"Do you think this is my last killer move...!!"

  "Aren't you thinking too much!!"

  Bai Ye was somewhat overwhelmed by his current strength.

  For a three-star summoner, no matter how powerful the feedback is, it is still at the earth level. With the blessing of an artifact, the most powerful sword is at the level of heaven and man. .

  Heaven-level power, against the gods.

  He is naturally self-aware.

  At this time, the master of the magic tower was a little puzzled.

  I don't understand what Bai Ye's self-knowledge is about! !

  Just suddenly! !

  He felt an incomparably terrifying force above the sky, constantly boiling! !

  Boom! !

  The sky began to thunder.

  The sound of thunder resounded throughout the world! !

  At the same time, there was a snort, an extremely majestic light drink.

  "Tian Lei Yin!!"


  PS: Seeking to subscribe! .

Chapter [-]: Thousands of caves are blessed, peace and worry - Jia Luo! (seeking to follow)

  Chapter [-]

  I saw that Sikong Zhen was surrounded by dazzling electric light, and his eyes were slightly condensed.

  The right hand stretches straight ahead.

  next moment!

  The outstretched right hand suddenly fell.

  "Tian Lei Yin!"

  After releasing the mad lightning strike, unlock the Tianleiyin!

  The power of Tianlei was originally extremely powerful.

  At this time, he was promoted to the rank of heaven and man, even if he did not enter the thunderous mode.

  The thunder attracted by Tianleiyin has completely surpassed the level of heaven and man! !

  Boom! !

  Click! !

  The loudest roar.

  A huge thunderous sound resounded in the sky.

  Zizizizizi! !

  A powerful thunder and lightning condensed out of thin air, creaking in the sky, ready to go.

  Boom! !

  Click! !

  A giant pillar of thunder, like a punishment from heaven, instantly tore an incomparably huge gap at the top of the towering Demon Seed Tower! !

  A terrifying thunderbolt suddenly poured down.

  "Do not!!"

  "Stop, you bastard!!"

  At this time, the master of the magic tower finally came back to his senses.

  Looking at the dazzling blue huge beam of light, he let out a trembling roar. .

  However! !

  The sword energy in front of him has not dissipated.

  Still under the scythe of the god of death in front of him, raging.

  At this time, he was completely unable to escape from this terrifying thunder pillar! !

  He has come to understand.

  The sword qi that Bai Ye slashed out was just a trick to delay him!

  This thunder pillar connecting the heaven and earth is what Bai Ye said, the real gift. .

  "Hahaha...Old guy, how about this big gift...I'm still not satisfied!!"

  Bai Ye's laughter passed through the thunderous noise at this time.

  It was clearly introduced into the ear of the Lord of the Magic Tower, and his blood was suddenly surging.

  I wish I could immediately cut Bai Ye down. .

  "Yao... gone!!"

  The last voice of Bai Ye entered the ears of the Lord of the Magic Tower.

  next moment! !

  boom! !

  The giant pillar of thunder connecting the heaven and the earth has crashed into the tower of the devil,

  The dazzling blue electric light instantly illuminated his entire world into a blue 04 color!

  A huge altar, under the terrifying thunder!

  constantly being devoured.

  The entire Demon Seed Tower was constantly being ravaged by the violent thunder. .

  The entire Demon Seed Tower turned black. .

  "Little devil...you remember it for me, I will never let you go..."

  In the vague voice, such a voice came.

  boom! !


  Outside the Tower of Demon Seeds.

  All the candidates and examiners stared at the huge thunder pillar connecting the heaven and the earth. .

  Their pupils vibrated constantly.

  The trembling in his expression was all written on his face. .

  "This... what a terrible power this is!!"

  "Who is the powerhouse, who is here to challenge the Tower of Demon Seeds..."

  "Too powerful, simply too powerful!!"

  Countless students muttered to themselves. .

  Su Xinyu also looked horrified, but after that, her expression became worried.


  Bai Ye actually used an artifact. .

  The power of the artifact is extremely powerful.

  And what kind of crisis can Bai Ye use the power of the divine weapon! !

  Su Xinyu didn't know.

  at the same time.

  Someone let out a loud roar. .

  "The data is out, the data is out!!"

  "This round of the Demon Seed Tower challenge is over!!"

  "Fuck..., what the hell is this guy called Bai Ye, Wanima, on the forty-ninth floor, what kind of monster is this!!"

  "This is so...what's the situation!!"

  "Fuck, what the hell happened!!"

  Countless people exclaimed, wondering what the hell this candidate called Bai Ye was. .

  And only Shangguan Yinuo, and eight other candidates with him.

  Eyes vibrate. .

  "Ju... It's actually a white night, the forty-ninth floor... How is this really a rookie summoner who has only awakened heroic spirits for just over a month?!"

  "The newcomer is a real newcomer, just why, he can be so powerful!!"

  Then, they thought of not long ago.

  They all pointed at Bai Ye with the attitude of a senior, and their faces turned red. .

  This is so special!

  In the case of global live broadcast, they actually pointed out such a proud person. .

  Global society is dead! !

  Especially Shangguan Yinuo.

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