Hisshou Dungeon Unei Houhou
Digging 50: For a Better Life
For a better life.
side: naruzia
"… so this dungeon is now dead, and the miracle of Master Elju has made it possible, for the first time in history, to run the dungeon at the hands of men. Mr. Elju's sister, Mr. Cellaria, has the highest authority, and now, here we are, this Labyris is the supreme authority in the dungeon on behalf of Mr. Cellaria."
"... here we go, the migrants of the new dungeons. My name is Labyris, the chief operating officer of this dungeon. Some of you will wonder why young people like me and women serve. That is because this dungeon was reborn, now the will of the late Lord Elju. This city, where you will live, is different from any place you have ever lived. I am in charge, but not the ruler. This is a city where the people who live here can communicate their will to this city themselves. I mean..."
Now in front of me, Mr. Ellis, whom I spoke to yesterday, and Mr. Labyris, the new migrants, for the operational purposes of the dungeon.
I mean, we're explaining to the fairies.
But how to explain it, what the speech is about. All of this, well thought out.
I was asking about the policy at yesterday's meeting and how to explain it to everyone else who had no idea...
Now he is supposedly dead, using Master Elju as a shield, saying that this is a city safe and for the people by the people.
I see, I can't even try to rebel with this.
If there is anything to rebel against, it is against the will of Master Elju, and if Mr. Labyris is too young, what he says is dissatisfied is evidence that he does not see each other as reciprocal.
In other words, the fact that this young girl or MC is a woman is in itself a wedge to curb rebellion.
At the same time, those who are dissatisfied have no choice but to make a statement on this occasion. Besides, in very unfavourable circumstances.
Here, in a way, sorting to live here. It's a sieve.
On the side, the real dungeon master, who is holding back with the other delegates, is relaxing...
... Well, what choice do we have?
Yesterday, in the end, the clock needle crossed the date.
Surprisingly, the faceted woman who now stands for me is with an ex-slave, who says she has never moved as an exchanger before.
I mean, that's how Yuki planted it so that they could get this far.
I wouldn't be very, but it's not something I can do.
Talk about not even completing the election of the next elder, but how groundless it is to train nearly 10 new exchangers.
Yuki looks like she's skipping, but I'll think of it from her own rules of thumb, probably the busiest.
When I think about it, twitching happens around me.
"... this is my skill as a Dungeon Master. If you all live in this dungeon, it's extremely small, but DP generates 1 DP in 10 hours per person. I used this DP and produced a sword, but it doesn't have to be this. You can discuss all sorts of things that are convenient for your life and let them out. Note that the method of using DP has already given master authority to the representatives of the species. Elder, Mr. Naruzia, could you please step forward?
As per yesterday's meeting, I'm in front of everyone inside to give a demonstration.
"Gentlemen, as we talked about. I have been granted master authority by Mr Labyris and authority to use DP. But as you know, this is not something you use with your personal greed. It's for everyone to think about and make their lives better. I currently have 1000 DP's of the DP I received. This is the DP we spend about 10 days getting. First of all, I got 1000DP to prove that I can use DP and a sign of trust in you guys. I use this to produce what I can only get in this dungeon, using 285DP."
That's how you open the operation screen and give out what you planned.
It's ice cream. One 5DP, with spoon.
Immediately, everyone will receive it.
"This is food called ice cream… right. It's a kind of treat. We discussed it yesterday and took the liberty of choosing things that everyone seemed happy with. How to eat…"
In front of everyone, open the lid and eat with a wooden spoon.
... Uh-huh, yummy.
It's the second time, but I'm not comfortable. I didn't know such treats existed...
Besides, what I'm eating right now is vanilla, but he said there are dozens of other flavors...
Honestly, I want to dominate all types with a pin-honed DP.
And speaking of which, why are we fairy clans with a lot of MP also calculating at 10 hours a DP?
because it needed to be aligned with other averages.
When people absorb an average of 1 DP in 10 hours, they plan to make a public announcement, so conversely, if you increase the DP that fairy people can use just because they have a lot of MP, the difference in the species.
In other words, it will be given advantages and disadvantages.
From the side it looks like the fairies are losing money, which is converting a lot of MP to DP.
Because of this, it's more a matter of multi-racial and cracks in, or immigrants stopping coming.
So now I've come to the conclusion that organisms in this dungeon, when they take 1 DP in 10 hours, will be fixed.
"Is that it? The creature means 1 DP in 10 hours... why don't we summon the demon in DP and add a lot more? Then you can eat all you want ice cream, Elder!!
One person who was delightfully eating ice cream just says it's a good idea.
"Oh, you didn't explain that. The dungeon modification that came yesterday was to be placed under the control of the Dungeon Master. However, DP cannot be absorbed from its dandruff modification. This is now guarding this facility and the dungeon, as is the demon."
"Uh, why?
"As you know, demons placed under the control and asylum of the Dungeon Master will obey orders. Do you know why?
"... why not?
"That's because when you're put under dungeon master asylum, you don't have to eat. Demons originally occur naturally in the magic buildup and engage in predatory behavior to compensate for their magic. But under the shelter of the Dungeon Master, you can use the efficiency of converting your MP to DP to maintain yourself. Regardless, the stronger the demon, the bigger the MP it takes to maintain it, but it's largely in the range in time with its own conversion efficiency. Don't eat anything, if you have a demon that won't die, you'll be able to absorb DP too."
"Chi, I knew it wouldn't work"
I actually thought the same thing about "Demon Livestock Plans!! I pushed," but it was dismissed lightly.
That's right. If there was such a way, you'd already be practicing it.
It means you can't cheat anywhere in the world.
Mr. Yuki, there are other ways to inject MP directly via the Dungeon Master, but that's Yuki's own safety. and not for the safety of the core.
We, members of Designated Protection, thought that, in the first place, with Designated Protection, DP absorption itself would cease.
In other words, you can't even convert MP directly to DP.
In the unlikely event that MP pouring is possible for people who don't have the designated protection, that's also a problem because it allows unscrupulous DP requests for those who can't pin a hane.
Especially a fairy clan with a lot of MP would use it to set it free.
No, worst of all, that leads to a multiracial crack.
It's an environment where you can't really cheat. No, it's pretty cheating even in its current state, so it would mean that the high hopes are too high.
Oh, my heart is now leaning in the direction that I'm going to live permanently in this dungeon.
Honestly, unless Mr. Yuki is distracted, this dungeon is safer than anywhere else on this continent right now.
In the unlikely event that the cooperating countries break away or numerous countries attack, it will not be possible to break the protection of this dungeon.
-First of all, in the great army, it is impossible to proceed.
· Next, it is possible to disable hostile forces on numerous traps.
Skills and magic sealed fields are mostly set.
· Possession of the weapon is possible by placing it in the basic sheath. There is even a penalty for pulling it out outside the designated location.
A seal that triggers paralysis the moment you unplug it with Yuki's special item? Apparently, they attach.
-Yuki can't even scratch people in the dungeon with designated protection.
The only thing that worries me is that they will accept travellers, merchants, adventurers, etc. who are not migrants in the future, so civil unrest with it.
However, the designated guardian must have a specific transfer ring and be able to leave immediately.
The ability to communicate via call at the fastest possible speed.
That it is possible to suppress the demons deployed.
And in the future, designated guardians will stand Doppelgenger as an influencer.
From these points of view, the less I think about it, the less reason I'm doing it from here.
Nature I don't think is in the dungeon, or the weather.
Here, maybe. It's time for people to think. It would be the best place.
And you've been thinking too long.
"Well, if you want ice cream, we handle it at the training center, at the city store, so you can buy it, right?
"Huh!? Is it true!!
"Yeah, we're going to talk about that, and we're going to talk about the job of getting paid to buy that item, so listen carefully."
"Alright!! Something is motivating me!!
I wondered about handing out such a great preference, but it seems to have inspired everyone more than I thought.
Some people will get stuck in this environment, because that's a personal problem.
"If you're done eating ice cream, throw it in this trash can. The same goes for the city, but to keep it clean, this trash can is installed everywhere. Please don't throw it around there. This is important to keep hygiene, or weird diseases, out of the epidemic. Nobody wants to eat rotten things, right? Properly disposing of it prevents rats, etc. that feed on the bad stuff, from breeding."
Mr. Ellis will collect the garbage while giving an explanation.
"That? I know rotten things are bad, but why can't rats that eat them breed?
Oh, you asked me the same question. Think about it and you'll see, but, well, I can't help it.
Because I don't normally think that much.
"Yes, that's a good question. Why do you think rats are fine with eating bad stuff?
"Isn't that because rats don't get sick?
"Yes, you're right. But just because rats don't get sick doesn't mean we don't."
"Oh well. Rats can be fine or we can't be. So when rats that eat what we shouldn't eat reproduce, the disease spreads... Mr. Ellis is amazing!!
When the child who asked the question is impressed, they all nod as if they were listening around.
"No, I was taught myself, too. And it's the same about the bathroom. By properly managing and handling excrement…"
"Oh, that's going to keep you sick too!! Heh, the bathroom is amazing!!
"Thank you for understanding. So if you see a rat or something as much as possible, it is preferable that you finish it off. Dispose of it by incineration without thinking about eating rat meat, even if it is incorrect. Also, the toilet is installed in each location, so I think it can be used properly unless it's too much. Thank you all for your cooperation."
"" "Yes" "
Then, after I finished collecting the garbage, I spared a little while and moved on to guide and explain the training facility.
"This is where you all came at the gate yesterday. It is basically a place for bickering and getting forgiven, and a lounge room. Drinks here are free, so don't hesitate. But there is a limit to the amount that comes out, so you will all discuss it in the future and decide on your role to replenish it. We will also make our own meals. This will be a training center, so get used to it so you can live alone in the future."
"Is that it? Are we leaving here at the end?
"Yes, if you find a job well and earn money, it's not impossible to have one here on your own either. You have them in your city neighborhood, but you'd better start by working hard here and saving money. Stay tuned for guidance outside of the training facility as it begins tomorrow."
"Heh, I'm looking forward to it. Even my own house!! Awesome!!
It is normal for us fairies to gather 3 or 4 people to live together.
Only those with special roles such as me or hobbies that require a private room own a personal home.
It's to be safe. How much, even though the fairies excel as individuals, they don't really interact with other races and live deep in the woods.
And with that, there are all kinds of dangers.
But we don't have that here.
Until now they have been forced to live together, they will have a lot of dreams to spread too.
And I looked around at places to prepare everyone's meals, rooms to train and study, food storage, cleaning tools, everything.
When I was doing that, Mr. Ratz came over here with some weird tools.
"Ellis, what do you say? If you don't mind, I'd like to take a picture?
"Yeah, it's okay, Rats. Now, folks, in Training Room A, we're going to do what we need to do to complete your ID, so follow me."
So, one person at a time, they used tools that emitted weird light.
There's nothing particularly wrong with that, but what is a picture?
I'm actually reluctant to ask about my ID, too, and I don't know what form it will take.
"Ellis, we're all done shooting. All you have to do is print, hang up, paste, press the splint and write down the issue date... a lot!!
"Rats, calm down. Yuki and the Labyrinths will help, won't they?
"Yeah, that's the only salvation..."
"I'm on my way to the bathroom, as planned. We'll figure it out in the meantime, won't we?
"Huh. Me, can I go back to the inn?
"No, you can't. You can tell Yuki."
"It's a joke. There's no way I can do something that your brother doesn't like!!
It also seems like a lot of trouble to make some kind of ID.
"Now, before purchasing, let's sweat it out. In a way, it's a specialty of this dungeon."
Mr. Ellis leads by laughing nicely.
Was it definitely a bath?
I'm also basic, bathing. Extremes of luxury, such as deliberately adjusting water to the temperature people put in.
Why, is there such a thing...
That's why I took a bath.
"Yes, gentlemen. I have quite a few things to remember from here. Hey, Tori and the others, I'll get help. Take off your clothes in the stripper first"
When Ellis says that, for the demonstration, Tori, Riel and Kaya will take off their clothes on the spot and put their clothes in one of the netting cages that they have a lot on their shelves.
Was it in there? I'm taking out a large towel and a small towel.
"Like the Tories, put your clothes in a cage, take out the larger and smaller towels inside, just hold the smaller towels, and the larger towels in the cage again. Then grab a small towel and come in here. Tori and Riel will lead the way. Kaya will guide you with me."
"Leave it to me!!
"... Roger."
And the bath had an expanse of peach origins that I'd never felt before.
Refreshing feeling to clean your body in order of shampoo, rinse and soap.
Sinking your body in hot water, it feels different from overlapping your body with your loved ones.
Dangerous, he said he had long water enough to do it around the water.
It's around the water, isn't it?
"Yes, when you get up, wipe your body thoroughly with a large towel. Also, clothes and towels will be washed individually. Let's do the laundry where I showed you earlier."
I listened to the description of the laundry as I dreamed, and the trouble I would have at a later date was another story.
"Elder, how was your bath?
Currently, after a very tasty dinner and welcoming Mr. Ellis, I inadvertently asked him what he thought of the bath.
"That's a very good one. Tomorrow, we need to make sure the kids appointed to clean the bath are properly cleaned."
Yeah, naturally, if the bathroom was dirty and muddy, I would punish those kids severely.
"That's good. As you may have noticed, some places use baths as entertainment facilities. There's also an open-air bath with a view outside, foot water with just feet, and a bath that looks like a waterfall..."
"Oh no, even that bath is great!? Do you have an even more hobby bath!!
It's already a blue sky thunderbolt. As the words say, it feels like thunder has suddenly fallen!! I couldn't even predict!!
Overlapping luxury is exactly that!!
"Yeah, yeah. As a matter of fact, I also manage you..."
"I'd love a guide!! By appointment, you have a tour of entertainment tomorrow. Then by the end of the day, I will have to preview what I represent!!
That's how they put their hands on their shoulders from behind when they approach.
"Boulders are elders. I didn't know you'd notice how wonderful your bath is…, let this Millie guide you. And in addition, taste the supreme joy of drinking in the hot springs!!
"Hey, what!? Drink more alcohol in that extravagant bath beyond!? Are you allowed to do that?
"What are you talking about? We run this place. I mean, rules and all that stuff we decide. Whether you can't or not, you have to try. Different?
"No!! Mr. Milly is right!! You don't have to practice to get answers!!
"Come on, let's come!!
And I jumped out of the facility holding hands with Mr. Milly.
"Oh, uh. And you don't know, do you?
side: Rats
"Kuh, did you end up past dinner time? But what's your word in time?
"Right. But issuing an ID is quite a hassle. Let's also think about borrowing a hand from the fairies in the future. More than 300 next."
"You don't want to think about it. Keep your head down and secure personnel."
I'm going to give you my completed ID while I talk to your brother about that.
And why only one sheet remains on hand.
"Well, Mr. Naruzia is an elder, isn't he? Is that the bathroom?
"Isn't that the place?
That's how we tilt each other's necks, Ellis comes...
"Um ~. I'm an elder, but I think Millie and I are going to the spa facility to do a drink. We jumped out about 30 minutes ago, so I thought it was just exciting..."
I just want to compliment Mr. Naruzia for not holding onto his ID card.
"You're kidding me!!
In the meantime, Millie prays the elders aren't a bad alcoholic as usual.
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