And the rear.

  All the soldiers were also extremely neat and orderly, lining up to keep up with their shields.


  A mighty momentum surged in an instant.

  Whoa! !

  The terrifying momentum spread in an instant.

  The general was running to the front.

  Stop where you are!

  A spear in hand! !

  All the soldiers instantly understood and rushed over from his side!

  Boom boom boom! !

  Shields are stacked on top of shields, forming an extremely solid barrier in an extremely neat and orderly moment! !

  This scene is too exaggerated.

  Just an action, a look.

  Almost the entire army attacked at the same time, and the movements were neat and uniform, without a trace of slowness and delay! !

  This is the army team of the Dragon Kingdom in its heyday! !

  It's just terrifying! !

  Whether it is military discipline or momentum, it is the heyday of the world! !

  Such a stern and majestic military team, the audience all over the world watching it is stunned! !

  A shock in my heart rises again! !

  And when everyone is shocked! !

  In a cloud of dust.

  The enemy, showing their sharp minions! !


  PS: Today is almost [-] words.... [-] words should not be a problem, [-] words may be a bit difficult, but I will make up for it tomorrow! .

Chapter [-] Dongfang Yao debuts! (seeking to be determined)

  Chapter [-]

  Swish! !


  In the gray smoke, a figure rushed out in an instant.

  Although the figure is a humanoid, it has a strange appearance, and the whole body has the feeling of heavy metal.

  The first one rushed out quickly.

  The second one!

  The third one!


  Afterwards, countless alien invaders, like ocean waves, were endless. .

  "My God... Alien invaders, really alien invaders...!!" Su Xinyu covered her mouth and exclaimed.

  It's just speculation.

  Now, after seeing the true appearance of the enemy, everyone has been determined.

  It is an alien invader, invading the earth.

  Only then can this terrifying army move forward with such caution! !

  [" really an alien invader...this is so...our ancestors, really are already fighting aliens!!"]

  ["Hahaha, the Eternal Emperor... With such merits, the Eternal Emperor is true to its name!!"]

  ["Those cubs overseas... species, have you seen it... Our Dragon Kingdom once resisted alien creatures, but you have nothing to do with Blue Star..."]

  The audience of Longguo boiled.

  With such an ancestor and such an eternal emperor, how can the people of the Dragon Kingdom not be proud or proud?

  On the other hand, overseas.

  There was absolutely no sound at this point.

  How arrogant they were before, how frustrated they are now.

  I thought I could ridicule the dragon country for a long time by taking advantage of the lack of gods in the dragon country, but I didn't expect that the mysterious summoner in the dragon country today actually performed miracles one after another!

  In the end, he actually awakened such an eternal emperor who dominates the list of gods! 04

  Really scary! !

  All the overseas audiences were silent, just quietly watching the alien invader, like a tsunami, attacking the invincible army! !

  Boom boom boom! !

  An endless stream of alien creatures rushed towards the shield barrier guarded by soldiers. .

  next moment!

  The two sides collide! !

  Bang bang bang! !

  All alien creatures are not afraid of death, and they directly hit the shield barrier at the fastest speed.

  Su Xinyu was stunned.

  Not long ago, she also witnessed Kai on the battlefield, fighting to kill the Demon Seed.

  That bloody level is comparable to a medium-sized war!


  The alien creatures at this moment are completely incomparable to the flesh and blood of the demon species.

  Whether it is discipline, integrity.

  It's still the attitude of recklessness after receiving the order.

  All alien invaders are not comparable to the demons.

  At this time, the number of additions is huge.

  The offensive formed is like an overwhelming sea, one wave after another! !

  Su Xinyu knew that if it was an ordinary army overseas, it would be against alien creatures of this level.

  It may be the end of the crash.

  There is no surprise at all! !

  horrible! !


  At this time, they were facing the most powerful and inexplicable empire in the Dragon Kingdom.

  The ruler of the empire also went into battle in person at this time.

  In addition to the command of that general!

  This is destined to be an unmatched division! !

  Swish! !

  Before all the alien invaders launched the first wave of impact attacks, before they succeeded.

  From behind the barrier cast by the shield, a long spear has long been ready to go, and is fully prepared! !

  Murder, instantly emerged! !

  Countless long spears, in an extremely orderly situation, pierced out from the cracks of the shield barriers at almost the same instant! !

  boom! ! !

  Endless cold glow, flashing.

  All the alien invasion creatures that rushed up in the first wave flew out backwards under this shot!

  A body made of machinery, pierced by a spear.

  Lie down on the ground.

  It should have lost its vitality. If there is still vitality, the alien invasion creatures are too scary. .

  However! !

  This is just the first wave! !

  In the rear, there are still endless alien invasion creatures, coming from afar.

  Su Xinyu, who was at the back of the battlefield, was almost suffocated when she saw this scene. .


  The war has already started in the blink of an eye.

  Its tragic level, if it is replaced by a human being, how tragic it must be! !

  At this time, the battle on the battlefield continued.

  The shield barrier is still strong, like an eternal city wall!

  And alien invasion creatures, it is wave after wave.

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