I saw that the sky was blue, and a few rays of sunlight shone down.

  What comes into view is a wide plain surrounded by green grass that has just sprouted, full of vitality.

  The two figures stood opposite each other.

  A person with short blue hair, a blue robe, holding a gorgeous-looking long sword in his hand, his face is calm.

  It's Kai!

  And the one who opposes him.

  He has short, fine hair, a white robe, a wine gourd hanging around his waist, and a long sword in his hand.

  When Su Xinyu saw it clearly, she suddenly exclaimed.

  "Fuck.... Qinglian Sword Immortal - Li Bai!!"

  "Why is he here!!"

  That's right!

  The person who looked at each other with Kai holding the sword was Li Bai, the sword immortal who ranked first on the Heaven and Human Ranking that they knew well! !

  Su Xinyu didn't know why Sword Immortal - Li Bai suddenly appeared in Kai's CG animation.

  And as Li Bai appeared again, the audience in the live broadcast room exploded instantly!

  ["Wori...Jianxian - why is this handsome Li Bai here..., what's so special, looking at their posture, they are going to fight!!"]

  ["What's the situation, what's the matter, I'm going to fight Li Bai all of a sudden?!"]

  04 ["I think everyone heard the voice just now, the only rule here is to fight, obviously they are going to fight!!"]

  ["Woooooo, I'm going to have sex with my idol... I look forward to it, I look forward to it!!"]

  ["This wave, directly and unconditionally support the idol Li Bai... Jianxian will win!!"]

  【“That’s right, the Sword Immortal will win!!”】

  【"Sword Immortal must win!!"】

  Sword Immortal - Li Bai's popularity is very high.

  Not only because he won the battle between heaven and man, but also because of his unrestrained and unrestrained knight character.

  Plus, good wine, like poetry, who doesn't love it!

  Now compared to Kai, the audience of course supports the sword fairy - Li Bai! !

  When Long Guo watched Li Bai appear, it was a jubilant scene!

  At this time, overseas audiences saw this.

  Immediately, the frenzy started again.

  There is no other reason. In the last battle between heaven and man, Li Bai defeated all overseas heroic spirits.

  In the battle between heaven and man, he was almost alone! !

  Previously, it was because the gods and gods were not on the list, only Li Xin.

  Therefore, they have no idea what to do about Li Bai.

  But now it's different!

  Now on the list of gods, the gods grab it!

  Li Bai is only in the rank of heaven and man, after all, he is still a line away from the gods.

  So, they are completely true.

  Spray directly.

  ["Heh... what's so good about two players in the Heaven and Human rank?!"]

  【“Even if they play brilliantly, they are just two clowns jumping on the beam!!”]

  ["Under the god level, all heaven and man are ants, it's really not a joke."]

  ["The battle between the weak chickens is absolutely nothing to watch, anchor, shut it down... There is no need to continue watching!!"]

  【"Yes, close it...!"】

  Su Xinyu: ".........."


  These overseas audiences are purely here to spray people.

  Ignoring them, Su Xinyu looked at the central battlefield!

  Kai and Li Bai were still standing. .

  Sudden! !

  boom! !

  boom! ! !

  The ground trembled. .

  Su Xinyu looked up, her pupils shrank suddenly.

  I saw an incomparably huge figure walking slowly towards this side. .

  It seems to be a body formed by machinery, a huge body that completely covers the entire sun.

  And as this huge mechanical giant blade approaches...!

  The battle between Kai and Li Bai has officially started! !

  The corner of Li Bai's mouth twitched slightly, revealing a smile, as if he didn't pay attention to Kai at all.

  Kai, on the other hand, looked slightly condensed.

  A little suddenly at the foot.

  Swish! !

  The figure instantly turned into a blue streamer, and the next moment, it appeared in front of Li Bai.

  The long sword in his hand has been split out! !

  Ding...! !

  A crisp sound.

  After Li Bai easily caught the sword, he quickly launched a counterattack.

  The long sword suddenly swept across!

  Swish! !

  Above the sharp long sword, there is Yingying Sword Intent surrounding it, as if to cut through the air.

  In the face of such a sharp sword.

  Kai didn't agree at all.

  With the long sword in his hand, he immediately greeted him.

  Ding! !

  The crisp sound of sword collisions resounded throughout the battlefield.

  The two are instantly separated.

  Li Bai's speed was as fast as lightning, and he stabbed with a sword.

  Swish! !

  Kai easily avoided.

  A sword swept across, instantly forcing Li Bai back. .


  Li Bai secretly said, looked behind him, and almost stood on the edge of the cliff.

  Before he could continue to think.

  Kai was already carrying the knife, turning into a blue streamer and approaching.

  Once again a sword slashed from top to bottom! !

  Ding! !

  It was another clash of crisp sword sounds.

  Li Bai swept away a few meters in an instant.

  Kai continues to chase after him! !

  The figure of the two fighting, instantly turned into a streamer.

  Ding...ding...ding. .

  The sound of swords colliding is endless! !

  Swish! !

  Compared with strength, after all, Kai, who possesses the sword of magic, occupies the top!

  The long sword suddenly swept across! !

  Li Bai was instantly knocked out.

  And the giant who came up from afar was already standing in front of them.

  Li Bai took advantage of the situation and flew over the giant's arm.

  Along the huge arm, keep running upwards.

  Kai is still unrelenting, taking advantage of the situation to pursue! !

  ["Fuck... what's the situation, Kai is actually chasing Li Bai to cut... Nima, did I read it wrong?!"]

  ["What's wrong with me, it's because of my eyes... How come I saw Jian Xian - Li Bai is being chased and chopped by a man, what happened!!"]

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