller.

Well, it depends on the application, but simply a lot would be "strength".

Why, because it is an absolute criterion at a low level of civilization.

There is no knowledge, but it is called by places with low civilization levels, so we cannot imagine a civilization that has progressed further than ourselves.

In the opposite sense, even if the place of the advanced civilization possesses the subpoena technique, it does not subpoena.

'Cause whatever excuse you make, it's kidnapping.

It is very disgraceful that where we have a civilization at the Earth level, we have the technology to be able to do so in an indiscriminate manner, wherever we really are subject to condemnation.

Well, I would also consider using it badly, as mentioned earlier, but it would not be difficult to imagine that it would be possible to designate an individual and, if poorly done, could trigger inter-state or interstellar warfare.

It can be judged no surprise that there is more technology than ourselves if we reach a certain level of civilization, but we cannot imagine that there is more civilization than ourselves, technology, when the level of civilization is low. Because the basement itself is not there.

Note that accidental accidents and the like are not included in this story.

That's why the condition of "strength" comes, and it's low to enter the condition with the realization that knowledge won't change that much.

He called in too much wisdom. He could threaten you.

Then there's something else: "You ask me these things. Makes me wish".

If you change the way you say it, it's "listen to anything". I want my hands and feet, my soldiers, my men.

To put it another way would be to say "don't think deeply," "simple," "peaceful thinking."

The other details, however varied, would be general, conditions to be attached when summoning.

"Someone who can communicate," "A different world who can't interfere from the other side," "Strength," "Ability," "Hear anything."

These are perhaps the conditions attached to the summons by the world at a low level of civilization.

Well, "ability" is fine for "strength," but this is not very good because it includes knowledge and other things.

Tyki, you were probably "capable".

Now, based on all this, let's think about what kind of person you deserve.

"I can communicate."

This is a promise, besides being able to understand words when traveling to different worlds, but that's not what I mean.

Literally, can you communicate your will even if you don't understand the language?

You don't have to have words or body language, so that means you have more than a certain amount of "intelligence" and "reason".

"different worlds that can't interfere from the other side"

I have explained this quite a bit in the foregoing, so I will write this briefly.

Too expensive a civilization, doesn't call people from where technology is. They may not be conscious, but this is what they look like in short.

"Strength," "Ability"

Without these, the wishes of the summoner who called cannot be fulfilled.

"Strength" and "ability", however, cannot be clearly described, as they depend only on the criteria of the calling side, on what you want.

Moreover, those who call from different worlds may also have some sort of correction, which would not be a criterion of judgment such as superiority or inferiority in the original world.

These are theories such as putting a hierarchy on the world and there is a criterion of power in the world itself that exists, if you pull the things of the upper world from the lower world...... but well save it because it has no direct bearing on this matter.

"Listen to everything"

Finally, this is it. If we do not listen to ourselves, it is because there is no point in calling and it is one of the important conditions.

But when asked what kind of person is listening to anything, it depends on people, "good people," "I don't think deeply," etc., and there are both good and bad, interpretations, depending on whether there is a reward or not, so I guess it changes a lot to suit the image on the side of the call.

Now, those who meet these conditions are called, but well, as an exception is omitted, this alone would never be a good chance of a "Japanese" being called.

From now on, the question is, why is the "Japanese" called? in that

Well, I'm hardly even going to discuss this, but I'll explain it to you.

Because the condition of "brave man" is narrowed to "Japanese" in one case of Drak-O.

We know the meaning of a special "brave man", and when we meet the aforementioned conditions, there are many "Japanese students".

There are few people in the world who are intelligent and have a pure yearning for the brave.

The one who says it badly but admires the "brave" is an asshole who hasn't seen reality.

I'm not saying everyone hasn't seen reality. With that contradiction, there are also people who have remained "righteous allies" in that way for the rest of their lives.

Yes, "righteous allies" and "brave men" are the same in a sense.

I love this detailed explanation because it will be long again, but both, as we grow up, we know and give up the contradictions, the difficulty, the reality.

So those who know the negative side of "brave" will not honestly rejoice in being called brave.

Don't think about it, a fool is called.

Well, the fool wouldn't even notice the fact that it's being used, though it would be an unrelated story because he thinks it's at his convenience.

It can only be a coincidence how they were further called "brave men" or "first figures" to be named.

Because the chickens talk about first or the eggs first.

We can only speculate if we talk here.

Of course, the story of the "Japanese", known as the "brave", is only speculative, but so far I do not think it is a view close to the facts with proof by the circumstances.

That is why Alourito has so many "Japanese" people called in the name of "brave men," speculation.

Finally, I cut and threw away "self responsibility" in the matter of Drak O, but the reason for that was never that Drak O just wanted to do it, but rather cut and threw away it as a decent, thoughtful, unthinkable thing.

Yes, it's the answer to deep thoughts. Me and you, Tyki.

I want to explain that.

In the first place, what people call "correctness" does not exist in nature.

No, there is no such thing as "good or evil".

This "good and evil" is only necessary for a person to create and live a society.

It's some sort of rambling argument, but if you don't live in a person's society, you don't need "good or evil".

There is just "life" and "death".

Now, as you can see, neither "good" nor "evil" are just things prepared by people.

In other words, "good" and "evil" are determined by reflecting the will of those who live in that society.

This will be easy to understand if you look at history.

"Slavery", an already abominable method in a society called Earth, was also normally present long ago, not until a hundred years ago.

This was considered a "slave" to society and was only socially "good".

However, it is a well-known fact that this is treated as an abominable matter, also to be called "evil" for the modern era.

Let us omit this story to some extent because it will be long when we talk in detail, and say that it was not corrected because human rights, social structures and many other elements were intertwined and overshadowed, but just wrong "evil".

Now, I think we've talked about a difficult story, but if these are Japanese students, instead of middle school, we're talking about learning them in elementary school.

as the knowledge of history. It's up to the individual to see and think about this.

Already, if you have a general education, the possible basement is given.

"Good" and "evil" by a person's society are the values of the time, and if they are dissatisfied with it, they will be replaced by revolutions and other rebellions.

For more reasons than that, I am right because I am a brave man!! If there are Japanese, for example, they are dirty in the first place.

Due to all the circumstances, if you have to play a fool like you, Tyki, you can't help it, but it's nobody else who picked it out, in person.

It's literally self-inflicted.

However, there is no way that a special, called "brave man" has any other option at his disposal, regardless of the circumstances in which he can only be summoned and obeyed as a slave.

Even if this is the case, if confronted, I will make recommendations based on temperate measures, etc., but only once.

Take responsibility for the path you choose. That's all I'm talking about.

So you don't have to worry about the area because the other person won't hesitate to even be Japanese.

side: Cleana

After reading the report on the summons compiled by Yuki, I thought.

"... the world Yuki was in is a scary place"

"... right"

Samantha, who was reading with me next door, seems to have the same opinion.

"Ten of these stories are threatened by the fact that their children are learning."

"... and it's just part of learning"

In addition to this, subdivision with mathematics, science, is endless.

"I mean, this is normal for the world where Master Yuki was"

"... In Yuki's world there are even more drills, taking this for granted. Only a small part of it will be easy to use for this world, and all the others will be wise men of the difference that has been made for this world. This, as Cellaria put it, is very important to control the subpoena system"

"Right. Serraria was to avoid Yuki fighting his opponents in the same town, but perhaps..."

"There is something missing from this report. Probably not deliberately written down by Yuki. All Japanese who are called are either fools or collaborators."

"The most difficult enemies for Yuki, Taiki, and Taizo are those who think, move on and hostile themselves"

"... yes. Just like them, knowledgeable and thoughtful, none other than the Japanese"

"Perhaps, reading this report, we perceive our hesitation towards the Japanese."

"... I think. So Yuki writes. If you are an enemy, I will not forgive you. and"

It says we're going to kill him before he makes us hesitant and deadly.

… a one-time recommendation.

Too little enthusiasm for Yuki.

Dean Populi was warned many times. The same goes for Hiffy. However, Yuki clearly states once if the target is Japanese.

This means that if Yuki thinks it's a mess, he'll do it instantly.

"Should we speak out for this readiness?

"... I don't know. But Yuki will surely suffer. You can't just leave that alone. We're your wives."

"Right. That's what love is all about!!

"Yeah. I think so"

There are no clear answers, good and evil change from person to person.

Yuki is right.

So we're going to be on Yuki's side.

... because that's how we feel.

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