["Fuck, upstairs, you overestimate the summoner who awakened the heroic spirit three years later, the second awakened heroic spirit may not be affected, but the talent of the first awakened heroic spirit is definitely not strong , Huang level low segment, really can't be higher!!"]

  ["I feel that the heroic spirit looks quite imposing, and it should not be in the low Huang level."]

  [“Indeed, in terms of the momentum he just came out of, the low rank of the yellow level should not be enough. Anyway, there can be a high rank of the yellow level.”]

  0・・・For flowers・・・

  ["It seems that you don't understand the summoner who awakened the heroic spirit in the last three years... This kind of summoner has exhausted his potential, do you understand? It's not bad to be able to awaken the heroic spirit, and it's still in the high rank of Huang level. I think too much. !!!"]

  On the barrage, I looked at Sikong Zhen who came out of the portal.

  No one could unite him with that veiled thunder god method.

  In addition, there is the blessing of three-year awakening in the day and night. .

  They all thought that Sikong Zhen was a heroic spirit whose talent did not exceed Huang level.

  Heroic spirits with talent at the yellow level mean that their strength will never break through the yellow level! !

  Fortunately, Sikong Zhen couldn't see this barrage.

  If he sees it, I am afraid that the barrage will be directly smashed with thunder! !


  Inside the Tower of Demon Seeds. .

  The altar is polarized.

  On the other hand, student No. [-] is fighting fiercely with dozens of first-order demons! !

  The sound of the fierce battle was extremely surging. .


  "Ha, look at my big move, deaf roar!!"

  "Flying Dragon Shatters the Sky!!"


  During the battle, from time to time, I can hear some skill moves that are relatively second to the second (hot-blooded soundtrack). .

  And the other side.

  Bai Ye and Sikong Zhen stood at the back.

  Standing quietly, staring at the battle ahead (soundtrack: Ah Xin press~~~~~~ eh, frame~~~~~~)! !



  The battle gradually came to an end. .

  Fifty or sixty first-order demons were simply not enough for this student number ninety-nine. .

  Also as expected.

  Half of the candidates did not kill a demon at all.

  At the end of the first layer, the resources of the magic seed are completely insufficient. .

  Shangguan Yinuo returned with a few people.

  "Kill five first-order demons and get a first-order demon crystal!"

  He reported his results. .

  "Kill a first-order Demon Seed without getting Demon Seed Crystal!!"

  "I didn't kill the Demon Seed!!"

  Several other people also quickly reported the results. .

  Except for Shangguan Yinuo and Song Rentou, no one else killed the Demon Seed! !

  "That, your name is Bai Ye, right!!"

  "Study hard and watch well, I believe you will be able to take the college entrance examination next year."

  After several people finished reporting, Shangguan Yinuo looked at Bai Ye and said.

  Later, he noticed Sikong Zhen beside Bai Ye.

  "This is your heroic spirit, isn't the talent of heroic spirits high, is it a low rank of Huang level? Alas, little brother Bai Ye, there is no way, the talent of heroic spirits is low, it's not all your fault... try to improve! !"

  "The second awakened heroic spirit won't be so bad!!"

  Shangguan Yinuo comforted Bai Ye and said.

  Several other people also cast sympathetic eyes.

  Although he was angry that Bai Ye was a fairy, he was unlucky to meet him.

  However, three years later when others woke up the heroic spirit, they still had to take the heroic spirit college entrance examination and pursue their dreams.

  They feel that this kind of courage is worth learning. .

  white night:".........."

  Sikong Zhen: "............"


  PS: Nima, the defense was broken, the person ran halfway, and almost didn't recover!Seeking to order Yanzu!Xi.

Chapter [-] The ninth floor!Lord of the Magic Tower! (seeking to follow)

  Chapter [-]

  "Let's go...to the second floor!"

  Again, there was no chance for Bai Ye and Sikong Zhen to explain.

  Shangguan Yinuo said hurriedly.

  All the monsters on the first floor have been killed, and the passage to the second floor has been opened.

  Next, they need to go to the second floor. .

  The others nodded.

  The other overseas candidates were already in a hurry and rushed to the second floor impatiently.

  Nor can they be left behind.

  "If you feel that the battle just now has benefited a lot... you can leave first and have some insight with the heroic spirit yourself!!"

  "You can also go to the second floor with us, but don't make trouble!!"

  "Don't make trouble!"

  Shangguan Yinuo looked back at Bai Ye and said.

  Then, with a few people, they walked towards the portal leading to the second floor. .

  Bai Ye shrugged. .

  "The little devil now is really rude!"

  Sikong Zhen shook his head and said, and then his expression changed.

  "Let's go, let's go up too, Lei Ting's power tells me that this tower is not easy, Lei Ting needs to go to a higher level to feedback more accurate information!!"

  "Also, this is an excellent training place!!"

  "It should be no problem to be promoted to Samsung Summoner here!!"

  Bai Ye looked shocked.

  "Samsung Summoner...!!"

  You must know that there is still more than 3000 experience points to be promoted to Samsung Summoner.

  It has only been less than a month since he was promoted to a two-star summoner last time.

  "Walk around...promote to [-] stars!!"

  Bai Ye suddenly became impatient.

  Promoted to Samsung Summoner, then he will have temporary self-protection ability.

  In the event of an unexpected situation, even without summoning a heroic spirit, he can solve it with the bonus of heroic spirit power! !

  ......"Six Zero Seven"....

  When Bai Ye teleported to the second floor, there was already a battle in the second floor! !

  Still a first-order demon.

  It's just that there are significantly more.

  There are hundreds!

  However, in front of the crazy candidates, these hundreds of first-order demons were still being torn apart wantonly. .

  All the candidates are vying for the last kill of the monster.

  In this way, they can earn points for kills.

  Bai Ye and Sikong Zhen still just found a more peaceful place, and then stood there quietly watching.

  The first-order demons are still not Bai Ye's dishes.

  No matter what, he is useless. .

  Wait until this fight is over.

  Everyone, start resting in place!

  After all, the continuous battle, even if he called a Samsung Summoner, he couldn't stand it!

  Shangguan Yinuo saw Bai Ye standing in the open space.

  Came with the other eight candidates.

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