Hisshou Dungeon Unei Houhou

573rd Moat: Forgotten Things

Forgotten Things

Side: yuki

"Easier and more relaxing than I thought."


"I wondered what would happen when Agust made that statement."

Talking about that are the three former princesses of Cellaria, Lulua and Sheila, who had quite a bit of political involvement.

Earlier, the first day of the Great Talks in Betan was over and we were going to discuss our plans for the future, but we are all just surprised that the talks are over, without being rougher than we thought.

"… puzzling. Why do countries only impose so loose sanctions on Agust for making such a stupid statement?

What to say was that once he was certified as a princess by King Agust, he was also a diplomat to Uemura Weed.

Well, it's not just a diplomat, it's an appointment to a key position on the brink, more than having a solid connection to me or Cellaria. It's unlikely on modern Earth, but I guess on a civilizational level in this world.

Anyone will see that it is easier to do this using cleaner than sending a new messenger poorly. You can talk to me and Cellaria directly, so it won't take long to see.

Conversely, even from us, it would be easier to attach a glimpse to King Agust because Cleana was adopted and certified as a princess. I mean, I just want to say I'm here to see my stepfather.

Simplifying connections using this position is common in modern times.

It's not official, but it's unofficial and we can just meet.

For Cleana herself, there would be some discomfort that she was made to renege on her promise, but the benefits could be greater than that.

The concern to watch Weed downstairs soon also crushed him at that meeting.

You don't have to force yourself to interact with me, thinking that some country will boil down and complain about that proper attitude. And I cut it back.

Come on. You must just be in a hurry.

I didn't expect you to tell me you didn't have to do intercontinental exchanges.

I thought we were talking about not being able to pull each other off, and I shook him up, and Weed pulled off lightly.

So, Agusto is full bocco.

I wonder if, after I'm gone, the folks on the IF continent are stronger than I thought, because they're getting around to following me properly.

When I had that feeling, it was Samantha who answered Cleana's twinkle.

"... Perhaps the reason the sanctions are loose is because you may not be good at Weed"


"Yep. We are already daughter-in-law, and of course we know the true purpose of Master Yuki, so there is no question, etc., but we are only one nation on the other continent, not yet sure for the nations of the Ife continent. Based on them, Yuki's statement that we don't have to have intercontinental exchanges doesn't sound like something we can take from attacking or destroying."

Well, you can think about it.

That's about it. If you don't move in consideration, the king won't serve.

"Attack and destroy? There's no way I'm going to do that for nothing."

"Yes, but that's because we know about Master Yuki. But the people of the Yves continent are not even familiar with Yuki, of course, with the standing position of a country called Weed. The kings of all nations thought that what King Agust said earlier could be a war."

"... I understand the story. But that doesn't make it talk about easing sanctions on Agust, who accused Yuki of doing so. That's what's pulling my legs around."

"That is why, if we continue to condemn King Agust, relations between the Agust country and other countries will be worse. You know that could cause a massive war on the Ife continent, right?

"Mm-hmm. I know that. But that should settle you quickly in Agust vs. multiple countries. What's the point of purposefully defending Agust?

"I do. When it comes to war, money, of course, costs people and resources. Factoring it and finally overthrowing Agust, the nations will be haunted by the subsequent rule of Agust. It's very bad that intercontinental exchanges are delayed for that matter, and some kings think Weed is after this."

"What do you mean?

"If there is confusion in the Ife continent, it also means that the power to fight against the Rogali continent can be deflected."

"... Oh, I thought Yuki had deliberately rocked the Agust thing to make it easier for the Rogali coalition to control the Ife continent?

Pompous, hand-to-hand convincing cleaner.

Yes. The last soothing colloquial included this kind of background.

Isolating Agust, there were concerns that Weed's, if it was a war, might be a thought of the Rogali continent.

So it consolidated in the direction of keeping the big countries as close as possible to each other.

"You should say you've considered that possibility. In fact, we don't have time for Yves Continent domination."

"Mm-hmm. Exactly. It is true that Yuki is busy talking about the new continent in talks"

"Yeah, but there's no way Enalia, Jilba, who knows Yuki with her strength, can be so cheap to believe. If you look at the gap and do something about Yuki in the middle of nowhere, you'd think Zilva, Eneria, close to Betan, would be crushed first."

"I see. That's scary. So, in case you don't give us that kind of gap, are you trying to make your connections stronger on the IF continent?

"I think you're right. But you're the king of all countries, so maybe you have other thoughts that you don't even think about."

"I got the story. But is this good for Yuki? It's like Agusto made fun of me. Only the apology, the promise I made with Princess Innis to protect me, was also rebelled. It can be dishonorable and detrimental to Weed"

In the meantime, Kleena, who could understand the general flow and intentions in Samantha's story, now talks to me, who I think has suffered the detriment.

But I answer without any particular problem.

"Huh? Sure, I got an apology for this one, but I'm not charging Hiffy Holy Nation, or Amanda the Dragon Knight, for lending when I visited Agusto."


Everyone's eyes dot.

"... understood. King Agusto condemned Yuki because he owed me so much."

"... right? At any rate, I wanted to poke this one down and decide that I didn't owe you anything before."

"Oh, that happened, too. I've totally forgotten before, but you've done it in Agust, haven't you? Unlike Zilva, Eneria and Rhodey, they only came as Amanda's companions in Agusto, only the fact that they paid off the mercenary regiment. In fact, it was the king and his wife of a country. I don't know."

"You're going to need to take that into account. There may have been considerations around there that Mr. Cleana became a princess. I didn't know you had a king's wife, you paid your wages, that's not what you can do at the end."

"I asked you to avoid what would be a war. And it's with the power of other countries with no edge or itch. The Lancer School of Witchcraft had some financial assistance, so maybe it was still a thank-you note, but that's not going to happen for Weed either."

Cleana and Samantha understand why Agusto acted like that, and Cellaria, Lulua, and Shayla feel somewhat sorry for Agusto.

"Now Agust doesn't have his head up Weed either. You can make some disappointing money."

"Rats, don't be outspoken. Because it stirs up hostility. Weed can't even look him in the eye if he thinks he's in danger."

"I know. Let's adjust there and have Weed keep losing his mind by reducing it properly."

"Right. With proper assistance, there are feelings around here, and there will be less hostility. Well, we're going to be considering technical exchanges and trading products."

Such, it's Rats and Ellis who talk about economic penetration operations.

It will be difficult for Agust to say no to this story.

He says that he will also provide restitution, assistance, so if he does poorly, he may gladly lend the land.

In that case, a weed store with royal liver enters Agust in the sunshine.

"I don't want to talk about my dreams swelling. Thanks to this meeting, intercontinental exchanges will move forward. That's why I can't be alarmed, let's keep everyone on the lookout"

"" "Yes" "

"In the unlikely event that there is even a war, we cannot deny the possibility that the magic depletion of the Iph continent will worsen for that matter. In that case, we cannot fail to intervene, also in view of the beginning of intercontinental exchanges. That's a hassle. If anything happens, I'll put it away before it matters. This is also the security of Weed and the Rogali continent."

Yes. The stability of the Iph continent is important to both the Rogali continent and the Weed.

Of course, it's important when it comes to magic depletion.

So you wouldn't be looking a little further to think that Weed is losing money on this.

Well, that, too, would make it impossible for people to move once they started a war, because if inter-state exchanges using gates proceeded, refugees would begin to move with ease.

Refugees are very reluctant on the modern planet because of various problems such as insecurity on the receiving side, but fortunately, the Rogali continent, which is boiling in the good economy, is understaffed.

Every country will be happy to accept it. Finally, there will be many places to see it as a stepping stone for IF continental exchanges.

For that reason, I don't think war is going to matter that much.

You can fall either way for me.

"The rest will gradually take shape at the Great Conferences of the Rogali and Iph continents. Well, Weed just has to work hard to broker that. If you move too flashy, you're jealous and troublesome, you know exactly what happened to Nogosh, Noah, before this, right?

Everybody laughs when I say that.

Well, that god thing is more caused by my jealousy for you and me than by my jealousy for Weed.

Weed also talks about getting into trouble if he doesn't move around using the big country as a shield as a trinket.

We can leave the troubles of intercontinental exchanges to the big countries.

It would be reassuring to see that the Yves continent, which is wary of a weed named me, is not actively participating in intercontinental exchanges either. So no ambition.

"We know that the intercontinental exchange is going to be a round throw at the Rogali Union, the IF Union. So are the concubines from the New World?

Deluille speaks pleasantly.

Well, it's probably the New World that gets the most ravaged by Delieux.

"Exactly. It's been a little over a month, so it's time to make progress. Hey, Kagra?

When I say that, and I turn my gaze to Kagra, I see everyone else's Kagra.

Kagra, who gathered everyone's gaze at once, hits for a moment, but quickly regains his mind and opens his mouth, as usual, to see if he is already in the face of this boulder.

"... Yep. As Yuki said, Heiden is getting calm. Since talks are scheduled with the Findar Empire, the princess has contacted me to help. At that time, they're going to tell us about Weed. What are you gonna do?

Whatever you do, it doesn't matter to us about the New World.

I have no hand in not cooperating.

Now it will be sunny and officially recognized by Heiden and Findar to make it easier to move into the New World Survey.

And, thinking relaxed, I inadvertently got a call.

"Is that a mobe? Hey, what's up?

"Armed men are gathering in the villages of the Subians. What are we gonna do, kick some ass?

Uh, did you finally make your move?

So strange that you've been silent so far?

No, because of the gathering of kings of nations in Betan?

"You all heard it. Assemble the defense units in the subhuman village. Get in touch with Horst, Noble, Hiffy, Populi and Lefest in Beethan, too."

Well, I guess this is the real justification for intercontinental exchanges.

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