"What is in front of you is a sea of ​​second-order demons... This kind of group of second-order demons, even if a Samsung senior summoner comes, they will not be able to pass the level!!"

  "It's hard to imagine that the eighteenth floor is already so difficult!!"

  607 "What about the [-]th floor, and the [-]th floor after that!!"

  "It's a hell of a challenge!"

  "It's no wonder that the highest level in history has only reached more than [-] layers, it's terrifying!!"

  The commentator Shen Shanshan agreed: "Indeed, no one knows how many floors the Tower of Demon Seeds is the highest, and no one knows, above the [-]th floor, is it an eighth-order Demon Seed!!"

  "A place like crazy!!"

  "Actually, I don't understand why this year's Yingling College Entrance Examination Hall is chosen here!!"

  The commentator Han Lei said: "Why, of course, this is the best training place for every Heroic Spirit Summoner, and if you don't enter the upper floors, it is safe, and the most important thing is that our camera equipment is all over the place. Below the [-]th floor!!"

  Shen Shanshan replied, "That's right!"

  "The candidates are very self-aware, and most of them will exit the Tower of Demon Seeds on the ninth floor!!"

  "The highest, it is estimated that it is this group. It has reached the eighteenth floor. It should be the strongest college student in all history!!"

  Han Lei: "Okay, let's turn our perspective back to the Tower of Demon Seeds!!"

  "The two final candidates are still supporting!!"

  "These are the last two people in the entire exam room!!"

  "Who will be the last to leave the Demon Seed Tower!!"

  "let us wait and see!!"

  The commentator Xiao Fei suddenly shouted: "Fuck, no, there are more than two people, there is another person in the Tower of Demon Seeds, my God, there is another person!!"

  The camera in the live broadcast room instantly pulled to the seventeenth floor.

  I see.

  On the seventeenth floor, Bai Ye was doing warm-up exercises, looking very leisurely (soundtrack: Ah Xin uu~~~~~~ rack~~~~~). .

  With Shangguan Yinuo, who has achieved hardships on the eighteenth floor, and the arrogant son of the beautiful country, they are polarized!

  After a while.

  The Heroic Spirit beside him seemed to have said something to him.

  Then one person, a heroic spirit walked towards the eighteenth floor teleportation channel! !

  Explaining Xiao Fei: "My God, why hasn't the candidate Bai Ye teleported out of the Tower of Demon Seeds, what is he doing, go to the eighteenth floor, is he crazy?!"


  PS: Seeking to subscribe! .

Chapter [-] Yao, solve the battle quickly!Familiar voice!

  Chapter [-]

  The moment of the live broadcast zoomed in, and the commentary Xiao Fei suddenly shouted.

  Immediately surprised everyone!

  The two commentators took the lead to look at it suddenly.

  Explaining Han Lei: "My God, why is he still here in Bai Ye, what is he doing now, leading to the eighteenth floor??!"

  "Is he crazy?!"

  Commentary Shen Shanshan: "He's just a candidate who wakes up Heroic Spirit for a month. What is he trying to do? You want to gain experience. Going to the eighteenth floor now is too whimsical. The two strongest people are almost at the moment. I can't take it anymore!!"

  Commentary Xiao Fei: "Stop, if you go to the eighteenth floor, you will be instantly killed, you may not even have a chance to crush the card!!"

  There was excitement in the commentary. .

  The audience also exclaimed.

  ["Fuck...what is this immortal doing, what the fuck, I thought he had already crushed the ticket and went out when he was on the ninth floor!!"]

  ["It's awesome...it's the first time I've seen such an awesome immortal, it's really killing me!!"]

  ["I thought he was very self-aware before, but now it seems that I overestimated him. Now I want to go to the eighteenth floor to see, it's not the time!!"]

  ["Wait, he is likely to be the first college student to die this year!!"]

  ["The heroic spirit college entrance examination, death is inevitable, but, if you die like this...!!"]

  The barrage watched Bai Ye step by step towards the transmission channel leading to the eighteenth floor. .

  They all exclaimed. .


  White Night Home. .

  "Brother..., don't go!!" Bai Xiaodie exclaimed.

  She never thought that Bai Ye was still in the Tower of Demon Seeds at this time.

  "How to do how to do!!"

  Bai Xiaodie was very anxious.

  At this time, she was a little flustered, obviously asking her about the heroic spirit. .

  "Something's wrong, your brother has never been such a reckless person, what is he trying to do...!!"

  The voice in his head mused.

  Let Bai Xiaodie settle down a little.

  "He's just a rookie summoner. According to his usual cautious personality, he should have left on the ninth floor!"

  "However, at this time, he walked to the eighteenth floor passage without hesitation!!"

  "This kind of thing is not right at all."

  "Could it be... He was controlled by the powerhouse who came into contact with him! 〃.!" The voice in her mind instantly gave her a guess. .


  "Isn't that brother very dangerous now, what should I do!!"

  Bai Xiaodie exclaimed. .

  "The will of the powerhouse is not something that he can violate at this time."

  "Don't worry, just wait and see how the situation changes. At the last moment, I will consider making a move!!" The voice in my head sounded. .

  Filled with a sense of stability. .

  Bai Xiaodie's excited emotions gradually calmed down.

  His eyes stared at Bai Ye, who was about to enter the eighteenth floor. .

  Hands clasped tightly.

  At this moment, she made up her mind that she must practice quickly and fully awaken the heroic spirit as soon as possible. .

  She wants to protect her brother!


  The Tower of Demon Seeds, the eighteenth floor!

  Swish! !

  A sword slashed out, forcing back a second-order demon that approached. .

  "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!"

  Shangguan Yinuo leaned on his sword and gasped heavily. Two of his heroic spirits, who had been injured in the battle, were taken back by him.

  Now, in front of hordes of second-order demons.

  He is already at the end of the shot!

  A glance out of the corner of his eye.

  Looking to the other side.

  The candidate from the beautiful country was also pushing back the second-order demons with a single sword. .

  However, compared to Shangguan Yinuo, he seems to be at ease.

  Under the siege of several second-order demons, he even looked at Shangguan Yinuo with spare eyes, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

  With a defiant smile. .

  The corner of his mouth moved, and Shangguan Yinuo said a spoken word. .


  Shangguan Yinuo looked slightly annoyed. .

  What he said just now is clearly rubbish!

  This is definitely a mockery of him. .

  Since becoming a Samsung Summoner, the people around him have regarded him as the first pride in the capital.

  At this moment, someone dared to mock him. . .

  This was absolutely intolerable to him before. .

  However! !

  At this time, he is already at the end of the shot. If he wants to continue to stay in the Demon Seed Tower.

  He will be in danger at any time! !

  gritted his teeth. .

  "Damn it!!"

  "I don't believe it, you can still hold on!!"

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